I got a JOB OFFER!!!!!!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


Ok so I graduated at the end of 2006 as a fully qualified Physical Ed Teacher for highschool years after 6 years of university and a collection of diplomas and a degree.

I spent my first year working as an emergency teacher (subsitute teacher) I worked within one school and spent the whole year looking for a Full time job.

I've applied everywhere and anywhere, getting all sorts of rejections... would you believe it, schools that were too far away wouldn't hire me because they feared I wouldn't like my petrol bill and would quit after 6 months to a year... :mello:

anyway I kept expressing my interest within this school I had been working for and the positions that came up never suited me or I would be knocked back for older more experienced teachers.


3 weeks ago I got a call "Hi Linda, would you be interested in a part-time position?"


"Ok we'll draw something up and get back to you"

I have spent the last 2 weeks jumping out of my skin about EVERYTHING!!!

finally about 20 minutes ago I got another call.....

"Your contract is in the mail"

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

omg omg omg omg I'm so excited!!!!

it's not full time work, but it's a big enough part-time position that I will be able to quit working two jobs!!! :):)

Just thought I'd share my good news :D
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See good things come :yes: Does a happy dance for LJ!!!!!!!!
congrat, LJ i feel your anxiety and relief on these kinds of things.. i'm glad it finally worked out for you ^_^

mmmm PE teachers,,, good stuff lol
Thanks so much guys :wild:

I'm so nervous because I will have to do all the planning of my classes and report writing and parent interviews and everything :eek:

it's in a Catholic school too and I'm not Catholic :eek: so I'm kind of nervous about having to go to school mass and stuff :unsure:

but the knowledge that I can just work one job after alll these years of shift working in the airport and balancing the vegetarian restaurant job with studies it's such and exciting thought yet scary...

I feel like I have that syndrome, you know where long time prision cell inmates can't handle going out into the real world so they try to get back into prision... back to their comfort zone.

I just keep telling myself that this new job will be a much better comfort zone, certainly a much more liberating one than working two jobs.
Oh I just read a news article that has made me feel a little bit better about my situation too.

I've been thinking that there's something wrong with me when I apply for jobs (not experienced enough etc)

but this article:

The teacher shortage - crisis or con?

We're supposed to need more teachers but many are still job-seeking. Seamus Bradley reports.
The State Government says there is currently no shortage of teachers in Victoria but that a crisis is looming in future years. Sure, there are problems getting teachers for some hard-to-staff geographic areas and certain subjects - maths, languages, science and IT - but no classroom will be without a teacher this school year,
Unlike many others, though, Mr Borthwick researched his job prospects. He contacted the teachers' union, Melbourne University and the Department of Education before taking the plunge. All three organisations assured him there would be plenty of work. He passed his DipEd with first-class honours in 2001 and then the nightmare began.
Mr Borthwick is qualified to teach history, geography, commerce, legal studies, business management and economics - areas where there is no sign of any shortage.
In the first term of last year he worked as an emergency teacher, what he calls "education's hell on earth" and found about three weeks of nearly full-time work (0.8). Two contract positions filled in the rest of 2002. After much drama, he was eventually offered a 0.5 contract for 2003, which is enough to encourage him to continue teaching rather than return to the public service, where the pay is better. But Mr Borthwick didn't choose teaching for the money, he wanted to give something back and support his family at the same time.
In 15 months, Mr Borthwick has applied for 80 jobs, about half of them in state schools, where applications take more than three hours each to complete.
Private schools are easier to apply to, he says. "All you have to do is send in a letter and a curriculum vitae and if you're lucky they'll interview you, but state schools require you to respond to a whole series of what they call `key selection criteria'."
There may be up to 10 criteria and applicants must write very detailed responses.
"For each of the State Government jobs I applied for I spent maybe two-to-three hours, sometimes more, writing applications. And even though I'm essentially applying for the same job, all the key selection criteria are different. There's no agreement between schools," he says.

This has been me!!!!
:lol: L.J. working for the Pope

*singing Prince*

'...you can be the president ... I'd rather be the Pope ... i'd rather beee, soo happy ... you can be the president, I'd rather be the Pope'

Congratulations !! :party:
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Thanks ladies!!! :hug:

I forgot to say I start on the 7th!!!
wooohoooo go L.J, it must be so much better than working 2 jobs having 1 thing 2 concentrate on instead of 2. Enjoy your new job! Don't be mean to those kids who don't like PE lol Find the sport they are best at and encourage them. I was 1 of those kids when we had to play football I hated it but when it came to Netball or Basketball I couldn't wait to start a match.
Thanks Lindsey :)

I know what you mean :) but I like to make my students suffer :( you're gonna take all the fun out of it :eek:

:lol: seriously though, I just ask that they participate even if it's just a little bit ^_^
Congrats L.J what a cool job, I wish you all the best :flowers:
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Hey awesome news LJ! :happy_dance:

You girl rock!

Congrats! :girl_happy:
Congrats LJ :flowers:

I told you that intimidation gets you where ever you want to be in the world :p
OMG, congrats, Jelly!!!! :woohoo:

I'm so proud of you! ^_^ :huggy: (not that it would matter, lol :lol: )

I really hope you'll be happy there :D You'll make a great teachy ;)

My PE teacher is a mess :doh: Actually, she doesn't teach a thing, she just says: "you go do some exercises" , but never bothers to tell/show us what's the right way to do them :doh: And if you ask, she acts as if you're a complete idiot :doh:

*cries* Save me, Jelly :cry:


You go, girl! ;) :flowers: :huggy:
Congratulations. But why didn't you come to britain like so many of your collegues do. There are so many of them in fulltime teaching jobs here at present. My friends school has many australians.
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