I feel like i dont' wanna live anymore!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
anyone else having the same problem!???

i won't kill myself ...i know..i have to be strong...(even tho life sucks..the whole world is goin crazy...no positive things)...but i just don't wanna live no morE! i feel like if michael is gone...i can be too...why being here??
Just think that Michael does not want you to do this! In fact MJ would chastice you if you went to find him in heaven and said you did this because of him! Wait until the time comes. Long time, but remember MJ is not dead, he just left his body behind!
a lot of people are feeling the same, and it's good you're expressing your feelings.
i know right now at the moment you might feel empty, lonely and helpless. but trust me, it WILL get better in time. it will never be the same, the pain will never die, but you'll learn how to cope with that.
honestly, all i keep thinking about is how i'll introduce my children (i don't have any yet) to Michael's music and how i'll bring them up teaching all the qualities Michael cherished.
i feel the same way . why did God take away someone who means THIS much to billions people. its killing us inside. why God?
but don't hurt yourself. for michael's sake. he wouldn't want anything bad to happen.
michael give us some strength, we're so weak and broken without you
know he isn't here no more hurts me so much.
hope you're okay michael :pray:
i know..but i feel like if he died..we can all die! u know...but nobody knows exatcly what happens when we die!...the thing is..life is HARD...u have to work every day...stress everyday..problems...THEN U DIE! life on earth is worse each year! i don't know!
I joked to my friend this morning that when it's my time to transcend into the spiritual realm I'm gonna ask my money back.
yes, the heartache is horrible but look at how Michael is being celebrated now. finally, he is being held up as the most influential and revered artist. The respect that is pouring out of people now is immense. The celebrations of his work are long over due and well deserved.

We have his legacy to hold onto. We have countless pieces of his work to continue to be inspired by. Each of us can be beacon that shines on his memory. why put one of those lights out ?? He deserves to be held up and celebrated by each and every one of us. Michael would not want us to give up because of his passing. This entire community must go forward and shine our light upon is his legacy.

Already, too many have buckled under the strain of this tragic loss ... do not add yourself to those statistics. Please search your heart and find the will to carry on. Talk to friends and family. Let them know that your heart is aching and you need their support. Do not be ashamed to let someone know that your mind is telling you things that will cause your body harm. Reach out to someone in your life and grab hold of them...ask for their strength.

We are here for you ... stay strong. Please pledge to us all that you will continue living. click the link http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65961
Nothing would be more tragic to Michael, than if you did Anything to hurt yourself!

Michael loved life. He would want you to stay Here and be ALL that you can be!
Keep on fighting! Michael never stopped trying. He kept on. Pushing forward..

Michael will never die in the hearts of those, who love him.

You can help keep him alive by Living your life. Continue to grow..
Celebrate his memory, his Life, and continue to let him inspire you to do Good in this world.

THAT is what he would have wanted.
:cry: stay strong people :pray:
michael we miss you so much :(
thankz guys!
the thing is...Mike was the only real positive thing in my life...for a few years now...i remember when i heard HOLD MY HAND (even tho he only sang a few lines) i was so happy...too much! only mike made me real happy! and then when i heard about the concerts...damn....i said FINALLY SOME POSITIVE IN MY LIFE! finally..thank u Michael...and then the news about the new album...u know..and now HE DIED!!!

i always said (kinda was joking) i could never kill myself...because then i would miss what mike will do next(after im gone)..all the new music and news...and now he is DEAD! i've been a fan since 1987!....i dont know...all the JOY is gone...i dont know! i know it will get better in time...hope so...but right now..since thursday..i feel like not living...same shit everday...like i said...I and WE HAVE TO BE STRONG!! even tho MJ was my LIFE...the only one who could make me feel better when i was down!now he is gone! but his music is always here..that's true! damn
:( its so beautiful what he means to people. yeah, watching him live on 5th march 2009 on TV when he was in my country was the happiest moment of my life. then finding out i had tickets. waking up everyday before school, coming on MJJC and when something good is on (new mj pix, good news) i'm ready for the horrible day ahead :D and what keeps me going is knowing more news will be there when i'm home. also the ONLY thing keeping me motivated this past months are knowing i'll be seeing michael jackson live!
i think about all the negative things that happend in my life (in recent years)...and michael...everything together,,,,thats why im so down! and i NEVER SAW HIM LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((((((( and im a true fan since i was 4 years old
Please whatever you do, don't dare hurt yourself.

The pain we are going though is beyond words, but we can't give up, if anything, Michael tought us be strong, to never give up and to always smile; well this is precisely the time for us to put his teachings to use.

