I don't feel good about this place


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A Passenger on MJ Air Seat 1
Sometimes it doesn't seem like a Michael Jackson fansite to me anymore. Suddenly, I feel out of place here. When you defend Michael some say it is wrong. Prince Michael said at th Grammys my dad love you the fans because he said you always had his back. Well, that is what I am trying to do. I feel helpless here. I need to be around people that feel the way I do.
Though I don't know what threads or arguments you're referring to specifically, this place is too big for you to only be surrounded by people who feel the same way you do. Otherwise this would be a message board for communists.
At least it's not like a Prince fansite. At least 90% of the fans there trash Prince the man, but still praise his music, or at least the music he made before becoming a Jehovah's Witness, lol.
I totally agree agree with you, people have become very bitter, there isn't much L.O.V.E on this site any more, lots of arguments, the Investigative discussions haven't helped, especially alot of threads about the hoax's. Its a real shame.
At least it's not like a Prince fansite. At least 90% of the fans there trash Prince the man, but still praise his music, or at least the music he made before becoming a Jehovah's Witness, lol.

Yeah, I still love Prince though. Wouldn't trash him. I am loyal. So I couldn't do that to people I admire. I rather not say anything. But that is just me.
Sometimes it doesn't seem like a Michael Jackson fansite to me anymore. Suddenly, I feel out of place here. When you defend Michael some say it is wrong. Prince Michael said at th Grammys my dad love you the fans because he said you always had his back. Well, that is what I am trying to do. I feel helpless here. I need to be around people that feel the way I do.

Keep on defending him! There will always be people who disagree with you but never let that stop you from speaking your mind. There are many different opinions on seemingly every issue that comes up on this forum. But even if I disagree with 99% of what some members post, they still have that 1% that I find some value in. It is too much to ask for us all to agree, but we should all be willing to let others express their opinions. If we don't like the tone of a certain thread or what people are posting there, we simply can stay out of that thread.

I think we spend too much time trying to change people's minds about things like conspiracy, hoax, etc. In the end people believe what they believe and we have no right to tell someone else what they should believe or post about. On these issues no one opinion is the right one or the best one.

If anyone is upset with you because you are defending Michael on this forum, then perhaps they should stick a sock in it. Or go start a Michael Jackson non fan site.
Callmerose, I really needed that.

That is the thing, I am not trying to change their opinions I disagree with some and give Michael the benefit of the doubt and some have called me flat out wrong. This is a fansite that is why I signed on here. To talk to people who have something in common with me Michael Jackson.
Well, it is ok to be upset. But don't let that prevent you from seeing that most people here are fans. When people come from so many varying backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs, we will all disagree at one time or another. but that doesn't mean that at the end of the day, we don't appreciate one another.
People like to argue or be negative I guess. Look at the types of threads that are most popular here: Madonna vs Janet, who's overrated, Queen Of Pop, so & so Jackson family member is no good, We Are The World Haiti sucks, etc. Topics that are about good things get few responses and views. It was like that before Mike passed away, but became worse after. What I don't get is that threads about other performers, that has nothing to do with Mike, he is always brought up to put down whoever it is, saying they are not as good.
People like to argue or be negative I guess. Look at the types of threads that are most popular here: Madonna vs Janet, who's overrated, Queen Of Pop, so & so Jackson family member is no good, We Are The World Haiti sucks, etc. Topics that are about good things get few responses and views. It was like that before Mike passed away, but became worse after. What I don't get is that threads about other performers, that has nothing to do with Mike, he is always brought up to put down whoever it is, saying they are not as good.

I definetly do not like the comparison threads. I don't even respond to them anymore because you know I am biased toward Mike so I stay away from them. Let those other artist be who they are and let MJ be MJ.
IMO the athmosphere is way better than what it was few months ago though.

This is a BIG forum so we will never all agree on something, we just have to agree to disagree and leave the threads that make us upset alone. There is a lot of love too here even though it doesn't show everywhere. But it is here.
Arguments are normal in forums, but it becomes annoying when the debates turn into personal attacks. That's when it feels very unwelcoming.
Its not that we say its wrong when you defend Michael.

Its just that some peoplen here defend Michael when its not necessary. Most problems occur when there is a thread thats do with Michael and another artist.

We are all fans here, of course we are. Otherwise we wouldnt be here.

Some of us here just feel that other fans love for Michael causes them to be unfair to other artists at times. Thats all.
At least it's not like a Prince fansite. At least 90% of the fans there trash Prince the man, but still praise his music, or at least the music he made before becoming a Jehovah's Witness, lol.

I'm one of those, I love Prince's music (I think that it's very underated), but I don't like him. I love Michael's music and the guy.
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Its not that we say its wrong when you defend Michael.

Its just that some peoplen here defend Michael when its not necessary. Most problems occur when there is a thread thats do with Michael and another artist.

We are all fans here, of course we are. Otherwise we wouldnt be here.

Some of us here just feel that other fans love for Michael causes them to be unfair to other artists at times. Thats all.

well..i think people cannot distinguish between peoples' emotions and track record. MJ is the best selling artist..he revived the industry twice. and that's something no other artist did, in more than fifty years. the emotions of the fans reflect that. other artists didn't compare..and when we get ral about that, some don't like that...but..that's how we feel.

i'm sure, when Elvis was burning up the charts, more than other artists, the fans back then, reflected that, too, compared to other artists at that time.

then there is character. if an artist exhibits great character, the fans reflect that. if the artist doesn't, the fans reflect that, too.

and some felt that Elvis might have gotten away with things, that MJ couldn't get away with, according to the media..so..the fans reflected that, too.

and..if Chris Brown, for example, does something, and the media is less severe to him, than to Michael, who wasn't found guilty of anything..the MJ fans will reflect that too.

if the media was less severe with Mj, the fans might have been less exhuberant in being overprotective of him...

it's about reflecting...that's all. it has been more necessary to protect MIhcael, because everything against him was like gout..and severe..and unnecessary...so..the fans gave back what was thrown.

and if everybody seems to be chasing Michael's money, like being exhibited in tmz reports, these days..we're gunna question those people..when we know they should be self sufficient. getting on a money chasing bandwagon arouses suspicion.
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Hi guys

I have only recently joined MJJC, although I am a regular on another forum

I just have this to say: Its the same no matter where you go, no MJ forum is better than any other - the world is a great big place and it takes every kind of people.

Be true to yourself, and you cant go far wrong

"As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere" MJ

So what if people dont always agree with you?.....Chin up....we are Michael Jackson Fans - we are used to be being yelled at.


Sometimes it doesn't seem like a Michael Jackson fansite to me anymore. Suddenly, I feel out of place here. When you defend Michael some say it is wrong. Prince Michael said at th Grammys my dad love you the fans because he said you always had his back. Well, that is what I am trying to do. I feel helpless here. I need to be around people that feel the way I do.
I'm certainly feeling you. Everyone and their mama is right but Michael Jackson. That is what most folks not just on here but on almost every MJ board go by. A lot ''dreams'' were crushed, when the autopsy report was completely leaked.
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Hi guys

I have only recently joined MJJC, although I am a regular on another forum

I just have this to say: Its the same no matter where you go, no MJ forum is better than any other - the world is a great big place and it takes every kind of people.

Be true to yourself, and you cant go far wrong

"As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere" MJ

So what if people dont always agree with you?.....Chin up....we are Michael Jackson Fans - we are used to be being yelled at.



Well said!!
I'm certainly feeling you. Everyone and their mama is right but Michael Jackson. That is what most folks not just on here but on almost every MJ board go by. A lot ''dreams'' were crushed, when the autopsy was completely leaked.

what dreams are you referring to?

i agree with what else i understood of ur post tho..a lot of times we gotta minimize his achievments, phonily, so there will be peace. he achieved the great things he achieved, tho.
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Let me reiterate

I have my team on every inch of disrespect, we are at this point counting them up

Let me tell you, once they get to ten (which will not be long) they will be on the end of my ban button

Simple fact we can all agree to disagree BUT you do it with respect.

Anyone out side of this is not wanted

Its only just a matter of time.

Gaz your amazing site should be a place of honouring Michael........and all he stood for....:wub:
Let me say on a positive note that I have found lots of love here amongst people on this your site!:yes:
Each of us is different and each has a different perspective on things.....yet one great leveller is love.
I hope that despite our different perspectives we can all agree on one thing.........
we all love and miss Michael
And in doing so we can honour him by being peace loving even when and if we dont agree with someone else?:clapping:
( ps: 10 is very patient of you! lol.......when I was a child my mum only gave me to a count of 3! lol :doh:)
Said with the love

Ensleyave I also agree with you 100%. I'm happy in the knowledge that troublemakers are being monitored and close to being banned. This board should really reflect what michael stood for in peace, harmony and most of all LOVE. I may not post in the speculations threads or other related areas but I just wanna say I still love you all from the bottom of my heart. My door is always open to all of you :) Its all for love.
It sometimes feels a bit tense here. Im sure times will be very hectic during the trial coming up. I just miss that magic this board once had :cry: I miss Michael so much.
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