I don't feel good about this place

Keep defending him. For what I don't know, because in my eyes he did nothing wrong but I guess everyone doesn't see clearly. He said his fans always have his back so we need to live up to that.
Keep defending him no matter what. This is a Michael Jackson board and when I come here I expect respect towards each other and most of all towards Michael, and sometimes when I read some posts my brain just bursts because I don't understand WHY people take the time to come to an MJ site to only attack him? To blame him for his own death? It makes me so angry. Because seriously. How dare they?

So thanks for this thread. It's nice to read it and see that most people keep defending Michael.
It sometimes feels a bit tense here. Im sure times will be very hectic during the trial coming up. I just miss that magic this board once had :cry: I miss Michael so much.

Yeah :cry:

Lately I find myself hanging out in the Random Section more than anywhere else on here. It's the one area of the board left that is free of most the negativity and tension.

Yeah... I'm pretty much packing my bags too. This place turned sour milk for some time now. :depressed: The only thing that has me staying for now is Captain EO's return. I'm so happy I'm going to get to see it again after sooo many years. :dancing:
See, because of that, I have a reason to read and talk about it. But once that's finished, i gotta scoot. Cuz' everything else here is trial this, murder that, "i know more than you", "no you don't", blah blah blah, bad news here, bad news there, argue this, argue that.:spor:

ENOUGH!!!! :blowup:

I don't need that in my life. I have more than enough to deal with in reality. Believe me. And I'm pretty certain you all do as well.
And I don't believe in necessarily shutting people up. But sometimes, some thing's have got to be done. Because this negative energy stuff.. it's not my thing.
It really isn't. :stink:

I'm going to respectfully dish out a few suggestions...:agree:

For starters, let's get rid of the "Enough is Enough" thread. It's not helping anyone. Not Michael and certainly not the fans.
It's only pissing people off. "But they don't have to read it if they don't like it". Fine... keep it and watch how it infects anyone who goes in there. :timer:
It's one thing to "come across something", it's another when you're working hard to find ugly stuff to share with the rest. It's common sense. If you keep bringing home garbage, its going to smell like garbage! :stink:
Also, bringing attention to garbage websites and what not is only feeding those twisted folks what they want. Attention.

2. Maybe stick a rule where people can't post gruesome crap up anymore in general. Like that video of the white man punching out the black guy in the bus, with blood all over.
Graphic crap like that should be kept out in my opinion, ONLY if this forum is in fact, all about Michael's Legacy and L.O.V.E. like many of you say it is.
Maybe it's just me and if it is...i respect the possibility that I'm getting out of hand here, but it just doesn't make sense to me to have a forum that claims to be about that special message Michael left us, yet theres more than many topics one has to be careful of reading due to strong content.

No one ever posted stuff like that before when I first joined up. And believe me, I looked!
It was more controlled. This forum wasn't like every other forum to me. It was very special in that things were almost angelic before. Seriously lol.

Trust me.. if people want to see that crap, they'll go and search for it.
Otherwise, I'd rather see videos of cute kittens doing cute things instead.
No I'm not kidding. We need better content to help bring smiles up in here.
Give the debates a REST and lets talk about the good things in life or good things we can create in life for a better tomorrow.

So many of you have wonderful aspects to share with all of us. The potential is there, believe me.

Now.. if what i suggested above turns out to be unpopular and too uptight, then I should be the one to change pace somewhere else.
I never liked forums to begin with. This forum changed that. But its beginning to look and feel like every other forum out there and that's the tragic truth, like it or not.
I'll pray for better days. We really need more smiles. And friendships. :pray:

Yeah... I'm pretty much packing my bags too. This place turned sour milk for some time now. :depressed: The only thing that has me staying for now is Captain EO's return. I'm so happy I'm going to get to see it again after sooo many years. :dancing:
See, because of that, I have a reason to read and talk about it. But once that's finished, i gotta scoot. Cuz' everything else here is trial this, murder that, "i know more than you", "no you don't", blah blah blah, bad news here, bad news there, argue this, argue that.:spor:

ENOUGH!!!! :blowup:

I don't need that in my life. I have more than enough to deal with in reality. Believe me. And I'm pretty certain you all do as well.
And I don't believe in necessarily shutting people up. But sometimes, some thing's have got to be done. Because this negative energy stuff.. it's not my thing.
It really isn't. :stink:

I'm going to respectfully dish out a few suggestions...:agree:

For starters, let's get rid of the "Enough is Enough" thread. It's not helping anyone. Not Michael and certainly not the fans.
It's only pissing people off. "But they don't have to read it if they don't like it". Fine... keep it and watch how it infects anyone who goes in there. :timer:
It's one thing to "come across something", it's another when you're working hard to find ugly stuff to share with the rest. It's common sense. If you keep bringing home garbage, its going to smell like garbage! :stink:
Also, bringing attention to garbage websites and what not is only feeding those twisted folks what they want. Attention.

2. Maybe stick a rule where people can't post gruesome crap up anymore in general. Like that video of the white man punching out the black guy in the bus, with blood all over.
Graphic crap like that should be kept out in my opinion, ONLY if this forum is in fact, all about Michael's Legacy and L.O.V.E. like many of you say it is.
Maybe it's just me and if it is...i respect the possibility that I'm getting out of hand here, but it just doesn't make sense to me to have a forum that claims to be about that special message Michael left us, yet theres more than many topics one has to be careful of reading due to strong content.

No one ever posted stuff like that before when I first joined up. And believe me, I looked!
It was more controlled. This forum wasn't like every other forum to me. It was very special in that things were almost angelic before. Seriously lol.

Trust me.. if people want to see that crap, they'll go and search for it.
Otherwise, I'd rather see videos of cute kittens doing cute things instead.
No I'm not kidding. We need better content to help bring smiles up in here.
Give the debates a REST and lets talk about the good things in life or good things we can create in life for a better tomorrow.

So many of you have wonderful aspects to share with all of us. The potential is there, believe me.

Now.. if what i suggested above turns out to be unpopular and too uptight, then I should be the one to change pace somewhere else.
I never liked forums to begin with. This forum changed that. But its beginning to look and feel like every other forum out there and that's the tragic truth, like it or not.
I'll pray for better days. We really need more smiles. And friendships. :pray:



It should ALWAYS be about the L.O.V.E....no matter what...
Oh dont be such drama queens. Its not that bad:mello:

Sure there is arguing, probably more than before. But thats expected prior to Michaels death. Certain subjects are more sensitive.

The simple solution is to just stay out of threads that seem bad if they bother you so much. Stick to the threads that seem more positive.
Oh dont be such drama queens. Its not that bad:mello:

Sure there is arguing, probably more than before. But thats expected prior to Michaels death. Certain subjects are more sensitive.

The simple solution is to just stay out of threads that seem bad if they bother you so much. Stick to the threads that seem more positive.

Keep defending him. For what I don't know, because in my eyes he did nothing wrong but I guess everyone doesn't see clearly. He said his fans always have his back so we need to live up to that.

Off topic, but you are the only person I have seen on here who lives so close to me! I live in Lake Jackson, okay that's it, that just made me hapy for some reason lol.
Yeah... I'm pretty much packing my bags too. This place turned sour milk for some time now. :depressed: The only thing that has me staying for now is Captain EO's return. I'm so happy I'm going to get to see it again after sooo many years. :dancing:
See, because of that, I have a reason to read and talk about it. But once that's finished, i gotta scoot. Cuz' everything else here is trial this, murder that, "i know more than you", "no you don't", blah blah blah, bad news here, bad news there, argue this, argue that.:spor:

ENOUGH!!!! :blowup:

I don't need that in my life. I have more than enough to deal with in reality. Believe me. And I'm pretty certain you all do as well.
And I don't believe in necessarily shutting people up. But sometimes, some thing's have got to be done. Because this negative energy stuff.. it's not my thing.
It really isn't. :stink:

I'm going to respectfully dish out a few suggestions...:agree:

For starters, let's get rid of the "Enough is Enough" thread. It's not helping anyone. Not Michael and certainly not the fans.
It's only pissing people off. "But they don't have to read it if they don't like it". Fine... keep it and watch how it infects anyone who goes in there. :timer:
It's one thing to "come across something", it's another when you're working hard to find ugly stuff to share with the rest. It's common sense. If you keep bringing home garbage, its going to smell like garbage! :stink:
Also, bringing attention to garbage websites and what not is only feeding those twisted folks what they want. Attention.

