I need advice about/on ladies

Yes, you are right about that. I will definitely tell i'm a huge MJ fan and supporter, just hope she ain't someone who dislikes him, or has the completely wrong idea of him...cause lets face it, still many people do. That's somewhat of a 'fear' when meeting new people and telling them that MJ is basically a part of your life, i don't tell them that like that, but i do tell i'm a hardcore fan and supporter. Ah well, we'll see. :)

Someone else said this to me

" SHE LIKES YOU... Just ask her out. Suggest that you to have lunch just to Hang out and have fun.


I think this person sees things alittle too simple. I told the lady that i respect her decision, that she wasn't sure yet what she was gonna say to the invitation, i am not gonna rush things now. I don't want her to think ' Come on man, you said you understood what i said, and now you ask it again' .

Of course i could be wrong, and that person would be right. She could be the kind of girl that likes to be invites twice, one that awaits it.

My plan is to just chat a bit on MSN, just wait for a week or so..if she hasn't replied to my first 'invitation' by then...i could invite her again for lunch , nothing wrong with that. Or invite her at my place ( i live on my own) and make her dinner, that wasn't my idea..but someone else's. But might be great too.

Then you got other people who told me...dude don't get into the 'friendzone' when that happens, its over. then you are just friends, in my opinion you already are in the friendzone. So dont wait too long with inviting her again.

I think once you start to get to know her more then you should ask her if she wants more then just friendship.
Yeah, well i don't think i should ask that..i think that will become clear when/if we go out :)

The thing is, i get advice from several places, friends, people in general. Some say: Just take it easy, she said she was gonna get back to you on that (the invitation), give her that time. Others say: Dude, all this MSN stuff is not good, it'll get you in that 'friendzone' and trying to get out of that is hard, you want to get close to her, more than just friendship. So just ask her out again, in some way she already has given you a indication to invite her again, the text messages, that is.
And some others say: Dude you asked her out, she has talked to you in person, knows what you are like, some msn talk...why so much time to think about this? If she likes you....she'll love to go out with you, she's just waiting for that second invite.

I've been out of this 'thing' for a long time, i've gotten rusty at it, maybe even naive. So i am probably taking too much advice from too many people...and it confuses me, cause i don't know what's the best thing to do now, lol. In all honesty..there's nothing wrong with wanting some clarity, wanting to know if the girl only wants friendship or is seeking for more. But i was planning on just waiting a week or so...if by then i still haven't heard anything about it. Then i could simply ask if she has thought about it. Its nice to talk to her about the voluntary work, but so far its mostly that, when i go offtopic...i have a feeling that the interest isn't so big. But then again, this is MSN..you can't know what the other person is feeling or thinking....at all. If in the end we stay friends and nothing more, thats fine, but i like clarity :)

But asking that this week is just not the right time, cause friday she has a presentation for her study, she's nervous for it and if she passes , she's gonna party with a friend of hers, which is of course very understandable.
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Yes, you are right about that. I will definitely tell i'm a huge MJ fan and supporter, just hope she ain't someone who dislikes him, or has the completely wrong idea of him...cause lets face it, still many people do. That's somewhat of a 'fear' when meeting new people and telling them that MJ is basically a part of your life, i don't tell them that like that, but i do tell i'm a hardcore fan and supporter. Ah well, we'll see. :)

Someone else said this to me

" SHE LIKES YOU... Just ask her out. Suggest that you to have lunch just to Hang out and have fun.


I think this person sees things alittle too simple. I told the lady that i respect her decision, that she wasn't sure yet what she was gonna say to the invitation, i am not gonna rush things now. I don't want her to think ' Come on man, you said you understood what i said, and now you ask it again' .

Of course i could be wrong, and that person would be right. She could be the kind of girl that likes to be invites twice, one that awaits it.

My plan is to just chat a bit on MSN, just wait for a week or so..if she hasn't replied to my first 'invitation' by then...i could invite her again for lunch , nothing wrong with that. Or invite her at my place ( i live on my own) and make her dinner, that wasn't my idea..but someone else's. But might be great too.