The world needs you alive, we are a family here in MJJC...and we need you.
:cry: we all feel the pain. i want to pay tributes to michael but i don't know how. i wish i lived in L.A. or london. i'm only 15 and live in leeds :( i feel such an awful fan. :cry:
just think of all the unreleased material that we have to look forward to .. think of all the news reports when we put the king of pop on the top of the charts again...

That is what i am looking forward to !! The music will live on and on !!
Every day life sucks I know this really well, believe me and I understand your feelings BUT please be strong. We fans, as a all, must cope with this tremendous tragedy and I'm sure time will help you feeling better than you can possibly think right now. I feel lost, lonely, empty and sad myself. I miss him too much but I know Michael will live on in my heart and thoughts for each and every day of life. At this very moment I'm listening Dirty Diana and it helps a lot to me...it seems he's still here. Also this forum it's the right place because we can be together and destroy our lonelyness.

Please excuse my english
just think of all the unreleased material that we have to look forward to .. think of all the news reports when we put the king of pop on the top of the charts again...

That is what i am looking forward to !! The music will live on and on !!
Yup! That's how we should think! MJ news will be pleeenty for the years to come. :yes:

And maybe one day we'll get a sign from Michael too. :D
a sign? i hope mj gives me the power to climb a tree someday. i can never do it. maybe michael will help me next time!

thankz yall...for the beautiful words! im lookin at all my MJ posters on my wall (when i heard he died i couldn't look him in the eyes) and i feel like he is still alive u know!i think i will never deal with it...mike never died!he can't die! he is peter pan..he said he wanna live forever!
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Guys, if you have been finding yourselves sitting in front of the television hour after hour taking in the news about MJ, make yourselves step away for a while. Go outside to get away from the constant media coverage for a while. Go to a park, to the movies or something just to calm down some.

Sometimes there will be more information and most of the time it's just going to be fill-in. If you want to stay updated, you only want to hear the actual updates, not all the speculation from panels and stuff. You must try to protect your minds from that part of the news as much as possible. When you see the faces or hear the voices of those that you know were mean to MJ, turn the channel. You don't have to look at them or listen to them.

We first had to get over the unexpected day of MJ actually leaving
We wanted to know where he was and we now know
We wanted to know what caused it and we know part of the reason. The rest is pending.
We wanted to know who was with him and now we know
We will see many coming together tonight to honor him and others later
We will still have the day coming upon us when we will officially bid MJ farewell

Anything in between this is fill-in and you must try to avoid it as much as you possibly can. You don't need to take in all the stuff that the panels are saying because the majority of those people have never even met Michael and do not know what they are talking about. They are just talking.

Do not feel bad about stepping away for a little while to regroup. You want to be strong and rested for the day to say good-bye. Then, we will celebrate his beautiful life with the rest of the world, not just mourn his leaving. He's okay. He is free of everything now. He is with God and no one can hurt him anymore.

Michael left some things for us and we will later find out what these things are. So, let's not forget that.

Also, rather than think about what you may think is so terrible about the day that he left, think about the fact that he was happy before he left and he looked super gorgeous.

Also, think about this...

* God allowed him to become a father.
* God allowed MJ to visit Gary, Indiana and take one last look inside of the little house where he was born.
* God allowed him to be exonerated before the eyes of the entire world and to hear the words "not guilty."
* MJ got a chance to show the world that he and his family members truly love each other.
* God allowed MJ to put the world's attention back on his music by not doing an interview about the trial.
* He allowed MJ to record brand new music.
* MJ got a chance to put together "The Ultimate Collection" box set with music from his childhood up to his adulthood.
* God allowed MJ to find out that he is greatly loved by millions of people all around the world.
* He gave MJ a chance to celebrate the anniversary of Thriller.
* He allowed MJ to step back on stage and dance one last time for his final curtain call.
* MJ's family won't have to get his personal belongings from Neverland because MJ already took care of it.
* MJ's family won't have to worry about finding homes for his animals because he already found homes for them.
* His family won't have to figure out how to take down his amusement park rides because it's already done.
* His family won't have to worry about his taxes because his taxes are in order.
* His family won't have to worry about his Neverland employees, because he already took care of them.
* MJ dealt with all of the lawsuits that had mounted up and the last two that popped up don't even matter.
* God gave MJ a chance to give James Brown a Lifetime Achievement Award and tell him he loves him.
* God allowed MJ to return to the U.S. just in time to pay James Brown his last respects.
* MJ got a chance to see Martin Luther King and the first African American President.
* MJ got a chance to attend parties that were thrown for him by his fans.

There are more things like this, if you will look for them. He got his new beginning. He did not leave sad.

