I don't know what to say.


reading your messages really helps me because it was the same for me. At work, it was so tough not to cry and to "behave" and to try to think about something else. I hoped that no one would mention it because i was afraid to break down. One came and suddenly put her hand on my shoulder, quietly comforting me. that was really nice --

that stupid 2009 does not go away, does it.

it feels so bad, just like a close family member died. and so suddenly, a day before i went to bed being thankful that I live in the same time that he does, that magic is happening and what wonderful experience this is. What wonderful model he is and that soon all the great that he is will be alive again, because i believed the concert would make the media and the people open their hearts for him again.

it is so terrible and unbelievable that ... i cannot type it right now

all the best,
Mello, your story reminds me so much of myself. Not only could I never imagine him going before other artists, but I couldn't even picture him going before ME!!!
And unlike other times, I don't have the power to comfort others. What can I say? "You'll have to accept it eventually." - when I don't accept it? "The pain will go away in time" - when I know MY pain won't go away? "There's a reason for everything in life" - when the words "there is no reason" keep resonating in my head?
It's like all the comfort in the world has gone down the drain. And as I said before, unlike with other people, with him I just can't bring myself to believe he'll rest in peace. If I knew that he left leaving everything in order, it would be better, but it came out of nowhere, it was a shock for everyone. Maybe he had felt something (as Lisa-Marie suggested), but I don't think he was ready for it. Heck, NO ONE could have been ready for it!

it was so suddenly. when my grand dad died this January he was ready for it. he had time. But MJ was not ready... i just hope that he died in his sleep, being assured that the shows are very well prepared and wonderful...

even though i know that somehow he must rest in peace... i also have troubles feeling that way :angel:
Mello, your story reminds me so much of myself. Not only could I never imagine him going before other artists, but I couldn't even picture him going before ME!!!
And unlike other times, I don't have the power to comfort others. What can I say? "You'll have to accept it eventually." - when I don't accept it? "The pain will go away in time" - when I know MY pain won't go away? "There's a reason for everything in life" - when the words "there is no reason" keep resonating in my head?
It's like all the comfort in the world has gone down the drain. And as I said before, unlike with other people, with him I just can't bring myself to believe he'll rest in peace. If I knew that he left leaving everything in order, it would be better, but it came out of nowhere, it was a shock for everyone. Maybe he had felt something (as Lisa-Marie suggested), but I don't think he was ready for it. Heck, NO ONE could have been ready for it!

Linda, Mello, Kinga, and everyone - thank you for your stories. Even now.... even if the stupidest thing in the world has happened, I can still say this: I am NOT alone!

I know what you mean by this post so much. Even though you might not have the "pearls of wisdom" to give advice... just sharing your pain with others, means someone who is struggling gets to read it and maybe find some similarities between what you say and how they are feeling.
That alone is providing comfort :hug: