I hate 2009!

Michelle MC

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2009
Okay, so not only does our Michael pass away and other celebrities as well. I lost my full time job in October(thank goodness I'm able to have a part time job now). And the latest. It has snowed so bad that hubby and I cant' go to New York to see my family for Christmas. I guess THIS year has been the snowiest year in a while. I have a good schedule and good bosses but the weather stinks THIS year! I can't stand it! I've wanted to be with my family for Christmas for a while. It's been some years.
Sorry but I needed to vent. I HATE this year. It needs to go ASAP! Not that 2010 will be much better.
Okay, so not only does our Michael pass away and other celebrities as well. I lost my full time job in October(thank goodness I'm able to have a part time job now). And the latest. It has snowed so bad that hubby and I cant' go to New York to see my family for Christmas. I guess THIS year has been the snowiest year in a while. I have a good schedule and good bosses but the weather stinks THIS year! I can't stand it! I've wanted to be with my family for Christmas for a while. It's been some years.
Sorry but I needed to vent. I HATE this year. It needs to go ASAP! Not that 2010 will be much better.

Im with ya there, i agree with everything you just said, this year is just snatching all kinds of folks out of here, i cant wait for the holidays to be over and move on into next year. im still crying sometime
Yeah . something is wrong with 2009 :(
Michael Jackon, DJ Am, Farrah Fawcett, Brittany Murphy etc.
the snow .. I love snow but its so damn cold than I ever knew.. I cant even go out because if it.
it started soo amazingly possitive dreams were gopnna come true to millions of fans around the world and mid way the world stopped (so it seemes) the lights were switched off...... the king has left the building.....
The only good things that happened to me were that I graduated high school, worked my first job, and finished my first semester of college. Everything else was just meh.
This decade as a whole needs to go!

I am looking forward to the 2010's... Hopefully, it'll be better.
This year sucked. Unable to find a graduate job after I finished uni. Got to the last stage of many to be told no. Then to top it all off Michael died which just devastated me. The summer for me is by far the worst summer ever, I took his death really hard, and I will never get over it. Good riddance.
I've been thinking the same thing since 2002. And its not getting any better what so ever. :no:
This decade as a whole needs to go!

I am looking forward to the 2010's... Hopefully, it'll be better.

Hopefully the next decade will have a big back lash to this crappy decade we're living in now
I agree. 2009 started out good but went down for me. My father also lost his life in feb. I lost my pet on June 3 that I had for 12 years. I was going to London and getting ready to be and see MJ and he died on June 25. My family friend died in Aug. My sister found out she had cancer in Sept (she is healing now). etc. What a year!!!
it started soo amazingly possitive dreams were gopnna come true to millions of fans around the world and mid way the world stopped (so it seemes) the lights were switched off...... the king has left the building.....

i know and right in the middle of a song (it seems like )
:better: Michelle, this has been the worse year of my life too..
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lost michael, got taken by the ambulance from my workplace twice , lost my job,can't find another since it seems that everyone is using the "crisis" a an excuse to ditch ppl , my parents wonder when i'm gonna be able to live on my own ...my son was born but he has no father, questions i had to face just because he is not responsible enough to stand by me and take care of his son, i feel lonelier than ever and i can't find a cure for it, even if i'm searching desperately for one ... i thank God for my son otherwise i would have gave up life by now. ..this was the worse year ever ...and i'm not making hopes that 2010 will be better ...xmas and new year will be the 2 most miserable moments ever ...:no: oh ...and i'm growing older. .. looking in the mirror and can't believe the no of white hairs appearing every day ....
I hate this year too! It's been horrible to me personaly although I hate the fact that so many celebs died on that year too. I hope 2010 is better for me although I have a feeling that it would get much worst for me!
:better: Michelle, this has been the worse year of my life too.. I lost a friend in a car accident... i lost my grandmother unexpectadly... lost boyf.., lost MJ, and many other sort of problems... i don't know how to continue this fight..

:better: The list goes on for me too, I lost my bf, my godfather, my cat . The year seemed to keep getting worse and worse. its hard trying to comprehend it all.
I worked tonight and saw someone I used to work with at another job years ago. She was so excited to see me. I was glad to see her too, but I kept wondering, why is she so happy. She couldn't tell if I remembered her, which I did. I guess I didn't show the same happiness. How can I? I don't have it in me, nothing against her at all. :(
Well, I'm with y'all too - because of what happened to Michael. His passing had such an impact on me and my life that the year 2009 will forever be ingrained in my memory as the worst year ever.

Missing him more and more every day. :(
Can't say I hate this year.

