I have never seen Michael for real in my life! :(

same here, since i bought the concert tickets, i could believe i was gonna actually see MICHAEL JACKSON, not NAVI not E.Cass But MICHAEL JACKSON, and the i couldnt believe part was true, cuz im never get to see him!
and then i wanted to know how does it feel in the same croud where, what ever i say about Michael EX: if i say HE IS GOUREOUS, the other replies HELL YEAH! not like they say everywhere. and i wanted to feel the energy of MJfans in the croud ... and now its all over! all i wanted in my life is to befriend Michael, and i wanted him to trust me, because im 100.9999999999999% i wasnt going to SUE michael for anything, i love him, and i would never to such a thing to hurt him... and now my dream is over!! i tought about him all day long... i talked about him all the time... he was like a member of my family i loved him! :( i cant believe he is gone, and i will never.... i feel alone without Michael.
It all felt surreal, going to see him in August you know. Excited as I was, finally being able to see him in person for the first time after all all those very long years... still there was this strange feeling... something wrong... undefinable... now it has all ended.

May you find piece for eternity dear Michael. I'll always remember you.
I've never seen him in person either. I have such a huge void in my life now.
It was one of my goals in life... to see him. Even if it was just to hold his hand or tell him how much I love him for how much he's helped me.

Life is horrible now :(
I've always wanted to see him too and to thank him for all that he's done. I feel so distraught that it will never happen. This will always be the worst day of my entire life. I pray for his family. I've loved MJ since I was a little kid and I feel like a peace of me has gone with him. Life will never be the same.
Yes it would have been wonderful to have been at the conference to see him for one last time, but what can we do.

I have been desperately trying to get a ticket for a show since they went on sale. I just imagined how wonderful it would be to see the man who's records I had been listneing to all these years and videos I had watched.

How his music and spirit has always been a source of comfort for me, but you know what it still will be.

As we still have the music and always will and we shall always have his spirit with us and not even passing away can take that away.

I feel he knows how eternally grateful we are for all that he has done.

Lv Francis x
It's the same here. And I was so close now.

But don't worry, we'll see him in heaven.