He left breaking records and you know what else? His children got a chance to see him in action.
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i feel the same .... i just could not get that suddenly we are not going to have fun talking about his new outfit when he visit that medical center..

in the back of my brain i hear echos of things like :

see you in July
you have not seen anything yet
the second part of my career is better than the first one
see you soon
sooner than what you think
to share with my fans in concert

and many many more....
my day is filled with tears and sadness i've never experienced before.
yes, the heartache is horrible but look at how Michael is being celebrated now. finally, he is being held up as the most influential and revered artist. The respect that is pouring out of people now is immense. The celebrations of his work are long over due and well deserved.

We have his legacy to hold onto. We have countless pieces of his work to continue to be inspired by. Each of us can be beacon that shines on his memory. why put one of those lights out ?? He deserves to be held up and celebrated by each and every one of us. Michael would not want us to give up because of his passing. This entire community must go forward and shine our light upon is his legacy.

Already, too many have buckled under the strain of this tragic loss ... do not add yourself to those statistics. Please search your heart and find the will to carry on. Talk to friends and family. Let them know that your heart is aching and you need their support. Do not be ashamed to let someone know that your mind is telling you things that will cause your body harm. Reach out to someone in your life and grab hold of them...ask for their strength.

We are here for you ... stay strong. Please pledge to us all that you will continue living. click the link http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65961

Thank you for saying this. Your words mean a lot to me, and I know you're right. I just wish that I had family or friends that I could talk to about it. They all know I've been upset by it, and they ask if I'm okay, but they already think I should be over it. They just don't understand. And my fiance of 2 1/2 years broke up with me a week before this, so I really feel alone now. :(
NO!!!! Michael needs his soldiers to carry on the legacy. Now is the time to be the strongest Michael Jackson fan. He is no longer here to defend himself, so it must be up to us. I have been speaking to a lot of people who had the wrong ideals about Michael and I have managed to change a few opinions. There are a lot of people who only knew about Michael if he was mentioned in some news snap shot or bite, but many people have been really focusing on all of the coverage and they are paying attention and not to the negative stuff.
I have been suicidal before and I have been through grief before. It hurts like hell, feels totally overwhelming and neverending and crap. This may not seem possible to you know but it DOES get better. Time does heal - either totally or partially.

Michael would feel awful, to see his death causing more deaths and more grief (for our families). Michael went thru enough crap in his life, PLEASE :angel: let's not give him anymore!!! :no: Michael went through horrid stuff, and must have felt worse than what we feel now at his lowest points. But even then he did not give up, his life fell & he picked it up & kept moving on & up.

We can do this together. Emotions of grief ARE intense, they ARE shit. but we can survive them, we have to, for Michael and for our loved ones and cos WE ARE THE ONES whose job it is to ensure Michael is NOT forgotten :yes: ......IT IS UP TO US!!!!!! It is up to US to keep his spirit and memory and music alive and celebrate it. Let's do it.

& we can't expect everyone to understand what we are going thru. I am out & about a lot in my life but I don't see anyone who understands my grief, & I don't bother sharing that. We can support each other here & if anyone needs to talk about struggling or feeling suicidal then do it here!!!! We understand you are feeling grief, not gone loony :D
anyone else having the same problem!???

i won't kill myself ...i know..i have to be strong...(even tho life sucks..the whole world is goin crazy...no positive things)...but i just don't wanna live no morE! i feel like if michael is gone...i can be too...why being here??

Don't give up. Hold on for Michael. He needs us here to be the voice for him. And your friends and family love you too. Pray and ask GOD for strenth. GOD bless you.
If people who believed in his work leave the earth plain because he left the earth plain, then what was it all for?

He did it all because he felt he had a mission, a purpose to fulfill. That purpose was to

turn our minds to what is truly important and keep it there so we can change the world.

He said, "I can't do it by myself, I'm gonna need some kinda sign"

Let's let that "sign" be finding our own purpose and staying on it with focus, discipline and dedication like he did.

Let's do like he said in Keep The Faith and keep the faith.

Then his mission will have not been in vain.

Now, just because I said that doesn't mean I don't know how you feel. I do know the feeling of 'what's the use' without our trusty leader in the army of love our ambassador of peace and hearty surge of incomparable energy.

A stronger feeling though, is to do what MJ would do.

Do you know how many of his "idols" died? People he LOVED dearly~and knew personally! He grieved and mourned and kept moving his feet.
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I am also feeling the same way. I still want to be in the same place with him so very badly. But for some reason the one MJ song I have been listening to alot lately is Fall Again. If it wasn't for that song of his I really would have killed myself the day that I had heard the most horrible news ever.