I have a new car!!

Thats cool! Nice deco! Does it transform into one big giant Michael Jackson robot that talks through the radio?!?!:wild:

Thats cool! Nice deco! Does it transform into one big giant Michael Jackson robot that talks through the radio?!?!:wild:


Yep!!! :yes:

And the horn doesn't go "beep beep".........it goes "hee hee!!!" And when the world is asleep, it comes to life and dances around, moonwalking and spinning and doing the leg kick (with the correct leg, of course ;)).

Yep!!! :yes:

And the horn doesn't go "beep beep".........it goes "hee hee!!!" And when the world is asleep, it comes to life and dances around, moonwalking and spinning and doing the leg kick (with the correct leg, of course ;)).


:bugeyed I MUST HAVE YOUR CAR :bugeyed

LOL :clapping:
In seriousness, I congratulate you. It really is a cute'mobile. And you did a fine job decorating it.

Now..if only i can get over my fear of driving.... Maybe I can get me a car that transforms into a robot Michael.
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share this with you :)
Last August, I bought a car (bought it right before Michael's bday, actually). It took aaages before I could pick it up......I got it only yesterday!

It's a Citroen C1. It's small (or I should say 'compact') which I love. I drove around in it today and yesterday and I must say I absolutely adore this car. The exterior is black, and inside the car I have placed red accents. The 'blanket' (or whatever it's called :lol:) on the backseat is red too. Michael's favorite colors are represented!!! ;)

Here are some pictures, tell me what you think!!



....and especially for you guys since I know you'll love it as much as I do:



Wow that is a great car! I bet the gas mileage is really good. I want a small car like that... everything in the US really IS so large though...
The colors are perfect! Love the pillows in back :wub: Ok, where did you get the belt covers??? :wild:
It's so cool. I love how you decorated it. I have a pink cushion in the shape of a heart.

Love your car!! And we need small cars here in Holland. They're so easy to park LOL