I knew Michael did alot for charity, but THIS much? WOW!

People that b*tch and whine about Michael's spending habit need to chill.
He's made billions since the age of 8yrs old. Spending 500 or 300 million on himself and his children ain't killin anyone.
He gave way more to charity than he ever spent on himself.
Michael was the best human being we'll ever see. Too bad the world failed to recognize that until after his death.
OMG, that site is pure gold!!!! Thank you so much for posting it!!!!
And that video is just heartbreaking. Michael :cry:

On March 17, 2009, reality T.V. star, Jane Goody (housemate on "Celebrity Big Brother 2007", who would lose the battle with brain cancer on March 22) confirmed to "New" magazine that Michael Jackson had sent her a goodwill message while in London, U.K. Jackson was there between March 3 and March 8 to announce his last concert series in the U.K. via a press conference. The singer called in at the hospital where she was admitted – the terminally ill patient not being available at the time - then recorded an answerphone message for the T.V. star, with the following well-wishes: "Hi, Jade, I'm thinking of you and hoping everything goes as well as it can. I want you to come and see me when I'm over [to London for the concert series]. My brother [Jermaine Jackson, runner-up in the "Big Brother 2007" finale] keeps asking me about you." Goody's publicist, Max Clifford, declared after her death that Jackson would not be attending the memorial service, due to the singer not wishing to detract attention from Goody and her family. "He has sent a lovely message of condolence to her family, that she was a brave girl and that her message will save a lot of lives, and he will be sending flowers."

Very nice of him, but didn't Jane Goody also say some bad and stupid stuff about him during that show? Not sure though.

But i really dig the other things more..how he visited a boy who had been..............set...on fire by his own father.....i can't imagine what MJ's
thoughts must have been when he heard about what had happened to the poor soul.
It just makes me cry to think about it. Such a special man, he was picked on ,scrutinized by people and the media. But what they failed to see was all the great things he has done, the humanitrian that he was. Look at all these charities! And he even left something for some charities in his will. The great thing about it, was that MJ was sincere about it, and didn't wave red flags of notoriety everytime he got involved.

Even when MJ became a burned victim from the Pepsi commercial, he donated the moeny he had received to charity.

Thanks for the link!

Love you MJ.

Yes, that really touched my heart when I read that. Michael was a great humanitarian, but it's not something that most people know about. He never even talked about that much or asked to be recognize for his efforts. Michael is one of the most giving celebrities and people that ever lived though. He does seem to be getting more recognition for it now, which i'm happy about, but I wish he could have gotten this when he was alive.

I always find it crazy when people talk like MJ was some kind of monster though, would someone who is truly evil give this much to charity and even go as far as leaving to charities in his will? I don't think so. I also heard that he would usually give 35% of his earnings to charity each year. Michael was a great person and people need to realize that.
Yes, that really touched my heart when I read that. Michael was a great humanitarian, but it's not something that most people know about. He never even talked about that much or asked to be recognize for his efforts. Michael is one of the most giving celebrities and people that ever lived though. He does seem to be getting more recognition for it now, which i'm happy about, but I wish he could have gotten this when he was alive.

I always find it crazy when people talk like MJ was some kind of monster though, would someone who is truly evil give this much to charity and even go as far as leaving to charities in his will? I don't think so. I also heard that he would usually give 35% of his earnings to charity each year. Michael was a great person and people need to realize that.

Absolutely, but to me I love the fact that it was not publicized as much. Because let all these nay sayer eat crow! While we may look at it (in a certain angle) as it being to late and people didn't recognize what he has done when he was alive, they are the ones that look stupid at this point. It's like a double ended sword to me though because on the one hand, I WISHED people would have seen what this man has done and how innovative and inspirational he was, instead of painting him out to be something/someone he was totally not. On the other hand I enjoy the fact that these same scrutinizing people, that made a living out of picking on MJ, look like idiots to some level. And like Staffordshire Bullterrier has been saying, the charities that MJ has helped HOPEFULLY recognizes and appreciates what MJ has done, and will remember him for such.
It was TRULY sincere from MJ ...TRULY.
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