I Met TWO Michael Fans Today!!

GAAWWD...today was like the BEST day evaaaaaaaaaahh!!

^^^don't exaggerate...your excitement peaks too early...wait until you meet real MJ fans or the master himself.

Nice posting though. I too love it how strange people constantly get all excited when I only mention his name
^^^don't exaggerate...your excitement peaks too early...wait until you meet real MJ fans or the master himself.

Nice posting though. I too love it how strange people constantly get all excited when I only mention his name

lol well i guess it'll be even more exciting if i met a fan from here...that'll be the real deal.... two mjjc members could prolly live off of just talking bout mike.

and yes, it's my dream....more like a determined mission to meet him one day in my life. and im gonna do anything i can ;)

ty as well :)
I can totally relate to how ur feeling stargirl.
I remember one day shopping in a small fashion boutique, I was drawn in by them playing an MJ record, as I browsed the next record came on and again it was MJ and then again, by this time I realized they where playing the whole NO 1s album. As I payed for an item I mentioned Michael and the album and the assistent/owner said she loved MJ and nearly always played his music sometime in the day at the shop. I thought that was so cool and I was walking around with a grin on my face for the rest of the day.
Also meeting Michael was the best thing that ever happened to me, he has such an amazing aura. He is beautiful :wub:
I can totally relate to how ur feeling stargirl.
I remember one day shopping in a small fashion boutique, I was drawn in by them playing an MJ record, as I browsed the next record came on and again it was MJ and then again, by this time I realized they where playing the whole NO 1s album. As I payed for an item I mentioned Michael and the album and the assistent/owner said she loved MJ and nearly always played his music sometime in the day at the shop. I thought that was so cool and I was walking around with a grin on my face for the rest of the day.
Also meeting Michael was the best thing that ever happened to me, he has such an amazing aura. He is beautiful :wub:

zomg thaz cool!!

and u met mike!!!!!

please descrrribbbbbeee and elaborraaateee!!
^^ Its off topic, but to answer your request, here goes.
Its quite a long story, but it was during the trial. I was lucky to get into the courthouse 4 times so I saw him up close several times, and sit in the same room as him for hours at a time. That was awesome. Watching what went on in that courtroom was a complete fiasco, as we all know.
Anyway, on the last day before we had to come home, my friend and I had the opportunity to meet Michael on his way back to the ranch. His car stopped at the side of the road and we where able to talk to him for a couple of minutes. He held our hands. Michael has such an amazing aura, I can't describe it, but you can feel it. I remember his smile and his eyes, PHEW. Katherine and Joseph were also there and we spoke to them also. He was very gracious but we didn't want to take up to much of his time, after all this was a difficult and painful time for Michael and he was looking tired, he was fighting for his life and yet he still stopped to see us. To me that speaks volumes about the person Michael is, he is selfless, kind, thoughtful, considerate and absolutely loves his fans, each and every one.
I hope one day you get to meet him.
^^ Its off topic, but to answer your request, here goes.
Its quite a long story, but it was during the trial. I was lucky to get into the courthouse 4 times so I saw him up close several times, and sit in the same room as him for hours at a time. That was awesome. Watching what went on in that courtroom was a complete fiasco, as we all know.
Anyway, on the last day before we had to come home, my friend and I had the opportunity to meet Michael on his way back to the ranch. His car stopped at the side of the road and we where able to talk to him for a couple of minutes. He held our hands. Michael has such an amazing aura, I can't describe it, but you can feel it. I remember his smile and his eyes, PHEW. Katherine and Joseph were also there and we spoke to them also. He was very gracious but we didn't want to take up to much of his time, after all this was a difficult and painful time for Michael and he was looking tired, he was fighting for his life and yet he still stopped to see us. To me that speaks volumes about the person Michael is, he is selfless, kind, thoughtful, considerate and absolutely loves his fans, each and every one.
I hope one day you get to meet him.

:cry: thaz amazing. you're so very lucky. and thanks...i really want to meet him someday!
i will ;) hehe.... you gotta have ambitions in life :)

and yes michael is amazing, it was seriously kind of him to stop and talk with you guys. again, you're very lucky!
I can totally relate to how ur feeling stargirl.
I remember one day shopping in a small fashion boutique, I was drawn in by them playing an MJ record, as I browsed the next record came on and again it was MJ and then again, by this time I realized they where playing the whole NO 1s album. As I payed for an item I mentioned Michael and the album and the assistent/owner said she loved MJ and nearly always played his music sometime in the day at the shop. I thought that was so cool and I was walking around with a grin on my face for the rest of the day.
Also meeting Michael was the best thing that ever happened to me, he has such an amazing aura. He is beautiful :wub:

An amazing story! Thank you for sharing it with us.
That special aura around him was exactly what one of my friends told me about after meeting him! :eek:
That's so cool! It's great when you meet new MJ fans and you can let out all your feelings about MJ to them and they feel the same as you. I happen to know quite a few people that are MJ fans, me and one of my friends always discuss how hot he is. :D
That's so cool! It's great when you meet new MJ fans and you can let out all your feelings about MJ to them and they feel the same as you. I happen to know quite a few people that are MJ fans, me and one of my friends always discuss how hot he is. :D

LOL ty and hehe you're lucky you've got someone talk about him with on a daily basis hehe esp. his hotness! LMAO as we all know mike is the epitome of good-lookin' > no matter what the stupid and biased press says :D
LOL ty and hehe you're lucky you've got someone talk about him with on a daily basis hehe esp. his hotness! LMAO as we all know mike is the epitome of good-lookin' > no matter what the stupid and biased press says :D

Oh totally. :clapping:
The good thing is, she likes Michael best HIStory/now era - not just the usual "Yeah he was hot in Thriller but that's it".
Thaz good hehe and yeah was definateky smokin in HIStory era...and now...well he's full in cutie slash hottie hehe

Okay I just gotta mention this now hehe
I'm reading this book called 'Betwixt' by Tara Bray Smith and im on page 330 and guess what I find!? A michael reference!! LOL
It just says the guy has a ringtone of Michael Jackson's Thriller but for some reason I start giggling uncontrollably :p I still am haha I am such a loser
that is so cool stargirl!!!!!! I made one of my friends an MJ fan!!!! So i help him out with the songs of MJ/Jackson 5 and we talk about how cool his concert will be etc (if he does one) And we are waiting for new album!!!! My roomate and friend know I love MJ and when I play MJ they like oh I love this song etc its cool. They also tell me to write to MJ but I never do lol.
Hehe ty
LOL I wish I could make my friend an MJ fan but she's too ignorant :p
Anyway...I'd like to write to him...but I wonder if he gets a lot of fan letters...and if I do write to him...I wonder if the letter will even reach him ...
Hehe ty
LOL I wish I could make my friend an MJ fan but she's too ignorant :p
Anyway...I'd like to write to him...but I wonder if he gets a lot of fan letters...and if I do write to him...I wonder if the letter will even reach him ...

Same here, plus I dont wanna sound like every other fan You know?
What a sweet thread! Sounds like a really nice way he brought people together. He's always doing that. :) Good ol Mickey boy..lol.

(btw, I'm from Canada too! ..though quite far away. Way over in Alberta)
LOL yup!! Mike's a sweeet angel :wub:

Hey thaz cool...alberta huh? That is far I like really wanna meet an MJJC member....but none happen to be around here :p