I need advice about/on ladies

Jan 17, 2004
I'm not gonna say girls anymore, i'm 27...so i think i have to say ladies. Besides, ladies is much friendlier as well ;)

Iv'e been unemployed for almost 1,5 years now. Before that, i had a great job for nine years, but hey , it is what it is, right? I did get into a small depression and wasn't interested in trying to find a nice lady or whatsoever. Simply sat at home most of the time, with my dog and i was fine with that.

Lately i'm really starting to feel like my old self again, i'm really trying to get a job, i'm following all kinds of projects which lead me to find a suitable job and things like that. I also am doing some voluntary work, so i am out of the house more and among other people...it's going great and i'm enjoying it alot.

And lately the 'interest' in women is coming back too, i notice that when i walk outside with the dog or by myself, i look at ladies and greet them or just enjoy those simple things, simply looking and nothing else. However, lately particular ladies have cought my eye, but i just ain't really good at this in life. People say..go out...talk to ladies, flirt with them...but no, i am not like that. I used to be incredibly shy when i was younger, and while i still might be alittle (as in not always looking people in the eyes when takling to them,not all the time that is) i am doing pretty ok in that.

I'll explain what i'm talking about. At this voluntary job, there's this lady, and i think i like her. But that's not enough, not enough to flat out ask someone out for a drink. I'd like to get to know her better...and i've gotten a bit 'rusty' at that. I'd like to start a conversation with her, talk about things. I just don't know exactly what. Maybe this is not something to ask advice/help for and maybe it should simply go automatically so to speak. Today i haven't had the chance to talk to her much, just a little. I know that she's a cat person, that she considers the cat as family, just like i consider my bulldog my family. So i know i can start a conversation about that next time. But what else? Like i said..maybe i shouldn't even ask advice on this, but i don't know. I'm only gonna be doing this voluntary work for a week, so i really hope to have gotten to know her alittle better and then i might ask if she'd like to go out for a drink with me, you know?

I ain't the outgoing person, with that i mean...clubs and things like that. That's not me. I also dont have friends in my neighborhood. All my real friends like like 2 hours away from me, it is what it is. I tried going to clubs by myself, or just concerts but it just aint really working for me..walking up to a nice lady and starting a conversation...tried, but didn't work. I have my own ways of trying to find a nice lady. I never tried internet dating sites, and for some reason i'm still not planning on doing that. Basically what is left for me is simply meeting someone by luck..in the park, in the store, anywhere. Or maybe on the working environment, anything like that.

Long story short..what are great subjects to talk to a lady about with? I am the type of person that can have great conversations with someone, but sadly i must have gotten to know the person alittle first, especially ladies. But anyways, i'm feeling real good...definitely some changes in my life now, with the project i'm following and the voluntary work, also going to the fitness club one day a week(part of the project too) so i might meet someone nice there as well. It's just that i don't like too many silent moments, i feel that its never good to have that. Nice and interesting conversations are much better, i just need to find out how, basically.

When i still had a job, and when i still had a girlfriend, i was very self confident and didn't worry about any ofthis. But it's pretty obvious i've become rusty at this, lol.
I think you should ask her about her cat. Ask her what the name of the cat is, how old. Stuff like that. Then I think you should tell her about your dog. Maybe that you like animals but you have a dog. (If she considers the cat like her family, I am sure she will love it). Ask her if she likes dogs. Just get her talking.

Everything starts with friendship and I think you should not be shy to talk to her. It would be interesting to talk to her about volunteer work. Ask if she has done volunteer work before, these things.... Since then many other issues arise and you will forget her shyness. Good luck to you! :)
they always say "if you say hi or started a conversation, you just did half of the job. the rest depends in the other person". Basically if she's interested in friendship or something else, she will continue the conversation. You probably could start talking about your volunteer work. Try to make her think that you are looking for a friendship, first :D
Good luck!
Turns out that my social 'skills' in simply talking are fine, i just got back from the voluntary work. By the way, the work that i do is take care of homeless people, make sandwiches and give them coffee/tea and just chat alittle with them. But i am doing this work together with my mom, today i had to sit next to the door and welcome the visitors and after awhile the lady i talked about joined me and we started talking and it went great. No problems or running out of subjects. We talked about all kinds of things, what she's studying and about how long she's doing the voluntary work now. We laughed alot and had a nice time.

