I Got a "Backstage Pass" When I Went to See It!

Meh.. I got a small poster, and I saved the ticket. You could buy the album, but I didn't have money.
we got nothing at our showing in Toronot. I was even more angry that there was a screening BEFORE midnight that it looks like regular ol' people were at...
I didn't get anything for free. On the contrary, my theater was selling This Is It shirts for 20.00 and the album for 15.00.

....I bought both without hesitation.
you guys so lucky :) happy for you
I want one to feel like MJ groupie :yes: bidding bidding
didnt get diddly squat!
I want free gifts!
I was gona buy some This is it merchandise from my theatre, but both times a went to see it i forgot, because i was rushing to get in and then to busy crying and dancing vcoming out!
But i must see it again!
I want free loot =( Anyone get anything from any theater in NYC?

I got the laminate lanyard thing from the Regal on 42nd St on Oct 28. I think it was just for that showing though. BTW those seats were really comfortable! :)
I got this at a regal cinema at VA at halloween.