To be honest, I believe eventually Michael Jackson communities such as MJJC will dissapear.
For now, the fans need to be here. I too, need to be here because as long as I come here, Michael's not gone. He is here, everywhere. We talk about him, we post pictures, we post multimedia.....but eventually it will hit us that Michael really is gone, and then what?
What I think everyone should do is gather the people you want to keep in touch with around you. Ask for their email, msn, yahoo, aim or skype usernames and try to keep in touch with them that way if any of these sites dissapear.
I know that in time, I too will dissapear off these sites. Not completely, I will check in once in a while to see how people are doing, but I won't be active anymore. I've been active for years, when Michael was still with us. But now, it hurts me to come here. It hurts to see everyone here, so lost, posting away -because what else do we do now? We're all searching for a sollution - and frankly I just don't know if I can deal with it.