I hate 2009!

I hate 2009 too..
We lost Michael..
I lost my aunt, got into a car accident.
alot of my friends lost someone.
alot of celebs passed away.
I was supposed to go to London this week but due to snow the flights were cancelled.
But Maybe it was some kind of sign..
Anyways I hope 2010 will be alot better!
I also hated 2009, it was the worst year of my life, other than Michael's death, like I heard that the PS2 game, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5 is not going to be released in North America and that's one of those things to keep pissing me off, the game is only released in Japan, Europe and Australia, I have all those 4 Ultimate Ninja games and I can't get the 5th game? The only resolution is that I hope 2010 would be a far better year than 2009.
Yeah this year has been quite horrible, and not only because so many celebrities passed away..
I've experienced more disappointments this year than in my whole life together and Michael's death was just the top of it all.

It shouldn't be so so difficult for next year to be better than this.. *sigh*
I took one of those silly horoscope quizzes in the beginning of the year and mine said something like "It will be a difficult year for you and you will have to learn to cope with loss." I was feeling so good back then that naturally I just laughed. And then I lose an old lady who lived near my parents who was like a third grandmother, I had to leave my wonderful flatmates in June when I moved, and then Mike. :no: I still don't believe in horoscopes but it certainly hasn't always been easy this past year...
When even the Queen even turns round and says '2009 is a year best forgotten' you know its been a terrible year. The first, and only time, I've ever agreed with something she said!
Worst year of my life.


I can't wait to say goodbye to it forever!! Get the heck outta here '09 :angry:
Okay, so not only does our Michael pass away and other celebrities as well. I lost my full time job in October(thank goodness I'm able to have a part time job now). And the latest. It has snowed so bad that hubby and I cant' go to New York to see my family for Christmas. I guess THIS year has been the snowiest year in a while. I have a good schedule and good bosses but the weather stinks THIS year! I can't stand it! I've wanted to be with my family for Christmas for a while. It's been some years.
Sorry but I needed to vent. I HATE this year. It needs to go ASAP! Not that 2010 will be much better.
2009 wasn't too swell for me either. Actually, it's been one of the worst years in my life, considering that Michael passed away in June.

I'm sorry to hear everything that happened to you this year, Michelle. I have a feeling that 2010 will be a much better year for all of us.

Couldn't agree more. Definitely looking forward to a much better 2010. This year just basically sucked for pretty much everyone I know.
I really hate 2009.
It started out looking like it as going to be the best year of my life instead it has become one of the worst...
I don't even want to look back at it, it's too depressing for me.
Unfortunatly I don't know if 2010 is gonna be much better for me, I have kind of lost hope that great things are gonna happen for me. For the last 5 years my life has pretty much never had a good year for me.
I hope it will change soon though,because I can't take another year like this..
It's not just 2009. To me this whole decade has been a total ass fest
It's not just 2009. To me this whole decade has been a total ass fest

THIS! This decade as a whole has been a complete f***ing s***hole. That is honestly how I feel. I remember more bad things than good from this decade (and that says a lot!) so I'm so GLAD this decade is coming to an end. GOOD RIDDANCE!
THIS! This decade as a whole has been a complete f***ing s***hole. That is honestly how I feel. I remember more bad things than good from this decade (and that says a lot!) so I'm so GLAD this decade is coming to an end. GOOD RIDDANCE!

too funny, a total a^%$ fest. HILARIOUS:hysterical:
I'll take January through May of 2009, and pretend the rest didn't happen :(
2009 was horrible! Just horrible! The first 3 months were great.

From March/April onwards it was horrible for me personally.

First my girlfriend left me who I really did (and still do) love dearly. Then Michael died, when the only thing I had to look forward to after my gf left me was going to see him. Then next my ex gf went out with some boy who had 'liked' her for over a year and who had constantly stuck his nose in our relationship. This and Michael dieing happened in the same week.

It was just horrible.

Im trying to make a fresh start in 2010, im making a real effort to get over m ex. Im going to try and get my first job (even though the thought of it terrifies me) and im going to pass my driving test finally.

Things can only get better after 2009 right? :D