I have never seen Michael for real in my life! :(


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Kokkola, Finland
I have never seen him and I won't! :(
I feel so sad about that! :(
He was my life, I really wanted to see him at least one time! :(
I'll see you in heaven Michael! :pray:
I feel your pain. On Wednesday I had just told my sister that I hoped the tour in the UK was successful so that he could come to the States. And I said that no matter how much it cost or how far he was, I was going to see Michael Jackson to complete my life. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. But just imagine when we all get to heaven and see Michael, and others who have passed on. It will be the best performance ever.
I saw him at the press conference in March and that was the only time I saw him. It was last minute, I wasn't going to go because of money but my god I am so glad I made that snap decision and went. I feel for you who haven't seen him. I won't ever be complete because I'll never see him perform or meet him. I so wish things had panned out this year but it just wasn't meant to be. :(
I feel your pain. On Wednesday I had just told my sister that I hoped the tour in the UK was successful so that he could come to the States. And I said that no matter how much it cost or how far he was, I was going to see Michael Jackson to complete my life. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. But just imagine when we all get to heaven and see Michael, and others who have passed on. It will be the best performance ever.

I will definitely see him in heaven! :pray:

aaaw I feel the pain. Exactly my situation =( can you believe it ?

I still can't believe it! :(
This morning I was eating my breakfast and watching the news, and where I heard this, I thought I was dreaming! But I realized that I wasn't! :(
This day will definitely change my life! :(
I saw him at the press conference in March and that was the only time I saw him. It was last minute, I wasn't going to go because of money but my god I am so glad I made that snap decision and went. I feel for you who haven't seen him. I won't ever be complete because I'll never see him perform or meet him. I so wish things had panned out this year but it just wasn't meant to be. :(

At least, you saw him though it was for a minute! :(
I will always regret that I didn't see him! :(
I am really sorry for those fans that never got to experience seeing him live. I can see how losing him is a tragedy in that sense. For those of us that did have the chance to see him, let's thank Michael for the memories. "Thank you Michael".
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I saw him at the press conference in March and that was the only time I saw him. It was last minute, I wasn't going to go because of money but my god I am so glad I made that snap decision and went. I feel for you who haven't seen him. I won't ever be complete because I'll never see him perform or meet him. I so wish things had panned out this year but it just wasn't meant to be. :(
Same thing here... last minute decision to skip work and go. Retrospectively, I remember going from felling great during the beginning of his talk to a great sadness at the end of it, especially after hearing "final curtain call". The sadness on the day followed me home. I now find it strange... At least I went to see him one last time or I woudn't be able to forgive myself for not going when I was so close to the O2...
Me too. I never got to see him until i badgered my parents so bad to get a ticket for this is it. I was goign to send him a fan letter as well. I never got the chance to tell him thank you and that i love him.
It's the same with me guys! :cry: I am sooooooo heart broken i cannot say!

I was due to see him on the 24th of July but now everything is ruined. I only wanted to go to see how he just looked like in real life, not to listen to the music (though that would have been a dream come true).

That's all i wanted, to see him in real life, apparently, the cameras didn't do him justice.
Same here:( It was soo close... and now it seems a lifetime away.

But I would give my tickets away anytime.. if only he could be still alive:(
I've never seen him too... I was going to see him in September. And I was sure that it will be the happiest day in my life. But... Life is cruel... And today it;s one of the most horrible days.... Michael..... I love you....
I know how you feel! I never seen him too! It was my dream to see him! And my dream died! I feel so bad right now! I am crying for houres! I can't eat, I can't breath....I can't live without him...my angel!
I still can't believe it! :(
This morning I was eating my breakfast and watching the news, and where I heard this, I thought I was dreaming! But I realized that I wasn't! :(
This day will definitely change my life! :(

yea it's really hard. I think i cant eat now for a whole week if I was you. My friend woke me up by texting a message that he died, truely thought she wants me te get upset. but I guess she was right... I cant believe it till this second!

I know right, I see life different for sure now! :(
Same thing here... last minute decision to skip work and go. Retrospectively, I remember going from felling great during the beginning of his talk to a great sadness at the end of it, especially after hearing "final curtain call". The sadness on the day followed me home. I now find it strange... At least I went to see him one last time or I woudn't be able to forgive myself for not going when I was so close to the O2...

The whole emotions from the day were so raw to me. The excitement travelling there, to waiting for him then the sadness at the end. It was amazing. I thought that was only the beginning but that was all. I am thankful for that much, because one of my dreams came true that day. It's times like these you realise just how much he does mean to you. It's heartbreaking. :(
As Rev. Jesse Jackson said "Michael Jackson is now out of his pain, and we are momentarily out of our joy." All I can say is that all of us who haven't seen him and feel so sad about it should listen to "Keep the Faith."
Yeah me either. I don't know what else to say.
Maybe I'll see him when my time comes to go.
I've wanted to see him my whole life, i was just three weeks away. I am in shock. I don't understand it.
Same for me. Im 23 and have waited since I was four 2 see him. I was almost 2 weeks away from the best day of my life (my boyf was also plannin 2 propose at the concert aswell I think) and in 24 hours that dream has been shattered. And we have lost a man that was so dear 2 our hearts. Now im left with the worst day of my life that will haunt me forever :(
I know it may not mean much now, but you WILL see Michael at some point! It's just this whole... delay thing that is frustrating!

Imagine: We may even see Michael performing with Elvis, James Brown, Sinatra and who knows who else... I'm even quite positive of that! Just imagine their popularity in Heaven right now!!! Of course at the moment MJ might be angry that he let his so many fans down and now demands a return to Earth......
I had wish he could come to australia... i was far too young to ever catch him in his other concerts....

but i'd rather he never came to australia, i never see him live, then for him to be gone like..... oh god....
Same for me, and just a few weeks away. But I don't feel sad about me not seeing him, I feel sad he isn't on the earth anymore.
I had seen him in London, for that I feel lucky. But I had never seen him perform, it was my biggest dream to see him in concert. I've been on clouds ever since he pronounced the 02 shows and I got my tickets. I told everyone who would listen, that my dream is coming true. But now it will never come true and I feel like such a huge part of me has died with Michael.
I just wanted to tell him "thank you" and now I'm late
I felt that somethings wrong. If felt it in my heart. Only in the morning I've got a message about his death
Whatever it takes from me but I'll go to tell him "goodbye and thank you". I have to
i have never seen him too...

this is so frustating and painful