Then you got other people who told me...dude don't get into the 'friendzone' when that happens, its over. then you are just friends, in my opinion you already are in the friendzone. So dont wait too long with inviting her again.
This really is wrong, if you do, you're precipitating and you certainly will scare her. Go with calm, is the best option. :yes:

Yeah, well i don't think i should ask that..i think that will become clear when/if we go out :)

The thing is, i get advice from several places, friends, people in general. Some say: Just take it easy, she said she was gonna get back to you on that (the invitation), give her that time. Others say: Dude, all this MSN stuff is not good, it'll get you in that 'friendzone' and trying to get out of that is hard, you want to get close to her, more than just friendship. So just ask her out again, in some way she already has given you a indication to invite her again, the text messages, that is.
And some others say: Dude you asked her out, she has talked to you in person, knows what you are like, some msn talk...why so much time to think about this? If she likes you....she'll love to go out with you, she's just waiting for that second invite.

I've been out of this 'thing' for a long time, i've gotten rusty at it, maybe even naive. So i am probably taking too much advice from too many people...and it confuses me, cause i don't know what's the best thing to do now, lol. In all honesty..there's nothing wrong with wanting some clarity, wanting to know if the girl only wants friendship or is seeking for more. But i was planning on just waiting a week or so...if by then i still haven't heard anything about it. Then i could simply ask if she has thought about it. Its nice to talk to her about the voluntary work, but so far its mostly that, when i go offtopic...i have a feeling that the interest isn't so big. But then again, this is MSN..you can't know what the other person is feeling or thinking....at all. If in the end we stay friends and nothing more, thats fine, but i like clarity :)

But asking that this week is just not the right time, cause friday she has a presentation for her study, she's nervous for it and if she passes , she's gonna party with a friend of hers, which is of course very understandable.
Here we are just giving suggestions and ideas for you. But what you really should do is follow your heart, this is reallyinfallible. :cheeky:

But you still do not know well, is just the beginning and you should go with calm and patience, if you really are 100% interested in her as a girlfriend.

Haste is the enemy of perfection. Fact. :yes: Have faith and trust that everything will be alright. I hope the wonderful conversations continue between you two. :wild: More luck to you! :punk:
Thanks alot for all your replies, i greatly apreciate that, thanks again :)

Had another great conversation with her, about all kinds of things, again about stuff that i really consider that you only expect to hear when people know eachother for years, so she really trusts me, that's pretty obvious, which is very good of course.

I agree, haste is never good. Also...these people are talking about the lady as if she's like every other girl. What i have learned from life is that every girl is different, each enjoy different things and things like that. Talking to this lady on MSN for awhile doesn't nessecarily mean i'll land in that 'friendzone' only to never get back out of it. I truly believe if she likes or starts to like me in a way more than just friends...she'll let me know, or simply say yes when i invite her for something.

Tomorrow she got that presentation for her study, so she's kinda nervous about that. I'm not gonna ask anything now. I might send a text message on friday, for something to do during the weekend for example. But like i said..the invitation shouldn't be the standard 'wanna go for a drink etc..' . Maybe not even a drink at all, maybe invite her to a standup comedy show (problem is, we dont get those too often here) but i am really gonna think about a nice place to go to...and invite her to that.

Any ideas maybe? :)
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it very interesting reading you topic and the advise that you've been receiving. It seems that there are two groups of people advising you here: i.e. those that wants you to be patient and those that are warning not to fall into the 'friends zone'.

One thing that you have to know is that 'if she doesn't fancy (like) you,then, she doesn't' and no amount of MSN chatting will change that. I suggest you ask her out again ; so that you will know where you stand before you get sucked in.
i guess those telling you to take your time are mostly women (not all) and those asking you to go for the it are men (not all). Whose advise will you take? I think both and somewhere between the 2. Try again agin no more than a week bcos you know she is single now. So, go for it and don't waste time playing "sweetie sweetie guy" else you will regret it. Also, I suggest you drop the cooking her dinner idea; It's BSand also you don't even know her that much. Just be youself

P.S: You said you will be 'ok with friendship' , which is something i don't believe because you clearly fancy her. lol

you don't have to take anyone's advise, just use you instinct.
Thanks alot for all your replies, i greatly apreciate that, thanks again :)

Had another great conversation with her, about all kinds of things, again about stuff that i really consider that you only expect to hear when people know eachother for years, so she really trusts me, that's pretty obvious, which is very good of course.

I agree, haste is never good. Also...these people are talking about the lady as if she's like every other girl. What i have learned from life is that every girl is different, each enjoy different things and things like that. Talking to this lady on MSN for awhile doesn't nessecarily mean i'll land in that 'friendzone' only to never get back out of it. I truly believe if she likes or starts to like me in a way more than just friends...she'll let me know, or simply say yes when i invite her for something.

