I knew Michael did alot for charity, but THIS much? WOW!

Jan 17, 2004
I had actually never seen the HTWF site, and it's brilliant. Awesome stuff about the two 'cases' too. Even though i knew all of that, it's very insightful.
But when i saw how much the man actually did and gave to charity......words fail me.


And just click on all the upper links too...it'll show you MUCH more.
Sad that you just never ever hear anyone on tv talk about this.
If i was on tv, and i was asked a few things about MJ...i'd bring this up
and how this never gets mentioned. This is beyond brilliant!
Yes, but also to read what he exactly did. Gave special peformances for sick children, visited children that didn't had long to live anymore. Beautiful. And the fact that MJ just
NEVER really talked about this, means alot. Like he said...it comes from the heart, so i ain't gonna advertise it around. Although the HTWF was no secret, so if people wanted
to find out about his good deeds(haters and media) they could have...but nah.
He had donated the most money to charities and he supported the most charities too. Bill gate donated as an enterprise, but as an individual, MJ gave the most.
When MJ visited China, he gave money to the poor ones too and he also intended to donate several millions to build school there but was turned down due to some political issues. It's only said after his death. MJ truly gave from his heart, it's not for publicity. He's such a great man.
Quite a nice record for giving back!

I wonder how the trust works as far as charitable giving goes? I know he donated 20% in his trust to charities but unless that is a one shot deal the amount will soar!!!
It really shows once again that this world didn't deserve his goodness.Well..don't get me wrong, the charities of course did deserve it. But in general..the way this man has been treated....his heart was too pure, too real, too good.

I really hate it how there have been ENDLESS talk about his 'crazy' spendings on stuff for his own.
But when someone does SO much for charity...who the hell cares about what he buys himself. It's his own damn right. These pricks who kept talking about MJ and how he was crazy with spending it...should have said that he did incredibly much for charity as well..but nooooooooooooo....you don't hear them about it.
This is all just so messed up and unfair.
It just makes me cry to think about it. Such a special man, he was picked on ,scrutinized by people and the media. But what they failed to see was all the great things he has done, the humanitrian that he was. Look at all these charities! And he even left something for some charities in his will. The great thing about it, was that MJ was sincere about it, and didn't wave red flags of notoriety everytime he got involved.

Even when MJ became a burned victim from the Pepsi commercial, he donated the moeny he had received to charity.

Thanks for the link!

Love you MJ.
Michael Jackson was the heart of this world. He cared about it more than anyone else.

And the fact that MJ just
NEVER really talked about this, means alot. Like he said...it comes from the heart, so i ain't gonna advertise it around.

Exactly. You hit the nail on the head.

Thank you for posting this.
MJ truly gave from his heart, it's not for publicity. He's such a great man.

Exactly, it makes me so sad that he did all this and helped those families at Neverland and what did they do to him in return... It would be nice if people could come out of the woodwork and tell stories of how nice he was, I guess in some cases the money was given in an anonymous way.
I'm not having a go at Oprah, but unlike in Michael's case, people would be tripping over themselves to honour her humanitarian work because she airs and shows it to the world.
I love Michael for being so low-key - but to the point where the public doesn't even acknowledge or bother recognising him for it...that's what hurts as a fan. It obviously wasn't an issue with Michael himself though...:hug:
Exactly, i can understand we're saying it's very sad that the world didn't know about this. BUT....the people who MJ gave incredibly big amounts of money to, DO know it very well. And they will always love him deeply for that. MJ knew this too, and i bet that for him ...that was enough.

Cause the media and many people in general already showed they loved bullshit stories much more than any good and positive news. So why waste time on that. Be happy and satisfied with the love you receive...and it's obvious Michael did exactly that.
Its actually 36...Dang. That was a lot. Noone does that. AT ALL!!!!
Actually according to the Guiness Book of world record, he supported 39 charity organizations.

Exactly, it makes me so sad that he did all this and helped those families at Neverland and what did they do to him in return... It would be nice if people could come out of the woodwork and tell stories of how nice he was, I guess in some cases the money was given in an anonymous way.
Deepak Chopra, Gotham Chopra, rabbi Schmuly(I dont agree with certain things he said), spoon bender(this one betrayed MJ) another friend of him told stories about how pure and good he was. He'd even cry seeing the suffering children and things like that.
He's just special and has a very gentle soul.
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Its actually 36...Dang. That was a lot. Noone does that. AT ALL!!!!

It's 39!
MJ donated 300 millions to charity, saved Little Richard from misery, used to visit orphanages and hospitals every week, created 4 hospitals with his own money, gave a confortable life to thousand and thousands of sick and poor children. I had a list of things he did for charity. He did so much in order to make the world a better place and he never mentioned it. Michael loved helping other people. I'm suprised that most of his fans don't know that Michael was a humanitarian or, shall I say, Michael was the most generous celebrity of all time. The media slowsly educated us that Jackson was nothing but a pedophile and that Bono, Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie are role models. However, Michael did more for charity than those three together. It's impossible to mention everything Mike did for the others...