For now I'm happy I've survived it honestly. Still feel I need some more healing! But then again I pretty much made it back to be my old self I think... well thanks to the help of some wonderful friends and also some other ppl.
Feeling the love, the warmth, the sweetness of those ppl I guess can't make me saying I'd hate the times we went through... hard times yes... but still... nope 2009 wasn't bad.
Well, the first half for me wasn't too bad. It started out promising with Obama being elected and Bush leaving (FINALLY!). What a joyous night that was. :)

But then summer came and although I typically hate summer anyway because of the heat and humidity, THIS particular summer was one from hell. First of all it rained in NYC almost daily in June, July and August. I had Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot that was extremely painful and almost debilitating (it is just about gone now, thank God), then all the celeb deaths with the most traumatic being that of Michael Jackson's. I'm ready to say goodbye to 2009!

I was fortunate to have been employed though, that is the bright side. Millions of people cannot say as much. And I began my first year in 2009 living in my newly purchased apartment which aside from being somewhat tricky financially speaking it has also been a joy for me to come home to my very own place where I can do whatever I want whenever I want without answering to anyone else.

But then I missed out on the First Time Homebuyer's tax credit that doesn't require repayment by just a couple of months so that was annoying. Thanks a lot Bush.

Gotta take the good with the bad, I guess.
Okay, so not only does our Michael pass away and other celebrities as well. I lost my full time job in October(thank goodness I'm able to have a part time job now). And the latest. It has snowed so bad that hubby and I cant' go to New York to see my family for Christmas. I guess THIS year has been the snowiest year in a while. I have a good schedule and good bosses but the weather stinks THIS year! I can't stand it! I've wanted to be with my family for Christmas for a while. It's been some years.
Sorry but I needed to vent. I HATE this year. It needs to go ASAP! Not that 2010 will be much better.

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that it's ending up that you can't make it to see your family this Christmas. :cry:

I wish you a much better 2010!! '09 was really hard for me too.... :heart:
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The second half of 2009 was bad for me too.
Lost my job, my boss made a nice agreement but backed out of it, my car repair took a lot of money, my dog got health problems and I really can't have that right now financially because I still don't have a job after 4 months and of course the snow.
I feel the same way, I am sure 2009 is a cursed year. There has been so many people that I know of that have died especially celebs. All started with John Travolta's son in January. My dog has died this year, my dads work has gone down hill, I have come out of work, alot of things. I pray 2010 will be alot better
Yeah sometimes I'm getting sick of 2009 already & this year has become the worst year than I though it will be! this summer I was so happy & sad at the same time because I miss micheal so much & right now I'm sick because I miss Michael so much & he means the world to my home ever since I was a little girl wacthing the moonwalker tape with my aunt & my borther! thats why in 2010 I'm going to be so happy & still think about MJ all of my life! LET'S BRING IN 2010 SHALL WE!
The years before 2009, I would always think "thank goodness, can't wait for the new year! This year was so lame"

sigh* I was so unappreciative. Nowadays I wish those years could come back because of Mike.

This year will be officially known as the best and worst year ever.

1. First Black President...never thought that would happen
2. I went back to college and received my first set of A's EVER for the semester.

1. Michael, Michael, Michael.
2. Went through my first and LAST abusive relationship ever. :( The best part of that is I have managed to get out of that relationship but three months later, Michael dies.

These days, I have dreams about him. The last dream was Mike and I on his private jet and our seats were facing each other so we could chat the day away. I remember that I was constantly making him laugh by telling him so many funny stories. ::smiles:: I loved every minute of it.
I agree. 2009 started out good but went down for me. My father also lost his life in feb. I lost my pet on June 3 that I had for 12 years. I was going to London and getting ready to be and see MJ and he died on June 25. My family friend died in Aug. My sister found out she had cancer in Sept (she is healing now). etc. What a year!!!

:better: Michelle, this has been the worse year of my life too.. I lost a friend in a car accident... i lost my grandmother unexpectadly... lost boyf.., lost MJ, and many other sort of problems... i don't know how to continue this fight..

:better: The list goes on for me too, I lost my bf, my godfather, my cat . The year seemed to keep getting worse and worse. its hard trying to comprehend it all.

I'm so sorry for all your losses :weeping:
For the past few years up to 2009, something happened or somebody in my family has died and I thought finally 2009 was a good year and it was getting better... then came June 25th. I've been saying for years how next year will be a better one and I really hope it is but that's all it is... hope. :sigh:
i just watched him in concert again and i had to shut it off cuz i just started banging my fists and crying im so heartbroken, he carried every good time i ever had in my life with him. sometime i get so upset over this. oh well i gotta go watch a movie or something and clear my head.
Well I absolutely hate 2009 I lost my Dad on June 11th and two weeks later I lost Michael who I have loved my whole life, I do not like my job at all, there is so much crap going on there it would make you head spin and all the other wonderful celebrities Farrah, Patrick Brittany just to name a few have also left us and I am so depressed at times I can't stop crying and I am not looking forward to Christmas at all, I am sorry folks but this has been a bad day today so I am venting a little so I say goodbye 2009 I am done with you.