Tomorrow she got that presentation for her study, so she's kinda nervous about that. I'm not gonna ask anything now. I might send a text message on friday, for something to do during the weekend for example. But like i said..the invitation shouldn't be the standard 'wanna go for a drink etc..' . Maybe not even a drink at all, maybe invite her to a standup comedy show (problem is, we dont get those too often here) but i am really gonna think about a nice place to go to...and invite her to that.

Any ideas maybe? :)

Everything is going very well. It seems that you two know each other a long time. I told you that many other issues would arise during the conversation.

Yes, every man and woman are different. People are never the same and we all have faults and qualities. It would be really horrible and boring if all people were equal. :lol:

On the next conversation, you can talk about her presentation. :yes: I'm sure you'll think of something very interesting to go together. Take your time and do not worry. The moment and the opportunity to call her out will happen at the right time. Remember that God works very hard and makes things happen on time. So do not worry. :cheeky: More luck to you! :punk:
it very interesting reading you topic and the advise that you've been receiving. It seems that there are two groups of people advising you here: i.e. those that wants you to be patient and those that are warning not to fall into the 'friends zone'.

One thing that you have to know is that 'if she doesn't fancy (like) you,then, she doesn't' and no amount of MSN chatting will change that. I suggest you ask her out again ; so that you will know where you stand before you get sucked in.
i guess those telling you to take your time are mostly women (not all) and those asking you to go for the it are men (not all). Whose advise will you take? I think both and somewhere between the 2. Try again agin no more than a week bcos you know she is single now. So, go for it and don't waste time playing "sweetie sweetie guy" else you will regret it. Also, I suggest you drop the cooking her dinner idea; It's BSand also you don't even know her that much. Just be youself

P.S: You said you will be 'ok with friendship' , which is something i don't believe because you clearly fancy her. lol

you don't have to take anyone's advise, just use you instinct.

The cooking dinner at home idea was not mine, it was from another forum. But i really wasn't gonna do this no, cause i agree....that's way too early. Lol, i'm not sweetie sweetie guy, i just didn't want to rush her, give her time to reply , since she said she would. But i know what you mean...i do have a habit of accepting alot of things and letting it go. There's indeed nothing wrong with asking it again. Just have to come up with something cool and unusual.

Oh i do fancy her, that is true. But what i meant with saying i am ok with friendship is when she lets me know she'd rather stay friends. I'll respect that and i won't try or build any more hope that she might change her mind, in that aspect i am ok with it. And staying friends in that case is good. :)


Everything is going very well. It seems that you two know each other a long time. I told you that many other issues would arise during the conversation.

Yes, every man and woman are different. People are never the same and we all have faults and qualities. It would be really horrible and boring if all people were equal. :lol:

On the next conversation, you can talk about her presentation. :yes: I'm sure you'll think of something very interesting to go together. Take your time and do not worry. The moment and the opportunity to call her out will happen at the right time. Remember that God works very hard and makes things happen on time. So do not worry. :cheeky: More luck to you! :punk:

I already talked to her about the presentation. Speaking of which...i guess i kinda expected a text message from her today about it. Simply saying if she succeeded or not, a small gesture but can be greatly apreciated.Then again, maybe it's me that should send a message asking how the presentation went, i was planning on doing that. A very nice place to take someone to for the first time is mother nature..or just a nice relaxing place with water, a park , things like that. Where you can just chill, walk around and enjoy it there. All that is left is to ask it in a more unusual and original way, nope not nessecary probably...but i want to :)
I already talked to her about the presentation. Speaking of which...i guess i kinda expected a text message from her today about it. Simply saying if she succeeded or not, a small gesture but can be greatly apreciated.Then again, maybe it's me that should send a message asking how the presentation went, i was planning on doing that. A very nice place to take someone to for the first time is mother nature..or just a nice relaxing place with water, a park , things like that. Where you can just chill, walk around and enjoy it there. All that is left is to ask it in a more unusual and original way, nope not nessecary probably...but i want to :)
I know you've talked about the presentation :yes:, I just wanted to say you could talk about how she was in the presentation, if everything went well, if she was nervous,these things. There is an idea to send a message asking how she was presenting. I think she'll be happy to see that you were rooting for her. Mother nature or a quiet place.... maybe a park? It is a good idea. I think she would accept. First, send a message and depending on her response, you may think about it, invite her to go somewhere. :cheeky: More luck to you! :punk:
I know you've talked about the presentation :yes:, I just wanted to say you could talk about how she was in the presentation, if everything went well, if she was nervous,these things. There is an idea to send a message asking how she was presenting. I think she'll be happy to see that you were rooting for her. Mother nature or a quiet place.... maybe a park? It is a good idea. I think she would accept. First, send a message and depending on her response, you may think about it, invite her to go somewhere. :cheeky: More luck to you! :punk:

Yeah i sent the message and she said it went very good. I have decided to wait till next week or sometime in this weekend, then i'll send her a message. This weekend i have all kinds of things to do anyway, and on sunday evening she has the voluntary work again. Plus, i personally think it's good to at least have waited a full week before asking her again. I said i respected what she said...and that she was gonna get back to me on that, maybe she will, maybe not. But i'll wait though.
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Yeah i sent the message and she said it went very good. I have decided to wait till next week or sometime in this weekend, then i'll send her a message. This weekend i have all kinds of things to do anyway, and on sunday evening she has the voluntary work again. Plus, i personally think it's good to at least have waited a full week before asking her again. I said i respected what she said...and that she was gonna get back to me on that, maybe she will, maybe not. But i'll wait though.
Legal she replied. :wild: I think you should wait a few days. She may find that you are pressing it. Time is very important. Do not worry you will know and feel when it will be the right moment. :yes: More luck to you! :punk:
Well big update, definitely all the clarity i wanted :)

I talked to her on MSN for a long time this evening, it was really cool. This time we talked about all kinds of things. We started talking about the things we do in our free time...and after awhile she said she normally has always plans for the weekend, but this time she didn't. And then she asked what plans i had, so i explained that i had to do a few things and then i thought...this is the perfect moment for it. So i said " I asked you this before, but it never hurts to ask again. Maybe you'd like to go do something together this weekend? Whatever that may be?"

Then she said "Ouch, a concience question, it definitely sounds very nice, but at the same time it gives me a suffocating feeling.(or is Oppressive the right word?) because she had agreed with herself on taking it easy for awhile. She didn't exactly know what it was, but this was going on for half a year now, while normally nobody could stop her in the dating game.
Last year she thought there was something but it turned out to be nothing, and this was for her a clear indication that she didn't want this for a long time.

She also said that she thinks i'm a very sweet,nice en finally a good guy, but something is stopping her. Normally she wouldn't even reply to notes, but she thought mine was so sweet, she had to. But it was obvious that this needs time, she couldn't promise if she would be ready for a drink in half a year or a year, as innocent as that may sound.

Well so there it is, i know what to expect now, just friends and thats fine too :).
Well big update, definitely all the clarity i wanted :)

I talked to her on MSN for a long time this evening, it was really cool. This time we talked about all kinds of things. We started talking about the things we do in our free time...and after awhile she said she normally has always plans for the weekend, but this time she didn't. And then she asked what plans i had, so i explained that i had to do a few things and then i thought...this is the perfect moment for it. So i said " I asked you this before, but it never hurts to ask again. Maybe you'd like to go do something together this weekend? Whatever that may be?"

Then she said "Ouch, a concience question, it definitely sounds very nice, but at the same time it gives me a suffocating feeling.(or is Oppressive the right word?) because she had agreed with herself on taking it easy for awhile. She didn't exactly know what it was, but this was going on for half a year now, while normally nobody could stop her in the dating game.
Last year she thought there was something but it turned out to be nothing, and this was for her a clear indication that she didn't want this for a long time.

She also said that she thinks i'm a very sweet,nice en finally a good guy, but something is stopping her. Normally she wouldn't even reply to notes, but she thought mine was so sweet, she had to. But it was obvious that this needs time, she couldn't promise if she would be ready for a drink in half a year or a year, as innocent as that may sound.

Well so there it is, i know what to expect now, just friends and thats fine too :).
Wow! :wild: The conversation was good. :yes: But I think she is trying to make things do not go beyond that for now and this moment is just friendship. And certainly she has noticed you want to go beyond friendship. :lol: But for that last conversation, it seems that she already had some heartbreak and do not want to get involved. :scratch:

Maybe she is disappointed with the men? :unsure:

You have to take it easy and leave because of the time. Continue talking to her normally, because she seems like a good person. :yes: You know, things can still change. :wild: :cheeky: More luck to you! :punk:
Oh definitely,but i'm not gonna put any hopes in that. We'll just continue on with the nice conversations and that's good. And yeah i think she has had some unpleasant experiences with boyfriends. Especially when she said 'You seem like a real nice,sweet and finally a good guy' . Definitely a indication that she has had some 'not so good' boyfriends. It sounded like a real nice idea to her, but something was still stopping her from doing it. Probably fear of running into a mistake again.