Ratner, a friend o Michael said this: "He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I'd say, 'Isn't that impossible?' Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you'd have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn't so innocent anymore."
It's 39!
MJ donated 300 millions to charity, saved Little Richard from misery, used to visit orphanages and hospitals every week, created 4 hospitals with his own money, gave a confortable life to thousand and thousands of sick and poor children. I had a list of things he did for charity. He did so much in order to make the world a better place and he never mentioned it. Michael loved helping other people. I'm suprised that most of his fans don't know that Michael was a humanitarian or, shall I say, Michael was the most generous celebrity of all time. The media slowsly educated us that Jackson was nothing but a pedophile and that Bono, Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie are role models. However, Michael did more for charity than those three together. It's impossible to mention everything Mike did for the others...

Ratner, a friend o Michael said this: "He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I'd say, 'Isn't that impossible?' Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you'd have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn't so innocent anymore."

I have known all that time that he did alot for charity, but when you actually see everything that he did....it's then that you come to realise HOW much it actually was.
He had donated the most money to charities and he supported the most charities too. Bill gate donated as an enterprise, but as an individual, MJ gave the most.

Actually according to the Guiness Book of world record, he supported 39 charity organizations.

Lol. I was just about to write that.
As usual, I'm late.
I love you MJJ!
Amazing human being... I wish they went into detail about this at his funeral. It was disappointing, Michael deserved more. A much bigger farewell! They didn't show the world enough in footage of Michael's impact and records either.
demo of thriller also called "starlight"...
so softy song befor it gets "thrilling" ^^ :)

"Starlight" Foundation
Founded: 1983
Purpose: Improves The Quality of Life for Children with Serious Medical Conditions

didnt know that too..

and LOOK:
1989 August -- Michael performs a concert for the British Charity, Give For Life. The $130,000 proceeds from the concert were contributed toward helping immunize 40,000 children.
WOW, would like to know WHICH SONGs were performed?
so sad and great

anyone know how much he donated? less or more?
Indeed that's very sad, but in the end...his fans, his family ,his friends, and the people and animals he helped out know what he meant for them. And that counts as MUCH more.
anyone know how much he donated? less or more?
I thought someone already answered it. it's USD300million. Please take some times to read the forum.

It's 39!
MJ donated 300 millions to charity, saved Little Richard from misery, used to visit orphanages and hospitals every week, created 4 hospitals with his own money, gave a confortable life to thousand and thousands of sick and poor children. I had a list of things he did for charity. He did so much in order to make the world a better place and he never mentioned it. Michael loved helping other people. I'm suprised that most of his fans don't know that Michael was a humanitarian or, shall I say, Michael was the most generous celebrity of all time. The media slowsly educated us that Jackson was nothing but a pedophile and that Bono, Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie are role models. However, Michael did more for charity than those three together. It's impossible to mention everything Mike did for the others...

Ratner, a friend o Michael said this: "He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I'd say, 'Isn't that impossible?' Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you'd have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn't so innocent anymore."
I know. I just wish more fans would know but sadly it's not the case. He's such an angel too good for the world. People talk bad about him because they don't believe a person like him could exist so all they could do is trash him for no reason. One can tell how good he really was from all the stories of the very small things he did which make a big difference. You see his heart of such caring and loving. The more I talk about his goods the more injustice I feel toward him. He's terribly mistreated and misunderstood!!!! It's just so bloody unfair. Btw, please check out http://www.thesilencedtruth.com/ It's a good site detailing his humanitarian works.
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I thought someone already answered it. it's USD300million. Please take some times to read the forum.

I know. I just wish more fans would know but sadly it's not the case. He's such an angel too good for the world. People talk bad about him because they don't believe a person like him could exist so all they could do is trash him for no reason. One can tell how good he really was from all the stories of the very small things he did which make a big difference. You see his heart of such caring and loving. The more I talk about his goods the more injustice I feel toward him. He's terribly mistreated and misunderstood!!!! It's just so bloody unfair. Btw, please check out http://www.thesilencedtruth.com/ It's a good site detailing his humanitarian works.

WOW, that video is incredible !!!!!! Never seen that footage ever, amazing.
I thought someone already answered it. it's USD300million. Please take some times to read the forum.

I know. I just wish more fans would know but sadly it's not the case. He's such an angel too good for the world. People talk bad about him because they don't believe a person like him could exist so all they could do is trash him for no reason. One can tell how good he really was from all the stories of the very small things he did which make a big difference. You see his heart of such caring and loving. The more I talk about his goods the more injustice I feel toward him. He's terribly mistreated and misunderstood!!!! It's just so bloody unfair. Btw, please check out http://www.thesilencedtruth.com/ It's a good site detailing his humanitarian works.

omg! Thank you so much for the site!!!!!!!! It's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
Reading about his songs like Beat it and Earth song, the message behind it. Is awesome. I really can't wait to start reading Moonwalk now.