2. Maybe stick a rule where people can't post gruesome crap up anymore in general. Like that video of the white man punching out the black guy in the bus, with blood all over.
Graphic crap like that should be kept out in my opinion, ONLY if this forum is in fact, all about Michael's Legacy and L.O.V.E. like many of you say it is.
Maybe it's just me and if it is...i respect the possibility that I'm getting out of hand here, but it just doesn't make sense to me to have a forum that claims to be about that special message Michael left us, yet theres more than many topics one has to be careful of reading due to strong content.

No one ever posted stuff like that before when I first joined up. And believe me, I looked!
It was more controlled. This forum wasn't like every other forum to me. It was very special in that things were almost angelic before. Seriously lol.

Trust me.. if people want to see that crap, they'll go and search for it.
Otherwise, I'd rather see videos of cute kittens doing cute things instead.
No I'm not kidding. We need better content to help bring smiles up in here.
Give the debates a REST and lets talk about the good things in life or good things we can create in life for a better tomorrow.

So many of you have wonderful aspects to share with all of us. The potential is there, believe me.

Now.. if what i suggested above turns out to be unpopular and too uptight, then I should be the one to change pace somewhere else.
I never liked forums to begin with. This forum changed that. But its beginning to look and feel like every other forum out there and that's the tragic truth, like it or not.
I'll pray for better days. We really need more smiles. And friendships. :pray:

THIS, exactly. :angel: No added words needed.
This is a public forum and that means MJ fans are allowed and non-fans are allowed. I must come to terms with that. I think I will continue to defend MJ in a different way. By keeping it to myself the way I use to. Some people are so mean. They find every reason in the book to give every person except Michael the benefit of the doubt. Don't crucify the defender but it is okay to crucify MJ on a supposed MJ fansite. How are you going to come to a fansite and tell his fans not to be biased. That is total idiocy in my opinion. Your are invading our sanctuary and where we find solice and asking us not to feel anger to the man who admitted giving Michael propofol. After, reading the autopsy report, you are still going to ask me to give this man the benefit of the doubt on a MJ fansite. I am sorry that is a hell of a lot nerve and you have some big ass balls. I say and do mean this from my feet to my brain. Go to Hell. Let the chips fall where they may.
This is a public forum and that means MJ fans are allowed and non-fans are allowed. I must come to terms with that. I think I will continue to defend MJ in a different way. By keeping it to myself the way I use to. Some people are so mean. They find every reason in the book to give every person except Michael the benefit of the doubt. Don't crucify the defender but it is okay to crucify MJ on a supposed MJ fansite. How are you going to come to a fansite and tell his fans not to be biased. That is total idiocy in my opinion. Your are invading our sanctuary and where we find solice and asking us not to feel anger to the man who admitted giving Michael propofol. After, reading the autopsy report, you are still going to ask me to give this man the benefit of the doubt on a MJ fansite. I am sorry that is a hell of a lot nerve and you have some big ass balls. I say and do mean this from my feet to my brain. Go to Hell. Let the chips fall where they may.

Who crucifies MJ here?
No fan should be biased, sopeople are very easily going to come on here and tell fans not be biased. Being biased is not a good thing.....

I dont think anybody here ever said not to feel anger towards Murray, and if they did then I definately agree with you...thats not right. But I dont recall anyone saying that.

What people were arguing about was whether it was murder or not. Many people here feel that some fans are just saying Murray murdered Michael because of how angry they are at him. There are professional private detectives on the case who have seen more than us, and know more about it than us. They have to the conclusion it was manslaughter, yet people still seem to think it was murder.

Was Ensleyave banned because of this?