I feel less of a fan because i can't go view Michaels body

What are ways that i can say goodbye to him? I mean i really don't know how at all i have a balcony that i like to stand out on and look in the sky maybe i could talk to him there does that sound ridiculous?

though i think that's quite sweet tbh.
i could picture him doing that himself
if he was alive.
that be lovely to do on a warm summers night with candles
and his music playing low
theres nothing to stop u making a trip later even if its just to the gates of nev. go there,leave him something say goodbye.feel close to him as it was his joy for so many years. u dont know what the future holds for being able to go see him in someway.its not like it will be the end theres always gonna be places u go can to to feel close to him

Yep that is what I'm going to do. I'd even like to arrange to do that with a group of fans at some point. When it's all died down a bit. I dunno...I just don't feel up to travelling all that way at the moment, I'm not a good flier anyway. I'm gutted,would love to be there but I so many reasons are telling me it's not right.

As for feeling guilty, don't! This is Michael we're talking about...the most understanding, sensitive person to ever live on this Earth! He would and does know that we love him and are missing him so much. I really believe that.
I know exactly how you feel hun :( I want to be there so bad, but because of travelling and money issues I can't be. I know I'll feel guilty about it for as long as I live, but it in no way makes us less of a fan, we can always talk to him and tell him how much we love him !
hey guys

beneath the fact that i CAN'T IMAGINE AT ALL that they make a public funural!!! i need to share this moment with othes who know how i feel... so --->
i haven't read all the posts yet and sorry if somebody asked this befor....
is there a possibility to watch the funural together (if they show it on tv)??? i can't watch this alone! and i don't know how to manage NOT to see his body, but i'd like to watch it...
rigth now i'm living near new york... i'm here just since january so i don't know where would be a good place for that....

please, if anybody has an idea... tell me...

miss u like crazy michael :(
You can still try to contribute to his funeral!! See below!!

To all the fans across the world:

The Official Address for sending Gifts of Love to Michael Jackson.

For all of you that wish to give something to Michael in memory and are not able to attend the memorial service. Please send your flowers, gifts, donations, and anything that your heart desires to give to the following address so that it arrives between Thursday 7/2/09 through Sunday 7/5/09:

Quality Inn & Executive Suites
630 avenue of the flags
Buellton, Ca 93427

Write your message to Michael Jackson but send it in care of Angel. It is guaranteed to be taken inside the gates of Neverland and given to him in memory.

Please spread the word to any person that you know who would want to give flowers or gifts to Michael. This is the Official address. If you wish to send your gifts it must be to the address listed above. Remember it needs to arrive between this thursday 7/2/09 and Sunday 7/5/09.

Thank you for all of your love and support

currently there are no official plans for a public viewing... even if there were, it says nothing about you as a fan or not. I will more than likely not be going either. I have three kids ... it is not really a possibility for me. It does not make me less of anything ... i simply have priorities and my family is in the number one position.

dont let anyone make you feel you are anything less than what you are. Only weak and insecure people would place that burden on you.

hold your head up high and celebrate michael's legacy in your own way, in your own area. even if it is sitting in your yard and playing his music and getting some sun :D
I feel like the biggest fan in the world and I DON'T want to see him dead....not even going to Neverland even though I easily could

you took the words right out of my mouth. i can also easily go but i would NEVER EVER want to see him....you know....still can't say the word.......not breathing.

i'll definitely be at the memorial if anyone can go
It's way too expensive for me to go over to America, especially when the pound isn't particularly strong against the dollar at the moment :( I do feel like less of a fan in a way, but i have a wedding to go to on friday anyway so wouldn't be able to go. Plus i saw Michael when he was alive, not sure i'd want to visit his body to be honest :no:
I'm not going to be able to make the funeral. I'd love to be able to go to LA/Gary/US, but I'll be heading out into London to celebrate Michael's life with other fans as I'm sure it will be televised on large screens here.

Even if you aren't able to get to LA, the funeral service will be taking place across the entire planet. You can be 10 feet or 10,000 miles away; you're still celebrating the same thing and that's whats important.
But i love him with all my heart and i would really like to go but i can't and it really hurts because i feel less then a fan. Does that mean i am less then a fan because i'm not going to see his body? I want to say goodbye i am going to miss him so so much words can't express how much i will i love him so much :(

Of course that doesn't make you less of a fan.
Many of Michael's real fans are people who have never flown on a plane before, kids in other countries who can't afford anything, let alone concert tickets, etc...and you can bet your bottom dollar that Michael knows this and always has.
If you are a fan it means you enjoy his music and admire the man.

Not being able to see his dead body doesn't make you any less than a fan than the ones who can...
I don't feel less of a fan because I can't go. But I know that if I could go I would go. Not even hell could stop me. But I'm just a poor single mom that can barely buy diapers. But I would love to go. I've never seen him ever in my life. So I know I'd be sick seeing him in his death, but I would still love to honor him buy going
Come on..you shall not feel less of a fan just because you cant go the public viewing
I cant, and I am not even going to be a manageable time zone to follow the events.

IT is all about paying your respect
If you do it in the comfort of your own home, on the streets, in party or at the stadium it doesnt matter - you keep the legacy alive that is what counts.