And i could be wrong,but it looks like she's kind of more than interested into me, more than normally. Yesterday she asked me about my education and what kind of work i have done. I explained i have worked for 9 years, how i was a very shy 'little' guy and after those nine years not anymore. And she said...i agree, you aren't that shy at all. And today when i said i was really enjoying this work, she said 'wouldn't you wanna do this for permanently?' ..now of course, it's probably just a question but maybe she's also hoping i am gonna decide to do that. I really like her, can have nice conversation with her, plenty of humor.

I might choose to do this for a much longer time, but i don't know if they have the room for me...i'd have to ask the 'boss' there. However, i think just a bit more talking and all that..and i might simply ask if she'd be interested for going for a drink sometime. I have nothing to lose and anything to gain, right? And like i said..maybe i won't come back there ever again, so if i want to try to ask her out sometime..i should do that this week. It's like they say in my cuontry ' you go no, but you might just get yes' .
they always say "if you say hi or started a conversation, you just did half of the job. the rest depends in the other person".
It is just that!

Turns out that my social 'skills' in simply talking are fine, i just got back from the voluntary work. By the way, the work that i do is take care of homeless people, make sandwiches and give them coffee/tea and just chat alittle with them. But i am doing this work together with my mom, today i had to sit next to the door and welcome the visitors and after awhile the lady i talked about joined me and we started talking and it went great. No problems or running out of subjects. We talked about all kinds of things, what she's studying and about how long she's doing the voluntary work now. We laughed alot and had a nice time.

And i could be wrong,but it looks like she's kind of more than interested into me, more than normally. Yesterday she asked me about my education and what kind of work i have done. I explained i have worked for 9 years, how i was a very shy 'little' guy and after those nine years not anymore. And she said...i agree, you aren't that shy at all. And today when i said i was really enjoying this work, she said 'wouldn't you wanna do this for permanently?' ..now of course, it's probably just a question but maybe she's also hoping i am gonna decide to do that. I really like her, can have nice conversation with her, plenty of humor.

I might choose to do this for a much longer time, but i don't know if they have the room for me...i'd have to ask the 'boss' there. However, i think just a bit more talking and all that..and i might simply ask if she'd be interested for going for a drink sometime. I have nothing to lose and anything to gain, right? And like i said..maybe i won't come back there ever again, so if i want to try to ask her out sometime..i should do that this week. It's like they say in my cuontry ' you go no, but you might just get yes' .
Hey, things are going, huh? :naughty: lol! The conversation was interesting to you. That's good. :yes:

I see nothing wrong with you asking her to drink something. >>>> :cheers:Maybe you could invite her to a movie, it would be interesting because then you could discust among themselves about the movie. If you are really interested in it, you should not waste time and let the opportunities slip away. :yes:

Again good luck to you. :)
It is just that!

Hey, things are going, huh? :naughty: lol! The conversation was interesting to you. That's good. :yes:

I see nothing wrong with you asking her to drink something. >>>> :cheers:Maybe you could invite her to a movie, it would be interesting because then you could discust among themselves about the movie. If you are really interested in it, you should not waste time and let the opportunities slip away. :yes:

Again good luck to you. :)

The thing is, i am interested in getting to know her better. Cause i really dig her, and who knows what eventually might happen. If she is already seeing someone, then she'll probably say no..cause my question is pretty obvious. That in the long rong, we might end up together, not just friends. But if i don't try...nothing wll happen, and i got nothing to lose.

