i got Tribute Magazine of MJ Part 2

hi all :waving: i found three new ones so here they're :)



:lol: my mom is getting angry :yes: cause i'm speeding to much :yes: but i can't help it cause everything is MJ right know :yes: when it's stop i'll let you kow mom :yes: :lol: that's what i said to here lol
Okay! Stupid me just accidently bought a ebook of a tribute magazine... well, I guess it's my fault for jumping the gun and not reading properly, but then again I didn't think someone would go so low and sell ebooks of tribute magazines! Anyway, my stupidness is your luck!


Free download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EVRXWG1J


If already posted, forgive me... and if it stops to work, let me now, I'll put it up again!
i got it too :D WOW cause today i what to my chapters store they got one lift i was so lucky that i got it but i'm going to look for it again in different stores cause i what two more cause i what it in my scrapbook :D

so here is mag:
Rockstar your collection looks amazing!
Do you know or anyone here for that matter, know about past LIFE magazine articles on Michael Jackson? Like one which was 'inside his world' which was an exclusive & another one with Prince (his son not the singer :p)?