I got a JOB OFFER!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats LJ! Now go PARTY!!! I know the feeling...this week I got that much awaited call and got a job offer too! It'sa relief...though im so edgy I haven't got my offer in writing yet.

Dats - why would LJ leave lovely Australia to come to the UK? :p ;)
Congratulations L.J!!:D So happy for you:D

Congrats LJ :flowers:

I told you that intimidation gets you where ever you want to be in the world :p

Congrats L.J

Thanks so much :flowers:

OMG, congrats, Jelly!!!! :woohoo:

I'm so proud of you! ^_^ :huggy: (not that it would matter, lol :lol: )

I really hope you'll be happy there :D You'll make a great teachy ;)

My PE teacher is a mess :doh: Actually, she doesn't teach a thing, she just says: "you go do some exercises" , but never bothers to tell/show us what's the right way to do them :doh: And if you ask, she acts as if you're a complete idiot :doh:

*cries* Save me, Jelly :cry:


You go, girl! ;) :flowers: :huggy:

Aww that's no good :(

maybe I should come to Romania and make you guys play different sports with me :wild:

Congratulations. But why didn't you come to britain like so many of your collegues do. There are so many of them in fulltime teaching jobs here at present. My friends school has many australians.

I have thought about it :yes: only I don't have enough money to make the trip and settle in, plus I hear your kids are worse than ours :p :lol: I joke I might consider it in the future though because I want to travel, and at least this way I could really get to see places.

Congrats LJ! Now go PARTY!!! I know the feeling...this week I got that much awaited call and got a job offer too! It'sa relief...though im so edgy I haven't got my offer in writing yet.

Dats - why would LJ leave lovely Australia to come to the UK? :p ;)
Oh congrats to you too!! :punk:
Awh congratulations!!! ;D

I have been looking for a job for about a year, i've had two but lost them both... :( I won't give up though!! This thread gives me hope!! :]
