I just feel the need to post something in this forum ALL fans can AGREE upon

name="allowFullScreen" value="true">http://www.youtube.com/v/3ObNvA-gztg?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385">
DAMN knew it wouldnt work!

Here's the link instead! If anyone can post the vid please do so and also tell me how to do it!!!


^^ it's up there! :D

(all you have to do is click on 'embed' underneath the video...just copy and paste that into your post)
THANK YOU ARKLOVE!!! :clapping:
Please tell me how to post these videos!:yes:
They never work for me! :doh:

You're welcome! :D

...all you have to do is click on 'embed' underneath the video...just copy and paste that into your post...
Arklove I DID what you said but it didnt work for me!
Thank you for doing it for me!
Maybe one day I will be able to for myself!
Arklove I DID what you said but it didnt work for me!
Thank you for doing it for me!
Maybe one day I will be able to for myself!

hmmm....that's strange...You see the 'embed' button underneath though, eh? I'm not really sure how else to show you (I'm really bad at explaining things like that....)
^^^ yeah Arky I did see the embeded code, under the vid! Copied and pasted it but.................never mind!
Thanks again! xxx
The bestest of the bestest. :heart:

I don't know what I believe about the tracks or how I feel about the new album or Sony or any of that - I have the album, but still have not listened to it... (Never would I have thought that would ever have happened... too scared? too sad? Not quite sure. I think it's all just too much.)

But one thing I do believe, one thing I do know is that Michael Joseph Jackson was too incredible for words. We are all insanely blessed to have been born in the era that we were - to have lived with him and witnessed greatness and beauty beyond measure and to be able to share it together. Even now. We are all bound by that, by him. So, let's not forget that. Fifty, a hundred, a thousand years before or after our time there may have been or maybe there will be another who is brought to life from a place unknown, sent to the world from somewhere special in order to bring a message, to bring happiness, light, and joy, to bring the world together - But let us all be thankful that the one we got was Michael, a king among kings.
MiKe Is ThA kInG!!!!!!!
