I got my souvenir tickets today.

S-T-I-L-L waiting for Aug 28th from TM. I wonder if we should start making bets like if we'll get them this year, in 2010, 2011 or ... ever. :rolleyes2:
I think so.

I sent them email more than 3 times asking for my tix ..at least tracking number and the auto reply said as of today .. Sept 28 blah blah.. and today I still waiting for it. I don't get it why they even can't tell me tracking number. I check fdx every day no shipment to my name :( they lie about that I think
OK was told on the phone my tickets would finally be dispatched Monday last week! Still not received anything, just spoke to ticketmaster and they said they have not been printed!! They have promised me they will call me by Thursday at the latest with an update...they better, I am a little pi***d now!!
Got mine yesterday, its the billie jean design which looks good :)
but i was actually gutted when I opened them :( Can't believe it now, would of been best day of my life, I know it!! :(
Was given an update by ticketmaster and told I may not receive mine till NEXT YEAR!!
Aparently there is something wrong with the printing of the batch mine is in
Woah, I'm kind of surprised that people are still waiting for their tickets.

Hello? Ticketmaster??? Someone home???
Was given an update by ticketmaster and told I may not receive mine till NEXT YEAR!!
Aparently there is something wrong with the printing of the batch mine is in

I think you should threaten to sue.....and maybe send your story to the papers and online news websites.....they might be interested!!!
Prepare thyselves, fellow souvenir-ticketless fans, for a miracle hath occured! Yes! For on this day, the 17th day of November 2009, I mjbunny heard a ring at the door from whence appeared a FedEx messenger. Behold, on the envelope was scribed the word "Ticketmaster". Upon opening of the envelope, a pristine memorial program and... and.... a TICKET for the 28th of August were revealed!

Dangerous Tour design, btw. The one with the gold outfit. About time! Let this give you hope. Maybe someday you too shall actually receive your ticket!
Mine came today, I recieved and email today saying they had been sent out.
Forwarded it to my friend as that is where the tickets are going to and they had got there this morning.
Oh, btw... I never got a single email about the shipment coming from Ticketmaster. Nothing, nada, nichts. I've looked through my 'spam' folder every couple of days as well, but there was just NO email that ever came. So don't expect that you'll get an email first. FedEx might just show up at your door out of the blue one day.
Re: Anyone received souvenir tickets?

I finally got mine too!!!. Arrived on Sat(14th Nove) and i got the memorial book with it as well. My ticket is one of the purple one's, which is my fave colour.
Hey Guys, I got my ticket a few days ago from the MJJC competition I won it is amazing !! it was sent by Raffles Van Excel himself !! can't wait for the next competition !! post pics soon hopefully :)
New update on the PC wallpaper, We now have a 3rd design!

I would like to thank Sarah (man.in.the.mirror) for scanning her ticket for me!


So i still need the other 5 designs! If you have one of them and would be willing to scan it to help out with this project then please send me a message on here

Thank You


P.S. If anyone has any more designs post it on this thread!!!!
Finally.. Got the message from my sister that she got mine for August 28th by FedEx yesterday. So I'll know what design it is this saturday. Hurray!
At first i was a bit disappointed with my design (i got 2 the same, MJ on the O2) because everbody seemed to have that design, but after seeing all 8 at the exhibition I actually think my design is one of the better ones. I would have loved the lean one though, i think thats fantastic.

I can't believe i recieved two the same, i would have loved 2 different designs. God knows i paid enough :eek:
mine are for february 10th. im really not expecting them till next year :coffee: i hate ticketmaster. i hate customer service :coffee: this wouldn't be as bad if we were getting some sort of updates or a method on how tickets are being dispatched. its just a crap shoot on who or when we are to get them :coffee:

*end of rant*
I finally got mine for August 12th - it was the 2nd one in the wallpaper that someone posted a few posts above this :)
I can't believe some of you are still waiting! :bugeyed That really is awful of them.