Someone else gave me the advice to not give up yet, he said...just try to see her face to face sometime, she hasn't had a boyfriend for awhile, and this is mostly because she's afraid of making the same mistakes. Convince her that you really want to start something with her, via on MSN or something else, but face to face. This way you can see her reaction and work from there.

She still hasn't said no, try to meet her 'coincentally' , and just talk alittle. Ask her out, she won't take it negatively, but face to face is much better. If she says the same things as before, ask her about it, how did it happen. Say that you ARE worth it. Go for it and don't give up because of one less positive answer.

I don't know about that though, i'm not gonna go there or anything. There's a good chance i might start working as a volunteer again after the summer, and i'll probably see her again then, we can just talk and who knows..maybe something will grow from there, but im not having any hopes.
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Interesting response. I think you shouldn't put all your eggs in that basket. Continue the routine (gym , etc) that you started and should you meet someone new go for it. Don't pin all you hopes on her. She will realise what she is missing when she realises you are dating someone else. Don't worry there a lots of fishes in the sea

Talk to her but don't make the mistake of always being available for a long MSN chart. Don't think the more you talk on MSN and the more "sweetie sweetie" you become, the higher your chance. lol

I ain't saying you shouldn't continue the chart, because that will look like you are annoyed because of the refusal; however, becareful that you don't become the "shoulder to cry on guy" afterall she she said : 'You seem like a real nice,sweet and finally a good guy' . Given that you said you are 'rusty' in the dating department since it's been a long time , take this as a lesson and experience.

P.S: Once again there are more fishes in the sea and don't worry i hope you find one. And continue with the activities you've started. You can PM me if you want eventhough i don't know how to use or acess them on this forum. Anyway, make sure you don't come across as a "Desperado". lol
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Oh definitely,but i'm not gonna put any hopes in that. We'll just continue on with the nice conversations and that's good. And yeah i think she has had some unpleasant experiences with boyfriends. Especially when she said 'You seem like a real nice,sweet and finally a good guy' . Definitely a indication that she has had some 'not so good' boyfriends. It sounded like a real nice idea to her, but something was still stopping her from doing it. Probably fear of running into a mistake again.

Someone else gave me the advice to not give up yet, he said...just try to see her face to face sometime, she hasn't had a boyfriend for awhile, and this is mostly because she's afraid of making the same mistakes. Convince her that you really want to start something with her, via on MSN or something else, but face to face. This way you can see her reaction and work from there.

She still hasn't said no, try to meet her 'coincentally' , and just talk alittle. Ask her out, she won't take it negatively, but face to face is much better. If she says the same things as before, ask her about it, how did it happen. Say that you ARE worth it. Go for it and don't give up because of one less positive answer.

I don't know about that though, i'm not gonna go there or anything. There's a good chance i might start working as a volunteer again after the summer, and i'll probably see her again then, we can just talk and who knows..maybe something will grow from there, but im not having any hopes.
I think you should continue talking to her normally at msn :yes: and avoid talking about it of you meet to do something together. Perhaps she might feel pressured. In my opinion, it must have been disappointed in any relationship in the past. :( Whatever will happen, going to happen. :yes: Do not worry. :cheeky:
Interesting response. I think you shouldn't put all your eggs in that basket. Continue the routine (gym , etc) that you started and should you meet someone new go for it. Don't pin all you hopes on her. She will realise what she is missing when she realises you are dating someone else. Don't worry there a lots of fishes in the sea

Talk to her but don't make the mistake of always being available for a long MSN chart. Don't think the more you talk on MSN and the more "sweetie sweetie" you become, the higher your chance. lol

I ain't saying you shouldn't continue the chart, because that will look like you are annoyed because of the refusal; however, becareful that you don't become the "shoulder to cry on guy" afterall she she said : 'You seem like a real nice,sweet and finally a good guy' . Given that you said you are 'rusty' in the dating department since it's been a long time , take this as a lesson and experience.

