I Met TWO Michael Fans Today!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Ookkie ... so I'm like TOTALLY excited here.
Welll... I was at the gym in the empty aerobics floor >> I love dancing there when there're no classes and stuff. So anyway, I was dancing to... you guess it..MICHAEL'S SONGS!! and this woman came in. She was around probably 30 to 35 and she goes to me, "This music is much better than ANY the gym ever plays."
And I go, beaming, "Well yeah..it' Michael Jackson!"
And she laughs and goes away singing along to "The Way You Make Me Feel."

Then I'm all happy and continue dancing. After some time this other woman comes in. She's probably around 21 to 26. And after watching me a bit she goes, "Do you take classes or are you preparing for something?"
I go, "Nah...I dance for myself."
She smiles and tells me thats a great answer. Then she goes onto say how she used to do competitive dancing and it was just too much pressure, she couldn't have fun doing it. She says I seem like a natural dancer and I tell her that may be true but I think it's more Michael Jackson that's influenced me. "He's like a god to me", I tell her, "I worship him!"
She goes... "OH MY GOODNESS ME TOO!"
She's so happy I laugh. I'm completely thrilled to. Then she goes, "how old are you?"
And I say fifteen.
So she's like... "wow..me and my friends were just talkng yesterday about how the kids these days don't even know who he is and thats just sad."
So I say, "Oh I love him. Most of the so-called music today is just garbage."
She's like, "yeah...it totally is."
And I'm like, "I know...but I can't wait for his comeback!"
She grins, "Ohmigod....ME TOO!"
Then I start dancing again and the song changes to Black Or White.
So shez like..."OH god this song makes me feel old. I remember listening to it and memorizing all the rap and the lyrics. I love this Man!"

GAAWWD...today was like the BEST day evaaaaaaaaaahh!!

I'm soo happy!!!
OOO yaaay, i love it when stuff like that happens!!! Like when i was in college nd the music students put on a gig... nd they did all types of songs nd people were dancin nd singin nd stuff. BUT then when this guy got up and billie jean! OMG as sooon as that beat started everyone went CRAAZY! And everyone stood up dancing, and i was looking around at every single person singing along and having an amazing time singin to billie jean... and i just thought to myself.... 'God look at what michaels music can do to everyone, bring everyone together' it was such an incredible feeling... it was great! :)
:blush: i know! strangers feel like they've known each other forever because of the way michael's music is. he just connects fans with this almost physical bond of love and awe!!

and yh i adoree when this stuff happens. this is my first time though and i'm going CRAY-ZAY.. teehee :p
That's awesome!!
It sounds like the second lady didn't want to say anything about MJ til you did, lol.
It's great meeting other fans :)
That's awesome!!
It sounds like the second lady didn't want to say anything about MJ til you did, lol.
It's great meeting other fans :)

haha, yeah.. she seemed a bit hesitant but when i was like mike is a god to me she got this huge grin on her face.
seemed like an amazing fan.

I live in Quebec City :) Not that far from you :)!

hey yea.. thaz cool!!
i always wanted to go to there.. zomg... btw, mike hasn't done a world tour here in Canada has he... :(

i wish this year he will.. or maybe in the US... then I can go there. but if he does it other places I'm still going... to the nearest one :D

what are ur plans? cuz then like, i can take ideas :p
aww that is go great that u got to meet mj fans :)
I wish i could meet more mj fans in my area.

And it is true that mj connects people together.....and it a beautiful feeling anit it :)
Nice story!!

About the part that today's kids don't know who MJ is.
That's why I'm hoping MJ will make a successful comeback to show everyone who he is- the greatest entertainer ever!
aww that is go great that u got to meet mj fans :)
I wish i could meet more mj fans in my area.

And it is true that mj connects people together.....and it a beautiful feeling anit it :)

Ty..LOL yeah it was a first for me...meeting fellow michael fans. Totally surreal!!
and it really is a great feeling!!

aww there's a lot of love in this thread :wub::flowers:

:blush: hehe yup!! Michael = :wub:
Nice story!!

About the part that today's kids don't know who MJ is.
That's why I'm hoping MJ will make a successful comeback to show everyone who he is- the greatest entertainer ever!

I know!! They are so deprived of good music these days!! I just can't wait for his comeback!! He gotta show all the haters who the original innovator is for all they even try to do!!
This makes me all happy just reading it.
I've tried that several times by now.

Once I sat at a train station, and a lady and her kid came and sat beside me. I sat with some MJ cards that I had just bought, I sat and looked happy at them. Lol .. The lady began to look at the cards as well, and said unexpected: "Well, he has really become popular again?" I replied something like, "Yes, he has always been?" "Yeah, I agree. He is also enormously good! What a talent.."
And suddenly she began to talk about her childhood and how she grew up with his music. Everything was very unexpected and surprising. We did not know each other, but we could talk together as if we had known each other throughout our lives because of Michael Jackson.

Another time I was on the road over a traffic light when I saw a guy with an MJ t-shirt on. It was MJ's sign written across his stomach, and I could not help but stop and ask whether he was an MJ fan. Haha. Well, we talked about MJ in 15 min or so, and then we went separate way with a big smile on our face.

I have more stories and I'll write them when I have the time. :)
that's amazing!!
do tell...

and yea i totally agree...even a minute of MJ Exchange { :p } between people will leave you bubbling with energy :)
yeah Stargirl!

totaly agree! it's make us feeling so happy after experiences like that! :D!

well, I have meet ALOT of Danish MJfans i never have contact to, that was that time when i was seeing the "Thriller Live musical". & "I'm Bad Ballet" (tributes to mj shows)
It's make me feel like "WOW! there a many MJ fans in Denmark still"

-and after the Thriller Live musical was over, suddently a guy comes over to me and my best friend. (we have an "I love Michael Jackson" sweatshirt on, glove & hat)
and say "do you to, now anything about the new upcomming album?"
we just saying what we know at that time :)

_and as recently as today, they where playing ABC at macdonalds! haha :D

sorry about my spelling. :)
yeah Stargirl!

totaly agree! it's make us feeling so happy after experiences like that! :D!

well, I have meet ALOT of Danish MJfans i never have contact to, that was that time when i was seeing the "Thriller Live musical". & "I'm Bad Ballet" (tributes to mj shows)
It's make me feel like "WOW! there a many MJ fans in Denmark still"

-and after the Thriller Live musical was over, suddently a guy comes over to me and my best friend. (we have an "I love Michael Jackson" sweatshirt on, glove & hat)
and say "do you to, now anything about the new upcomming album?"
we just saying what we know at that time :)

_and as recently as today, they where playing ABC at macdonalds! haha :D

sorry about my spelling. :)

Yeah, I remember when we saw Thriller Live and this random guy came and asked us questions, that we kindly answered. :p
WOW! Stargirl, I've just looking at you're 'info' on the left side.
you're from Canada ! i'm so envy. so beautiful there are there
yeah okay.

but, in denmark it's also under there freezing point now. s;

seeing forward to the summer 09! waaaarm!
hehe yeah i bet. and me can't wait for summer either! maybe thaz when mj will do his tour! zomg..perfect timing!!!