Thing is, tomorrow morning she'll be there, but i won't ,cause i need to go to another place for the project i am following, it's mandatory because i signed up for it. But i will be there tomorrow evening, wednesday morning and evening and so on (till this friday)..i'd be surprised if i don't see her anymore. And i'd like us to be alone when i ask her...cause thats better, cause if she says no...it won't be that bad for me, but when other peolpe are around..well, that's just not all that nice. So it has to be like today, where we are just sitting next to the door...and by ourselves. Then i'll simply say...i'd like to get to know you better, would you like to go for a drink?. And then we'll see.....but too many times it has happened that i didn't do anything at the end of the day , and i want that to stop :).
Simply asking someone nice out for a drink shouldn't be too hard.
The thing is, i am interested in getting to know her better. Cause i really dig her, and who knows what eventually might happen. If she is already seeing someone, then she'll probably say no..cause my question is pretty obvious. That in the long rong, we might end up together, not just friends. But if i don't try...nothing wll happen, and i got nothing to lose.

Thing is, tomorrow morning she'll be there, but i won't ,cause i need to go to another place for the project i am following, it's mandatory because i signed up for it. But i will be there tomorrow evening, wednesday morning and evening and so on (till this friday)..i'd be surprised if i don't see her anymore. And i'd like us to be alone when i ask her...cause thats better, cause if she says no...it won't be that bad for me, but when other peolpe are around..well, that's just not all that nice. So it has to be like today, where we are just sitting next to the door...and by ourselves. Then i'll simply say...i'd like to get to know you better, would you like to go for a drink?. And then we'll see.....but too many times it has happened that i didn't do anything at the end of the day , and i want that to stop :).
Simply asking someone nice out for a drink shouldn't be too hard.
I agree with your post. :yes: And in my opinion, when you meet again with her, you should really enjoy this moment. :cheers: And do not run the risk of losing it of view. If the conversation is wonderful, I see no problem, you asking for her phone number or e-mail or msn to contact. :wild:

Shipping more luck to you. :D
I agree with your post. :yes: And in my opinion, when you meet again with her, you should really enjoy this moment. :cheers: And do not run the risk of losing it of view. If the conversation is wonderful, I see no problem, you asking for her phone number or e-mail or msn to contact. :wild:

Shipping more luck to you. :D

Thank you :)

Personally i'd like to talk alittle more first before asking her out. All depends on if i'm gonna see her again at the place. But then again, if friday is really my last day there, i have to take the shot. I'll have to see if i can wait for a good moment, where she's just by herself and then ask it.

And maybe i'm reading too much into it, but the fact that she said 'well, maybe you want to work her permanently?' when i told her i was enjoying this, could mean something. Maybe she's hoping that i will. Maybe i have caught her eye as well, would be nice :).

Someone else said...simply invite her for a walk, then take her to her favorite place there. Order her favorite food or drink. It's also a good idea, but personally this sounds more like something that would happen after we have gotten to know eachother a bit better and have gone for just a walk or a drink. What this person recommended me sounds more like a first date kind of thing, i could be wrong.

Last thing for now, my mom has also spoken alot with that lady last sunday evening, i am gonna tell my mom about my plans to ask the lady out and if she has any idea if the lady is already seeing someone. Cause if she does, i certainly ain't gonna bother her with anything then, thats simply not me, that would be rude as hell.
Thank you :)

Personally i'd like to talk alittle more first before asking her out. All depends on if i'm gonna see her again at the place. But then again, if friday is really my last day there, i have to take the shot. I'll have to see if i can wait for a good moment, where she's just by herself and then ask it.

And maybe i'm reading too much into it, but the fact that she said 'well, maybe you want to work her permanently?' when i told her i was enjoying this, could mean something. Maybe she's hoping that i will. Maybe i have caught her eye as well, would be nice :).

Someone else said...simply invite her for a walk, then take her to her favorite place there. Order her favorite food or drink. It's also a good idea, but personally this sounds more like something that would happen after we have gotten to know eachother a bit better and have gone for just a walk or a drink. What this person recommended me sounds more like a first date kind of thing, i could be wrong.

Last thing for now, my mom has also spoken alot with that lady last sunday evening, i am gonna tell my mom about my plans to ask the lady out and if she has any idea if the lady is already seeing someone. Cause if she does, i certainly ain't gonna bother her with anything then, thats simply not me, that would be rude as hell.

I will pray that she has no boyfriend so you can get a story together. :D And if she really has no boyfriend and Friday will be his last day, I think it's a great opportunity for you to phone/e-mail it, so you do not lose contact. :yes: And after that, you can invite her to something. :cheers: More luck to you. :cheeky:

I will pray that she has no boyfriend so you can get a story together. :D And if she really has no boyfriend and Friday will be his last day, I think it's a great opportunity for you to phone/e-mail it, so you do not lose contact. :yes: And after that, you can invite her to something. :cheers: More luck to you. :cheeky:

Well, she did come to the place this morning, but i didn't get the chance to ask it. Cause i wasn't working with her, it was very busy and people around all the time. I really want to do it when nobody is around, i'm simply much more comfortable doing that.

Yesterday i told my mom that i was interesting in that lady and asked my mom if she know if the lady had a boyfriend. She didn't know. But she did help me out this morning. Earlier in the morning there was this visitor who jokingly said he was gonna go out with that lady, and she replied with ' no way , even if i wanted to..i can't i'm married.

So after the work was done and all the visitors had left, all the volunteers were taking a rest and my mom asked her 'So are you really actually married?' And she said...haha no of course not, that was simply a joke, i don't even have a boyfriend' . So that was real nice of my mom, now when i ask her out, the chance that she says yes is much bigger, which is very good. Also, if i don't see her friday anymore or just dont get the chance for it, i might leave a enveloppe with a small note in it, where i say that i unfortunetely won't be working there anymore, since it was only for just one week, but that i do want to get to know her better, if she'd like to take a walk sometime or just hang out. I'll leave my phonenumber on it, so she can text message or call me if she thinks its a nice idea as well.

The good thing about this is that i have spoken with her, we talked about all sorts of things, we laughed, so i am not a complete stranger to her. So a note shouldn't scare her off. Cause last year, somewhere in may ...a lady in a supermarket had cought my eye, and i thought it was vice versa because of the eye contact. Eventually i simply wrote a note asking her out, she text messaged me back saying that the note was real sweet and nice, but she was already seeing someone. But now in this case, i actually know the lady. Just not sure yet what i'm gonna do, either ask it in person or by a note. When i directly ask her, it might shock or surprise or startle her,but with a note..she can think about it first.
Well, she did come to the place this morning, but i didn't get the chance to ask it. Cause i wasn't working with her, it was very busy and people around all the time. I really want to do it when nobody is around, i'm simply much more comfortable doing that.

Yesterday i told my mom that i was interesting in that lady and asked my mom if she know if the lady had a boyfriend. She didn't know. But she did help me out this morning. Earlier in the morning there was this visitor who jokingly said he was gonna go out with that lady, and she replied with ' no way , even if i wanted to..i can't i'm married.

So after the work was done and all the visitors had left, all the volunteers were taking a rest and my mom asked her 'So are you really actually married?' And she said...haha no of course not, that was simply a joke, i don't even have a boyfriend' . So that was real nice of my mom, now when i ask her out, the chance that she says yes is much bigger, which is very good. Also, if i don't see her friday anymore or just dont get the chance for it, i might leave a enveloppe with a small note in it, where i say that i unfortunetely won't be working there anymore, since it was only for just one week, but that i do want to get to know her better, if she'd like to take a walk sometime or just hang out. I'll leave my phonenumber on it, so she can text message or call me if she thinks its a nice idea as well.

The good thing about this is that i have spoken with her, we talked about all sorts of things, we laughed, so i am not a complete stranger to her. So a note shouldn't scare her off. Cause last year, somewhere in may ...a lady in a supermarket had cought my eye, and i thought it was vice versa because of the eye contact. Eventually i simply wrote a note asking her out, she text messaged me back saying that the note was real sweet and nice, but she was already seeing someone. But now in this case, i actually know the lady. Just not sure yet what i'm gonna do, either ask it in person or by a note. When i directly ask her, it might shock or surprise or startle her,but with a note..she can think about it first.
:wild: :wild: :wild:

OMG! :swoon: Congratulations to her mother. :clapping: You really have great chances to get along with this girl. :naugthy: You have the way open and this is very good. :yes: I'm sure now you are very confident to be even closer to her. Friday is coming and I hope you can speak alone with her. I agree with you that this should be done when you're alone, there is not the appropriate place. I'm hoping that everything goes well between you. More luck to you. :cheers:
Tomorrow morning and evening i will be working there, and then it's over. So if i don't see her anymore, i will leave a enveloppe with a note in it there, and she'll probably see it next sunday. She can think about it, and if she's like ' hey why not' she'll either text message or call me. now of course i ain't a women and i ain't her, but my guess is that for her it would be nicer and probably more comfortable if its a note and not so unexpected and 'in your face' . Now she can think about it and decide later....but hey, what do i know? :)

If i however do decide to ask her in person, it would be nice to make something playful of the whole question. Kinda like " My dog would love to meet your cat" , not nessecarily exactly that, but at least something different from the usual ' would you like to go out for a drink with me' you know :)

I'll let you know how everything goes.
Long story short....:)

I didnt' had the chance anymore to ask her out in person, she wasn't present today and this evening will be my last day working there. I really don't expect her to come this evening, if she does...i will ask her out, but chances are slim that she'll be present.

I wrote a few things on a small piece of paper, basically i say its me, and that it was a pleasure to meet her and that i thought she was a real nice girl. That i would like to get to know her better. Maybe have something to drink in town or a walk in the park with the dog.

And she told me she's afraid of dogs cause she thinks they bite, so i said...i promise that my dog won't bite,lol. Cause just like her owner she's for peace. That i would have liked to ask her this in person but it just didn't happen like that. I left my phonenumber so she can text message or call me back.

That's basically it

I don't expect the letter to scare her, probably wont.
Long story short....:)

I didnt' had the chance anymore to ask her out in person, she wasn't present today and this evening will be my last day working there. I really don't expect her to come this evening, if she does...i will ask her out, but chances are slim that she'll be present.

I wrote a few things on a small piece of paper, basically i say its me, and that it was a pleasure to meet her and that i thought she was a real nice girl. That i would like to get to know her better. Maybe have something to drink in town or a walk in the park with the dog.

And she told me she's afraid of dogs cause she thinks they bite, so i said...i promise that my dog won't bite,lol. Cause just like her owner she's for peace. That i would have liked to ask her this in person but it just didn't happen like that. I left my phonenumber so she can text message or call me back.

That's basically it

I don't expect the letter to scare her, probably wont.

You did right. Now you just have to wait and see if the envelope was really delivered to it. But a miracle could happen today to you meet there. I hope everything happens ok. More luck to you! :)

You did right. Now you just have to wait and see if the envelope was really delivered to it. But a miracle could happen today to you meet there. I hope everything happens ok. More luck to you! :)

Just had my final working evening, she wasn't there, but no problem. I asked one of the co-workers there where to put the enveloppe so that it would't accidentally got lost or whatsoever. So she'll definitely receive it now. I will let you know how it turns out...of course :)
Just had my final working evening, she wasn't there, but no problem. I asked one of the co-workers there where to put the enveloppe so that it would't accidentally got lost or whatsoever. So she'll definitely receive it now. I will let you know how it turns out...of course :)

I'm glad that everything was ok. :punk: The time now is wait. :timer: :wild:
I just received a text message from her...

She said she found the note and thought it was real nice of me. She said she was gonna think about it and wasn't sure yet what she was gonna do cause at the moment she was taking these things easy lately. I would hear back from her about this.


I am just glad that i received a relpy, cause that's the least someone can do. Cause nothing sucks more if you are kind of waiting for a reply,no matter what it is gonna be about..and it doesn't happen. So that's good :)
Long story short....:)

I didnt' had the chance anymore to ask her out in person, she wasn't present today and this evening will be my last day working there. I really don't expect her to come this evening, if she does...i will ask her out, but chances are slim that she'll be present.

I wrote a few things on a small piece of paper, basically i say its me, and that it was a pleasure to meet her and that i thought she was a real nice girl. That i would like to get to know her better. Maybe have something to drink in town or a walk in the park with the dog.

And she told me she's afraid of dogs cause she thinks they bite, so i said...i promise that my dog won't bite,lol. Cause just like her owner she's for peace. That i would have liked to ask her this in person but it just didn't happen like that. I left my phonenumber so she can text message or call me back.

That's basically it

I don't expect the letter to scare her, probably wont.

I just read your thread. Nope, i don't think your letter should scare her at all. Good luck, may you hear from her soon :cheeky:
I just read your thread. Nope, i don't think your letter should scare her at all. Good luck, may you hear from her soon :cheeky:

Well thanks alot, but look above...there's a 'update' on it :).

I think i'll send a text message tomorrow, and i'll just say i respect this, of course. And that just like her, that i've been taking it easy for quite awhile as well. Cause just like how i simply expected a reply, i can imagine she might expect a reply from me back, so that she knows the message was received.
Sorry.. lazy right now.. so no english :p

Ik heb het verhaal niet helemaal gevolgd, maar groot gedeelte, maar als ik het zo lees.. en dat ze erover na moet denken om met je uit te gaan enzo... ik zou het weinig kans geven en uit je hoofd zetten, hoe leuk je haar ook vind...

Waarom denk je nu:

Als je echt haar type zou zijn, zou ze zeker niet twijfelen.
Vaak proberen meiden, zeker als ze zien dat ze een goede jongen voor zich hebben maar net niet hun type is, het voorzichtig proberen over te brengen.

Ik hoop echt dat ik het mis heb en dat je je geluk vind.

Maar anders heb ik nog 2 tips voor je

1: www.lexa.nl
2: www.relatieplanet.nl

Heel veel relaties onstaan hierdoor en kost misschien 1 x 20 of 30 euro ofzo... maar je legt zoveel contacten met meiden, dat er altijd wel 1tje voor je erbij zit. Maak een leuk profiel aan, leuke foto's erop, leuk babbeltje erop... paar meiden aanspreken, ff op msn, mailen, bellen en tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Meen ik serieus...

Hoop dat het allemaal goed uitpakt.

Sorry.. lazy right now.. so no english :p

Ik heb het verhaal niet helemaal gevolgd, maar groot gedeelte, maar als ik het zo lees.. en dat ze erover na moet denken om met je uit te gaan enzo... ik zou het weinig kans geven en uit je hoofd zetten, hoe leuk je haar ook vind...

Waarom denk je nu:

Als je echt haar type zou zijn, zou ze zeker niet twijfelen.
Vaak proberen meiden, zeker als ze zien dat ze een goede jongen voor zich hebben maar net niet hun type is, het voorzichtig proberen over te brengen.

Ik hoop echt dat ik het mis heb en dat je je geluk vind.

Maar anders heb ik nog 2 tips voor je

1: www.lexa.nl
2: www.relatieplanet.nl

Heel veel relaties onstaan hierdoor en kost misschien 1 x 20 of 30 euro ofzo... maar je legt zoveel contacten met meiden, dat er altijd wel 1tje voor je erbij zit. Maak een leuk profiel aan, leuke foto's erop, leuk babbeltje erop... paar meiden aanspreken, ff op msn, mailen, bellen en tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Meen ik serieus...

Hoop dat het allemaal goed uitpakt.


Ik doe het wel even in engels, is handiger voor iedereen :)

You could be very right about that, and i wouldn't have any problem with that. And i can be wrong, but if the interest wasn't even a slightly bit vice versa, wouldn't she have simply said, thanks for the note , very nice of you but unfortunetely i'm not interested. Or something similar to that? It could be really true that she really was taking these things more easy lately, and that this came as a big surprise...well i am sure it came unexpected, lol.

But if what you say is true, what very might well be the case, so be it. Too bad :). That's how i always think, i never make too much of a big deal out of it, cause for one..i ain't gonna help anything and two, why? If it's not mutual...why bother? Good thing is..i started with all of this without any real expectations, if i wrote the letter and already expecting big things from this, the dissapointment would be so much bigger, now it's not :D.

I just sent a message, saying i understand her, i know what she means cause i have been putting things on hold for a long time as well,just taking it easy. And no doubt that this came very unexpected, out of the blue for her, but of course i respect this...that's what i said. :)

And seconds later i received a new reply, it was incredibly quickly, lol. She said she don't mind surprises and loves them. Asked how my working week at that place was, if it was what i had expected. And if i had talked to the boss there about working there permanently, if i was interested in that.

Wow she's definitely the talkative type, constant back and forth text messaging about the voluntary work, and i explained about how this voluntary work made a completely different person out of me, no more slight 'depression' even thuogh being unemployed, i feel real good. I asked about a presentation that she has to do for her school, simply out of interest. And just now another text message with lots of text, and she told me to add her to msn, much better to takl then. I agree :)
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hahaha Thnx :p

Hope things work out for you :)
I just received a text message from her...

She said she found the note and thought it was real nice of me. She said she was gonna think about it and wasn't sure yet what she was gonna do cause at the moment she was taking these things easy lately. I would hear back from her about this.


I am just glad that i received a relpy, cause that's the least someone can do. Cause nothing sucks more if you are kind of waiting for a reply,no matter what it is gonna be about..and it doesn't happen. So that's good :)
OMG!!!! :wild:

I'm glad that she answered for you. That's a big step forward. Again, you'll have to wait a bit because she wants time to think about it. But meanwhile you could talk on msn about other things and let things run normally. :wild: More luck to you! :punk:
I just read your thread now and it sounds like she'd like to keep in touch with you. If you add her on MSN then you guys can talk and get to know each other better and see where it goes from there. It seems she likes you as a friend, so that's good. Just keep things light and see how it goes from there. If nothing else comes out, at least you've found a nice friend in your area! So that's great too and maybe she has a cute friend who'll be interested in you, if things don't work out with her! :D It sounds things are going fine, so just keep talking to her and see how it goes. Good luck!! :)
OMG!!!! :wild:

I'm glad that she answered for you. That's a big step forward. Again, you'll have to wait a bit because she wants time to think about it. But meanwhile you could talk on msn about other things and let things run normally. :wild: More luck to you! :punk:

Yeah, i really like the way it's going. No expectations, just fun and good conversations, i like that. And we'll see what this will bring us eventually. Right now i'm on MSN talking to her, and it's all good.
That's nice to hear. I've been reading your thread and I hope it works out for you two. And if it's not, well you at least found someone 'met wie je een klik hebt, anders zou ze ook niet zo met je blijven praten.' (sorry don't know how to say that in English at the moment) Have fun! ;D
I think it's called Click, but don't know for sure :).

We mostly talked about her voluntary work and educations and possibilities in this profession. Just a very nice ,informative and enjoyable conversation. At one point she started telling me things about the boss of that working place, some very shocking things i might add. And i was surprised she already told me all of that...wow.

Nothing about personal things/interests yet, but all in due time right ? ;)

I just hope we won't run out of things to talk about. The thing with me is....for some reason when talking to a girl on MSN, i am afraid of running out of things to say, but when i am with a girl in person, whoever it is..i can talk and talk. There's only so much you can say about work and educations and things like that...next conversation i might spark up a completely different subject, maybe MJ. Maybe just music in general. These are the kind of things i would like to talk about in person, but since that's not gonna happen yet or maybe not at all...MSN it is, lol. Maybe its also because for some reason i think talking about personal things might be too quick..but who am i kidding. This evening she told me something about that working place that can be considered very private...like i was a longtime friend of hers.
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Yeah, i really like the way it's going. No expectations, just fun and good conversations, i like that. And we'll see what this will bring us eventually. Right now i'm on MSN talking to her, and it's all good.
:wild: :wild: :wild:


I think it's called Click, but don't know for sure :).

We mostly talked about her voluntary work and educations and possibilities in this profession. Just a very nice ,informative and enjoyable conversation. At one point she started telling me things about the boss of that working place, some very shocking things i might add. And i was surprised she already told me all of that...wow.

Nothing about personal things/interests yet, but all in due time right ? ;)

I just hope we won't run out of things to talk about. The thing with me is....for some reason when talking to a girl on MSN, i am afraid of running out of things to say, but when i am with a girl in person, whoever it is..i can talk and talk. There's only so much you can say about work and educations and things like that...next conversation i might spark up a completely different subject, maybe MJ. Maybe just music in general. These are the kind of things i would like to talk about in person, but since that's not gonna happen yet or maybe not at all...MSN it is, lol. Maybe its also because for some reason i think talking about personal things might be too quick..but who am i kidding. This evening she told me something about that working place that can be considered very private...like i was a longtime friend of hers.
I see that the conversation between you was wonderful. :wild: This is a good start and things will happen over time. :yes: I do not think you should be afraid of not having something to talk to her. Certainly, this is not a problem and it will not happen. :cheeky:

It's a good idea to talk about music (and reveal you're a big fan of MJ :wild: :punk:). You can also talk about movies that always is a very interesting and maybe on animals. You can talk about your dog :D, pets and these things. When you start talking about a new subject, you can be sure that the conversation will follow a very agreeable way and other subjects emerge during conversation and you will see that you have talked about various subjects. :yes: :wild: More luck to you!!! :punk:
Yes, you are right about that. I will definitely tell i'm a huge MJ fan and supporter, just hope she ain't someone who dislikes him, or has the completely wrong idea of him...cause lets face it, still many people do. That's somewhat of a 'fear' when meeting new people and telling them that MJ is basically a part of your life, i don't tell them that like that, but i do tell i'm a hardcore fan and supporter. Ah well, we'll see. :)

Someone else said this to me

" SHE LIKES YOU... Just ask her out. Suggest that you to have lunch just to Hang out and have fun.


I think this person sees things alittle too simple. I told the lady that i respect her decision, that she wasn't sure yet what she was gonna say to the invitation, i am not gonna rush things now. I don't want her to think ' Come on man, you said you understood what i said, and now you ask it again' .

Of course i could be wrong, and that person would be right. She could be the kind of girl that likes to be invites twice, one that awaits it.

My plan is to just chat a bit on MSN, just wait for a week or so..if she hasn't replied to my first 'invitation' by then...i could invite her again for lunch , nothing wrong with that. Or invite her at my place ( i live on my own) and make her dinner, that wasn't my idea..but someone else's. But might be great too.

Then you got other people who told me...dude don't get into the 'friendzone' when that happens, its over. then you are just friends, in my opinion you already are in the friendzone. So dont wait too long with inviting her again.