P.S: Once again there are more fishes in the sea and don't worry i hope you find one. And continue with the activities you've started. You can PM me if you want eventhough i don't know how to use or acess them on this forum. Anyway, make sure you don't come across as a "Desperado". lol

Very good advice, and i really wasn't gonna put all my hopes in this, actually not at all. I was just gonna continue the MSN talks now and then and leave it at that. And as i said before, i might be working as a volunteer again after the summer and then we can talk personally...if i don't have a girlfriend by that time, well then...we can always see what might happen. But again, now is now..and end of the summer, it's not even close to that ;).

As for the Shoulder the cry on guy, i don't think she sees me like that. So far the interest has been very mutual in terms of certain things. For example during my voluntary workweek she saw that i didn't eat too much one day, so she asked me about it warned me about 'hidden ilnesses' and never to take those things too lightly, and she asked me about other things. So i don't think i'll only hear from her when she has experienced something negative and comes to me only to cry...nah.

I am definitely gonna continue with doing some more volunteer work, but only at a completely different place. If i can work at a animal shelter as volunteer for awhile for example, that be great cause i love animals. Who knows who i might meet there. Or at the gym, but the gym is only part of the project i am following, when that ends, its up to me to keep going there by myself and by my lonely :).

I also wonder about what other places there , to increase chances of finding a nice lady. I am very aware that i won't find my type of girl if i go out to clubs (cause i dont....simply dislike it) or anything like that. Internet dating is of course a option too , but i bet there's more.

One thing is for sure though, i have taken it easy for almost two years, didn't feel the need for anything and its not to say i'm loney cause i manage great, i simply want a nice girlfriend again. Someone who is kinda like me, apreciating the little things in life, a big animal person, a good heart, if possible apreciating MJ too (else there's a problem,lol) just sweet and one who likes to crawl on the couch ,be all cozy and all , lol..and watch a movie or show ;)

I think you should continue talking to her normally at msn :yes: and avoid talking about it of you meet to do something together. Perhaps she might feel pressured. In my opinion, it must have been disappointed in any relationship in the past. :( Whatever will happen, going to happen. :yes: Do not worry. :cheeky:

Exactly, it'll just be MSN talk about all kinds of things, cause with her i can talk about several things in a very good and informative way at the same time. Like she said that she can't promise if its better in half a year or a year, is a indication that she really ain't ready for anything, so yeah, definitely something happened with previous boyfriends i bet.
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Very good advice, and i really wasn't gonna put all my hopes in this, actually not at all. I was just gonna continue the MSN talks now and then and leave it at that. And as i said before, i might be working as a volunteer again after the summer and then we can talk personally...if i don't have a girlfriend by that time, well then...we can always see what might happen. But again, now is now..and end of the summer, it's not even close to that ;).

As for the Shoulder the cry on guy, i don't think she sees me like that. So far the interest has been very mutual in terms of certain things. For example during my voluntary workweek she saw that i didn't eat too much one day, so she asked me about it warned me about 'hidden ilnesses' and never to take those things too lightly, and she asked me about other things. So i don't think i'll only hear from her when she has experienced something negative and comes to me only to cry...nah.

I am definitely gonna continue with doing some more volunteer work, but only at a completely different place. If i can work at a animal shelter as volunteer for awhile for example, that be great cause i love animals. Who knows who i might meet there. Or at the gym, but the gym is only part of the project i am following, when that ends, its up to me to keep going there by myself and by my lonely :).

I also wonder about what other places there , to increase chances of finding a nice lady. I am very aware that i won't find my type of girl if i go out to clubs (cause i dont....simply dislike it) or anything like that. Internet dating is of course a option too , but i bet there's more.

One thing is for sure though, i have taken it easy for almost two years, didn't feel the need for anything and its not to say i'm loney cause i manage great, i simply want a nice girlfriend again. Someone who is kinda like me, apreciating the little things in life, a big animal person, a good heart, if possible apreciating MJ too (else there's a problem,lol) just sweet and one who likes to crawl on the couch ,be all cozy and all , lol..and watch a movie or show ;)

Exactly, it'll just be MSN talk about all kinds of things, cause with her i can talk about several things in a very good and informative way at the same time. Like she said that she can't promise if its better in half a year or a year, is a indication that she really ain't ready for anything, so yeah, definitely something happened with previous boyfriends i bet.
Well, keep talking to her. She needs time and/or not yet ready for a new relationship.

But I think you should not be worried and disappointed because I have yet found a perfect girl for you. Love happens unexpectedly and when you least expect it, a special person comes and love begins to rise. Stay confident and do not be so worried about it. God always does things at the right time. :yes: :cheeky: