I have a question about Liz Taylor?

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Proud Member
Sep 18, 2009
I don't want to open a huge argument on this, all I want is for someone to clear up for me something, it's been awhile now that I haven't looked at Liz Taylor the way I did before Michael passed, to be more technical since that message she posted on her twitter account stating that "I thought Doctors like priests took an oath of confidentiality" in regards to Dr. Klein's allegation that Michael was gay and in a long term relationship with one of his friends... she litterally made it look like Michael was a in the closet homosexual when we all know clearly that it's so NOT the fact! And then doing research on her I realised that she was involved in the many people that came in Michael's life and destroyed it including Dr. Klein, apperantly wherever Michael's problems came through with someone there was a route with her...

now before Michael's passing I loved her, but since I've had many questions and anger towards her... and since her passing like everyone I've been taken with various emotions and many questions... and seeing all the fans talking about how she was the only true person Michael had... I want to know if there's something I'm not understanding, cause up until now I saw her as someone who backstabbed him...

Anyways, I repeat I don't want trouble, I guess I just want to make my piece with her passing and I only found here to have my questions answered... hope you can clear my mind up rather then backlash on me, cause I sincerly don't want to be cruel, a part of me is sad and the other is truly confused and angry...
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It's called irony or sarcasm (depending, I guess), being from a different era, having class and lastly 'not stooping down to his level'.

"How convenient" and "supplying both men and women, just what we want in our Doctors" is just a great way of reminding people that Michael was married to two women and a rather neat way of illustrating the absurdity of a supposed Doctor to be rambling on publicly about a deceased patient. "We" was great, lol!

While "fu** off, you creep" may have been on her mind, a Dame is gonna find a different way to remind the offender of verbal diarrhea that she's speaking for the King, you see.
A Lady has a different way of knocking a a guy like Klein off his feet- she probably watched him in horror in TMZ interviews and that story probably pushed her over the understandable edge. And a Dame knows about that dish that is best being served cold. Ice cold. At least if it's a dish served publicly!

Watch her on Larry King defend Michael and you know how she is wired.
King asked her what she thought about 'the charges'. Her clenched teeth and eyes told me all there is to know and "I have never been so angry in my life" may not be the way Eminem would chose to express himself- but that's the way she spoke. King asked her if Michael would return to the US from 'exile'- she just looked at him, blew her nose and said "well, why should he, really?" (and added 'he was treated like dirt here')

^^^I miss people like her. She's an actress from a different era- she ain't Miss cursing youtube, she speaks for herself.

It's era, language and a great way of pointing out in a roundabout way who the classless weirdo was in this particular case.
I'm sure it worked quite well. Reacting with dignity makes people without dignity even more furious.

That may seem a bit passive-aggressive at first- I'll give you that, but certain irate people understand best when they are being answered in a seemingly calm manner. And then later it HITS THEM LIKE A BOOMERANG.

It was a wonderful little old-fashioned demonstration of standing up for someone without looking hysterical yourself. She simply handed the weirdness back to Klein- where it belongs in the first place. Which Doctor prides himself on TV about his unprofessional behavior toward deceased patients?
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She did not make MJ look like a closet homosexual. It's called SARCASM! If you read the whole quote, not just the part you quoted here (you qouted that part wrong too, BTW), you should have realized that. Or do you think "It seems he supplies not only women (Debbie Rowe), but men too...how convenient. Just what we want in our doctors" was meant seriously?

You should understand that Elizabeth has always been very supportive of gay people, so she won't make a comment that could leave the impression she would have a problem with it if Michael had been gay (which he wasn't). But from her tweet and from her sarcasm it's clear she didn't believe Klein and Pfeiffer. How can anyone who saw that interview with Pfeiffer believe him? Not even TMZ believed them (that should tell us something).

Elizabeth never backstabbed Michael. So if your dislike of her is based on a tweet you most probably misunderstood, you should think that through again. Yes, Klein was introduced to Michael by her, but how should she have known what Klein would do to Michael later? By her tweet it's obvious she didn't consider him a friend any more when Klein and his (boy)friend made that claim about Michael.
Just a screen capture for anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about (Top is most recent):

So the person who started this topic made it seem like Liz said Michael was gay but Arnie shouldn't have told people, that's not true. If you're going to argue about if someone betrayed Michael at least quote them correctly.
I wasen't trying to make it look like anything I was just quoting her, I couldn't find the original post to make it exact and wrote with my memory but her exact quote "I thought Doctors like priests took an oath of confidentiality" is exactly the same...

Anyways, I understand what all of you are saying (and I thank you for taking the time to answer my question with kindness, I truly mean it) but to be honest, I still can't understand why she couldn't simply make it easier just to say quote "Dr. Klein is a disgraceful liar, Michael was NOT gay and he should be ashamed of betraying Michael with these lies" it would make a better statement then all this sarcastic questionable fun puzzle talk... I mean the "priest" quote dosen't make sence, you go to a priest to confess your inner secrets and sins knowing that the priest under the eyes of god will never be able to repeat anything you've told them, so when she says that, it states that Michael made confessions to Dr. Klein and he betrayed his "confidence" by revealing it... seriously for one second look at this thinking this is not about Michael and Liz... you guys don't find that quote truly twisted... it's as if my right now my dentist tells everyone I just murdered someone and in my defence my best friend quotes on her twitter acount "This dentist should be ashamed, I thought you doctors were like priests!" what would everyone say there?

Why dosen't she state that these are "lies" but a instead a "betrayal of trust"... and I'm not the one who's making it a big deal, I don't know about America, but here in France this story was a laughing joke until she made those twitts and all of the frendh media posted everywhere "Liz Taylor Outs Her Friend Michael, Could It Be True That Michael Was Gay?", and especially knowing the ampler that her statement was taking with the press and non fans why not twitt a statement clearing the matter up?

I just think that knowing this disgusting industry that is the tabloids, press and soulless money diggers out there who've wanted to destroy Michael, you should make an easier statement then go all "sarcastic" so that they can feed off it and make it look like something completely different! I just can't understand it... and I guess the reason that this story gets me more than all the other garbage out there on Michael it's that it comes from someone who I truly had respect and love for cause I felt she was the only person Michael had his whole life... this question mark in my head about her hurts me, espcially in this sad period, since Michael's passing so many people have shown there true colours, and having lost complete faith on his familly and so many who I thought had the best of intensions towards him, Liz was the cherry on the cake, and for the past few months after the research I had done on her I had this feel that she was a complete backstabber with the rest of them... and now that she's gone and I'm seeing all these things about her with Michael I feel this complete sadness that aches me and leaves me confused in my own emotions... and I guess I'm trying to find my peace with her passing, tbh... I've lost so much trust on people since Michael left us that I don't believe anyone in his life had good intentions towards Michael... Michael was the loneliest human being, and I can't seem to accept this life that he had to lead and it hurts me.

Btw, I apologize to anyone who took any offence to my words towards Liz Taylor at this time of sadness...
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"but her exact quote "I thought Doctors like priests took an oath of confidentiality" is exactly the same"

You changed it now in your original post, but it wasn't exactly the same. It was rather a reflection on what YOU made out of that quote in your mind than what it really was originally.

"why she couldn't simply make it easier just to say quote "Dr. Klein is a disgraceful liar, Michael was NOT gay and he should be ashamed of betraying Michael with these lies"

Again, you have to understand Elizabeth Taylor won't say anything that would make the impression she had a problem with homosexuality. When someone gets too defensive about someone not being gay people might get that impression. I often experienced that myself. When someone says Michael was gay and I say no, he wasn't, haters often turn it around and twist it and say I only say that because I'm a homophobe. I'm not a homophobe, I'm a lie-phobe. Hell, didn't Alicia Jacobs, who broke the Pfeiffer story, say MJ fans are homophobes, because they tweeted to her and told her he wasn't gay? And she turned it around and said how MJ fans should be happy that MJ was happy and how they are homophobes for not accepting the Pfeiffer story as true.

Also like Pace said above this is the way Elizabeth talked and you have to understand British sarcasm.

"I mean the "priest" quote dosen't make sence, you go to a priest to confess your inner secrets and sins knowing that the priest under the eyes of god will never be able to repeat anything you've told them, so when she says that, it states that Michael made confessions to Dr. Klein and he betrayed his "confidence" by revealing it... seriously for one second look at this thinking this is not about Michael and Liz... you guys don't find that quote truly twisted... it's as if my right now my dentist tells everyone I just murdered someone and in my defence my best friend quotes on her twitter acount "This dentist should be ashamed, I thought you doctors were like priests!" what would everyone say there?"

Murder is not the same as homosexuality. You don't have to have a problem with homosexuality, while you should have a problem with murder. Again: the way Elizabeth tweeted it was to say she wouldn't have a problem with it IF Michael had a homosexual relationship, her problem is with Klein's behaviour.

Also I feel you take this one sentence with the priests and confidentiality oath out of context and harp on it, while forgetting the rest which clearly indicated her sarcasm and her disbelief of the story. I say "disbelief" and not "knowledge" because to me this tweet also indicates she didn't really have any knowledge about it. Probably that's another reason why she wasn't in the position to say: "it's a lie". How could she be 100% sure? She could only express her opinion and feelings which were - judging from her sarcasm -clearly that she didn't believe it.

Honestly, I don't know the nature of the friendship between Michael and Elizabeth in terms of whether Michael confined in her about his sexual life. Maybe he didn't. You can have a deep, long-running friendship without that ever being a topic between you.
Maybe he did and he did tell her from time to time that he wasn't gay. Still, human sexuality is a rather flexible thing. Sometimes straight people try homosexual sex. I'm not saying Michael did and I definitely don't believe for a moment that Michael had anything with Pfeiffer. The story is just ridiculous, he and Klein weren't even able to get their story straight and corroborate with each other.

I'm only saying that straight people sometimes try homosexual sex to try to put Elizabeth's behaviour in a perspective for you - and to try to explain why she might not have been in the position to state for 100% it's a lie. It's simply because you can never be sure about what other people are doing in their bed. Do you know that her big love, Richard Burton sometimes had sex with men (he said that in an interview)? Human sexuality is not all that black or white and Elizabeth knew that very well.

Again I emphasize: I don't say this to suggest Michael did this too and I'm very sure Pfeiffer's story is nothing but a lie. It's so ridiculous. I just say it to try to help you to understand why Elizabeth might have chosen to say this rather than to flat out saying: "it's a lie, leave him alone".

Why dosen't she state that these are "lies" but a instead a "betrayal of trust"... and I'm not the one who's making it a big deal, I don't know about America, but here in France this story was a laughing joke until she made those twitts and all of the frendh media posted everywhere "Liz Taylor Outs Her Friend Michael, Could It Be True That Michael Was Gay?", and especially knowing the ampler that her statement was taking with the press and non fans why not twitt a statement clearing the matter up?

The French media need seriously to take comprehension lessons then and not taking things out of context. I haven't seen Elizabeth "outing" Michael anywhere. Sometimes those journalists are gay themselves and they want celebrities to be gay as well. Ian Halperin is gay and his website is all about "this celebrity is gay, that celebrity is gay". The woman (Alicia Jacobs) who interviewed Pfeiffer is an outspoken gay advocate. So there you see a motivation by some people in the media why they are desperate to paint Michael gay. They don't seem to understand what's the problem with it. Instead they call everybody who has a problem with it "homophobe".

I have to say they do the gay community a disservice by this IMO. I'm all for gay rights but when they make up lies about other people it makes them look bad and desperate. I wish gay people (and their advocates) wouldn't try to vindicate themselves by gossiping and making up lies about other people's sexuality. It doesn't look good for them.

BTW, I remember when the story broke Joseph was asked about it too by TMZ and he got very angry and told it was a lie. But he also said that doctors take a confidentiality oath so Klein should shut up. It's not to indicate Klein really knows the things he is talking about either in Joe's or Elizabeth's case. It's just their way of telling him to shut up and stop talking to the press about Michael - regardless of if the informations he has to offer on Michael are true or false (and the Pfeiffer story is obviously false).

"and for the past few months after the research I had done on her I had this feel that she was a complete backstabber with the rest of them... "

No, she wasn't a backstabber. Far from it.
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To be honest I don't like her twits. She had to be straight forward without giving ANY room for assumptions to the media. Spending all her life in Hollywood Elizabeth Taylor was pretty much aware how the media would twist every word. It is NOT something she did not know. The internet now is full of speculations about Michael being gay which is not true.

Elizabeth had her chance to defend her friend after his passing but unfortunately she did not. Her words how they loved each other mean nothing after all.

I agree with the poster who started this thread and I find her twits strange at least. Michael's kids do not deserve to deal with all this crap.
Well, I would not expect anything better from a person who was a dear friend of a corrupted dermatologist for many years.
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It is not her fault that people like you and the person who started this thread did not get what she was saying. It is not her fault that it went over your head. And you need to check yourself about what you say about Miss Taylor
It is not her fault that people like you and the person who started this thread did not get what she was saying. It is not her fault that it went over your head. And you need to check yourself about what you say about Miss Taylor

If Mrs. Taylor did a good job there would be no need for MJ bodyguards to go to the media with their story about Michael's sexual preferences. It is her fault that the media picked it up they way they did.
Mrs. Taylor wanted to be good only for her best friend Arnie Klein, not for Michael.

And she was not Miss when she passed.She got married again in 2010 the guy who was 30 years younger than her. Correct your records.
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You need to stop lying. It is one thing to be misinformed it is another thing to like and that is what you are doing. His bodyguards never went to the media about what Klein said no one in the media would touch Klein's story because they knew it was crap even that woman who broke the story backed away from it. You need to stop it now
-It is not Elizabeth Taylor's job to find the absolute lowest denominator for everyone who might not get it.

-It is not the the responsibility of a newly passed over person to play babysitter for the media for couldn't care less if someone speaks the truth or not. A huge number of media outlets and journalists continuously, maliciously and intentionally misrepresent anything remotely related to Michael Jackson- they have done so for decades and they will continue to do so.

-It is not every personal friend's responsibility to have to satisfy and cater to the whims of every fan. These people do not live their life so that we as fan community can judge their every step.

I neither 'worship' Ms Taylor, nor do I think her to be some faultless angel- but I have no right to judge harshly in light of a 30 year friendship. I profess to not understand all dynamics involved in this relationship- but it is NOT up to me to play D.A., Judge and Jury. It is also none of my business what the finer currents and dynamics in this relationship are.

I followed Ms Taylor on Twitter and for some reason it creeps me out to see all these 'brave' people bash someone after their physical departure- where were all these fighters when she was alive? Whining away anonymously on some anonymous twitter. People complained about her twits, but the majority of people did not have the guts to communicate that to her directly. I find it beyond disturbing that people not only feel they have enough insight to not only critique, but judge to this extreme.

Not once after Michael Jackson's death did I see Elizabeth Taylor hogging the airwaves with the same old "I told you so", when literally everyone and their mother seemed to know all his most inner thoughts.

Michael Jackson's personal friends do not live their lives for other people and it is not their job to babysit fans, or the media.

...The internet now is full of speculations about Michael being gay which is not true.

The 'internet' has always been full with speculation over his most amazing multitasking: He was presumed to be asexual, homosexual, bisexual and castrated- all at the same time, no less. That Michael Jackson is truly superhuman, I tell you. And this was done to him far before Twitter. The idea that any patient (deceased or alive) has every right to not have his sexuality discussed by his Doctor seems to be kind of novel.

I have actually worked as an Office Manager of a big clinic and the last thing my boss would have done is give me the nod of approval- supposedly after catching me with one of his patients- I would have been fired faster than you can utter the words, escorted off the premises and I would have never found another job in that capacity.
^^^That alone raises huge, red flags. No owner of a private practice would sabotage his own business in such way. Something is seriously wrong when an Office Manager has the backing of his boss on actions like that. No way, no how.

Her words how they loved each other mean nothing after all.
Apparently Michael's words of love don't seem to count a whole lot either.
By the way, it is not up to us to be judging how true someone's feelings of love are, or not. A safe bet is to leave that up to the people involved.

Well, I would not expect anything better from a person who was a dear friend of a corrupted dermatologist for many years.
Does this apply to Michael as well?

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Justthefacts;3323676 said:
You need to stop lying. It is one thing to be misinformed it is another thing to like and that is what you are doing. His bodyguards never went to the media about what Klein said no one in the media would touch Klein's story because they knew it was crap even that woman who broke the story backed away from it. You need to stop it now

I have never said that bodyguards spoke about Doctor Klein to the media. I said they WENT to the media TO STOP “gay” false stories and I am thankful that they did it. Somebody had to do it.
Dame Elizabeth had 2 years to clear up her words. Nobody should force her. People are free to make own choices when they are alive.
If Mrs. Taylor did a good job there would be no need for MJ bodyguards to go to the media with their story about Michael's sexual preferences. It is her fault that the media picked it up they way they did.
Mrs. Taylor wanted to be good only for her best friend Arnie Klein, not for Michael.

And she was not Miss when she passed.She got married again in 2010 the guy who was 30 years younger than her. Correct your records.

Liz Taylor got married again in 2010? Ok I am done talking to you
It is not her fault that people like you and the person who started this thread did not get what she was saying. It is not her fault that it went over your head. And you need to check yourself about what you say about Miss Taylor

Dude.... Really??? :blink:

Its interesting how some think that EVERYONE who was Michael's friend has to lower others to defend Michael... Michael, is A beautiful and amazing human being... And really what Dame Taylor said IMHO was right...she wasnt bashing gay people and at the same time she defended Michael... That is one of the reasons Michael and her were friends... they dont look down on people... ;)

What is it that you really want? I mean if you say that about her when she's passed, then Why not say the same thing about Chris Tucker?(I know he's never been asked about Michael other than b4 2003)! What about Diana Ross?...etc...

Dame ELIZABETH TAYLOR has passed away... Let's just say R.I.P. and Leave it alone... Reading this thread felt like Dejavu of FOX News when they talked about Michael the SAME DAY HE Passed...(Disgusting)!!! :no:

Respect y'all... they were good friends and to take that and make it like it is now is wrong... I dont expect EVERYONE to agree with me just cuz... Just tryin' to make a point!!!

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No, Elizabeth Taylor wasn't married in 2010, that was a tabloid lie. There is a video on YT, where she refuted the rumor.
Second, Elizabeth Taylor loved MJJ, and she knew how much he loved his fans. Michael Jackson has a gay fans, as well. Didn't occur to you that she didn't want to offend them?
Michael himself said that he was not homosexual, shouldn't that be enough?

When comes to MJJ, it is interesting fact, people/media choose what they want to believe, not how the reality is. Even if, Elizabeth released statement, that MJJ is not homosexual, people would have said, oh "she betrayed Michael, just like Dr. Klein", or that "Elizabeth Taylor is just saying that, because he was her friend", blah, blah...

I agree with Pace, she was sarcastic, and diplomatic on her tweets. But, I feel bad, that a lot didn't pick it up. :(
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drazen;3323683 said:
I have never said that bodyguards spoke about Doctor Klein to the media. I said they WENT to the media TO STOP “gay” false stories and I am thankful that they did it. Somebody had to do it.
Dame Elizabeth had 2 years to clear up her words. Nobody should force her. People are free to make own choices when they are alive.

They didn't go to the media to stop gay rumours. They went to the media to promote their book. And meanwhile in an interview they were asked if they thought Michael was gay. And they said their impression was that he was no way gay.

And it's not Elizabeth's fault that some people don't understand sarcasm. Like Pace said gay rumours in the media about Michael have nothing to do with what Elizabeth tweeted. Gay rumours surrounded Michael since he was 18. And frankly, no matter what he or anybody said people stick to what they WANT to think. If Elizabeth said "no he wasn't gay", then people would say "ah, she's too defensive, she's probably lying". It's the same story all the time, no matter what anybody says and how she or he says it the media write whatever they want and people think whatever they want. Did you see the gay rumours stop just because his bodyguards said he wasn't gay? No? I thought so. Instead people said they were lying.

Sometimes Michael himself said he wasn't gay, but after a while he got tired of saying it and he didn't go out and deny every single gay rumour either. Heck he was once asked in an interview if he was gay (was it the Bashir interview?) and he told the interviewer that he wouldn't answer it! What was made of it was that there were speculations that he didn't answer it "for obvious reasons", because the answer would have been "yes" - so it was speculated. But then it turned out Michael told the interviewer that he would answer it off camera and he did and there was footage about that and off camera he told the interviewer he wasn't gay but he had gay fans too and he didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. So now you want to bash Michael too for not saying "I'm not gay" loud and clear in that situation?

BTW, it's strange someone sings up to this board and his/her first posts are all about bashing Elizabeth Taylor.
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I wasen't trying to make it look like anything I was just quoting her, I couldn't find the original post to make it exact and wrote with my memory but her exact quote "I thought Doctors like priests took an oath of confidentiality" is exactly the same...

Anyways, I understand what all of you are saying (and I thank you for taking the time to answer my question with kindness, I truly mean it) but to be honest, I still can't understand why she couldn't simply make it easier just to say quote "Dr. Klein is a disgraceful liar, Michael was NOT gay and he should be ashamed of betraying Michael with these lies" it would make a better statement then all this sarcastic questionable fun puzzle talk... I mean the "priest" quote dosen't make sence, you go to a priest to confess your inner secrets and sins knowing that the priest under the eyes of god will never be able to repeat anything you've told them, so when she says that, it states that Michael made confessions to Dr. Klein and he betrayed his "confidence" by revealing it... seriously for one second look at this thinking this is not about Michael and Liz... you guys don't find that quote truly twisted... it's as if my right now my dentist tells everyone I just murdered someone and in my defence my best friend quotes on her twitter acount "This dentist should be ashamed, I thought you doctors were like priests!" what would everyone say there?

Why dosen't she state that these are "lies" but a instead a "betrayal of trust"... and I'm not the one who's making it a big deal, I don't know about America, but here in France this story was a laughing joke until she made those twitts and all of the frendh media posted everywhere "Liz Taylor Outs Her Friend Michael, Could It Be True That Michael Was Gay?", and especially knowing the ampler that her statement was taking with the press and non fans why not twitt a statement clearing the matter up?

I just think that knowing this disgusting industry that is the tabloids, press and soulless money diggers out there who've wanted to destroy Michael, you should make an easier statement then go all "sarcastic" so that they can feed off it and make it look like something completely different! I just can't understand it... and I guess the reason that this story gets me more than all the other garbage out there on Michael it's that it comes from someone who I truly had respect and love for cause I felt she was the only person Michael had his whole life... this question mark in my head about her hurts me, espcially in this sad period, since Michael's passing so many people have shown there true colours, and having lost complete faith on his familly and so many who I thought had the best of intensions towards him, Liz was the cherry on the cake, and for the past few months after the research I had done on her I had this feel that she was a complete backstabber with the rest of them... and now that she's gone and I'm seeing all these things about her with Michael I feel this complete sadness that aches me and leaves me confused in my own emotions... and I guess I'm trying to find my peace with her passing, tbh... I've lost so much trust on people since Michael left us that I don't believe anyone in his life had good intentions towards Michael... Michael was the loneliest human being, and I can't seem to accept this life that he had to lead and it hurts me.

Btw, I apologize to anyone who took any offence to my words towards Liz Taylor at this time of sadness...

I do not like her twits. I think she knew exactly how they would be interpreted by many & she did it purposefully.
If Mrs. Taylor did a good job there would be no need for MJ bodyguards to go to the media with their story about Michael's sexual preferences. It is her fault that the media picked it up they way they did.
Mrs. Taylor wanted to be good only for her best friend Arnie Klein, not for Michael.

And she was not Miss when she passed.She got married again in 2010 the guy who was 30 years younger than her. Correct your records.

If you think that Liz Taylor got married in 2010 your posts mean nothing.
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual
Though everybody wants to read all about it
Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual, actual
They say he's homosexual

Ok so anyway Liz had to say it in a way that she was defending Michael but that she was also not bashing gay people. If you knew of Liz before she died, you would also know about her British sarcastic sense of humour. Imagine the hate Liz would have got if she said,
"Michael Jackson was NOT gay. Do not believe Arnie Klein. He was a straight man who fathered three children!"

If she said that it would look like she had something against gays. In the British media anyway, Liz was said to be defending Michael against the rumours. If the British media can read her tweets clearly then you should really be able to.
please be careful with what you post and how you post it and do not turn this into a bashing thread.
I agree with Pace, those tweets are pure sarcasm. Liz was like anybody else, she made mistakes, but she NEVER let Michael down. She's the one who helped him with the pain killer addiction, she's the one who flew to be with him when the first allegations hit the news in 93, she defended him after the sad Blanket incident in Germany, and again, she was there in 05.
That's more than a lot of people who claim to have been so close to him, but we all know were not. All those who say now he was their "inspiration", but turned their backs on him when he was wrongfully accused.
Huh? It never even occured to me that those tweets could be read in a different way than a defence for Michael and a stab at Klein. Like respect77 mentioned, you know Michael himself didn't like to have to deny being gay as he didn't want to offend his gay fans that might think that for him to explain his sexuality he thought there was something wrong with being gay. Which of course he didn't. I honestly don't see how these tweets matter in such a debate. It actually makes me think people on here would have a problem with gay people. I wouldn't mind a second if all my favourite artists and friends turned gay this very minute. It doesnt change who they are fundamentally, right? Same goes for Michael. I just think being gay, not being gay, denying it, implying it, it's all such a non-topic. What does it matter?
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For reasons I can't figure out some are just jealous of Liz for some reason
I wouldn't mind a second if all my favourite artists and friends turned gay this very minute. It doesnt change who they are fundamentally, right? Same goes for Michael. I just think being gay, not being gay, denying it, implying it, it's all such a non-topic. What does it matter?

Thank you.
For reasons I can't figure out some are just jealous of Liz for some reason

Geez, nobody is jealous of Liz. She said what said did and this is the fact. The media do not care was it sarcasm or it was not.
Michael had many wrong people around him for yeras he shouldn't of been trusting. I don't see Elizabeth being an exception.
Her friend Klein kept drugging Michael for many years and she was putting him into rehab. What a nice couple!
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How are you going to say Klein kept drugging Michael? You have no proof to say he did that? None what so ever. Klein was Michael's friend to for 25 years and whatever Michael took Michael took it no one forced him. The only people who made a big deal about Klein were the fans the story was gone the next day. Every time you post something inaccurate it kills your whole argument
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