I did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to MJ crypt !!!!!!!

OMG... I can't believe we are here watching pictures of MICHAEL JACKSON final resting place. How can this be? How did we come to this? This is such a big and unbereable loss. Things are not getting better, things are just getting sadder by the hour. We are happy and moved just to see this pic... but we should be sharing pics of his TII shows or walks at London! We were stolen so much, so much!!! :(

Yesterday I saw TII once again, maybe for the last time, and when MITM began, just knowing it was about to end, broke my heart again and for the fist time I felt so much physical pain. My arms hurt, my chest hurt and I felt again his goodbye. And here we are... saying goodbye once again. I have no words to describe what I feel, the pain and the sorrow... I know there's hope, I know God takes care of all of us, and I'm glad I have this hope, but even knowing all this, the pain is simply too strong.

I am glad you could make it to FL, Maria. Your story is so simple, but so candid and beutiful. I life far, faaaar away (Chile), so chances are I will never get to be there, so I am glad you had the chance and you took it. Think of that: it's a privilege many of us will never have. So thank you again for sharing your story.

I was moved to read how people at FL were so very nice and helpful to you. They were excellent and their comments about MJ fans going on a daily basis is beutiful too.

I would like to thank you for sharing so much love and so much respect for Michael and his privacy. This is so, so honest, Maria. Your story has me almost in tears, but I can't cry here, for in 5 minutes I have to go back to work :( So I have to pretend once again things are just fine...

I want you to know that little wonderful stories like yours, full of love and respect, mean a lot to us... and surely it would have meant a lot for Mike.

Big hugs... you rock!

well for some people, actually going to see his grave is an actual validation that they can accept now and move on. or move on... more. The healing process will begin.
well for some people, actually going to see his grave is an actual validation that they can accept now and move on. or move on... more. The healing process will begin.

I know and I agree 100% with that. I just wish I could simply go there and even sit from a distance, just to feel the quiet place. I have seen other pictures of the place and the general feeling is always the same: peaceful. I think we need that, for these 5+ months have been anything but peaceful. It must be certainly releaving to visit the place and pay your respects quietly, with all your heart.

How I wish we could all have this chance... Again, thanks for sharing this story.
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I really want to go there and find the answer for me to go on.
I can,t give it a place till i see it with my own eyes before i will move on with my life.
My days are filled with tears.
Altough i consider myself as a happy person, i still am.
But the pain?
It,s bigger ten myself.
I,m so happy for all the sweet people around me.
And thank you for sharing these pics in opening post, thank you and a big hug.
I,m also planning to travel to LA next year.
it,s a long trip from holland to there, but i need to go there.....
I feel so restless that i didn,t see anything with my own eyes. I need to be close to michael ( his body) one more time, i need to, i want to.
i miss him so much *cry*
I really want to go there and find the answer for me to go on.
I can,t give it a place till i see it with my own eyes before i will move on with my life.
My days are filled with tears.
Altough i consider myself as a happy person, i still am.
But the pain?
It,s bigger ten myself.
I,m so happy for all the sweet people around me.
And thank you for sharing these pics in opening post, thank you and a big hug.

You're right, Jenny... I have many reasons to be happy and I am grateful for all those, I really am. But I tell you: there has been NO single day in the last 5+ months I don't of MJ with pain or tears. These last 2 weeks have been even worst, I don't know why.

I wish there was clousure for me and for many others. I think I am still in denial and the longer I feel so, the longer recovery will take :(
pcr, you,re so right.
I also wish i could find closure.....
To give it a place in my heart, but like you said.
The last few weeks are worse....how can i find closure when i never got the chance to say goodbye the way i want to?
i think both of you, jenny and PCR, need to get off the forum for at the least, 1 week. staying here and reading these posts only make it worse, trust me. nothing worked better for me then getting out and focusing on other things.
i think both of you, jenny and PCR, need to get off the forum for at the least, 1 week. staying here and reading these posts only make it worse, trust me. nothing worked better for me then getting out and focusing on other things.
Thanks for your concerns, but i do know that there are priorities in life that i also needs to go on.
So i,m not depressed or suicidal, i,m only in pain....and it,s worse since the last two weeks.
It,s a period and i know better times will come.
But i really need to find closure and i know that closure will come when i have the chance to visit michael,s crypt.
I,m not that much on the oard tho, lol
i think both of you, jenny and PCR, need to get off the forum for at the least, 1 week. staying here and reading these posts only make it worse, trust me. nothing worked better for me then getting out and focusing on other things.

Thanks... well, at first reading it was shocking, but I see your point. I have also thought of this, that maybe I am too much into this situation and I am not letting myself overcome the pain. This might be the case... I'll try to do my best, I'll try. I am sorry if these kind of comments brings more sadness to others. That is something I should also take into account. I just sepnd some moments here and there at the forum, but yes... it's an ongoing thought.

Thanks for your advise. I'll try my best, but no doubt: I do need clousure too.
im going to visit MJ on Thursday along with other Mj fans im trying to see if the organizer of the group could change the time because of the train departing form LA leaves at 1 20 Pm there are other trains but if i do take them i get home late and my street where i live its not the safes to walk around at night

i hate daylight saving time i never get to do what i want at this time !!!!!
im going to visit MJ on Thursday along with other Mj fans im trying to see if the organizer of the group could change the time because of the train departing form LA leaves at 1 20 Pm there are other trains but if i do take them i get home late and my street where i live its not the safes to walk around at night

i hate daylight saving time i never get to do what i want at this time !!!!!

Oh, I hope you can make it to FL!!!
Take our love for him there. All our love!!
if the organizer of the group cant change ill go in the morning on Thursday or friday im taking him some flowers a supper soaker and a pictures of Paris blanket and prince to be place near his head is at so he can be near his kids always
We should get together and all go, or whoever can...next year sometime in the summer..in june or july or whenever. I would love to go there one day..and i am hoping as early as next yr..it cud be like a mjjc reunion..we cud also go to his star..never land..o it would be awesome!!!

btw marias21 thats awesome and soo courageous of you to actually go there on your own. Wow amazing. It mustv been emotional too. cuz the only thing that separates you from him was that door. I think i would prolly black out from stress..
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I'd love to go to my fave deceased celebrities' graves. A LOT of them are at Forest Lawn. I'd love to try and get out there someday and pay my respects to them all, especially Michael.
Thank you for sharing this!! I'm glad you got to go.
We should get together and all go, or whoever can...next year sometime in the summer..in june or july or whenever. I would love to go there one day..and i am hoping as early as next yr..it cud be like a mjjc reunion..we cud also go to his star..never land..o it would be awesome!!!

btw marias21 thats awesome and soo courageous of you to actually go there on your own. Wow amazing. It mustv been emotional too. cuz the only thing that separates you from him was that door. I think i would prolly black out from stress..

i think that would be a grate idea and also i was thinking of calling Amtrak to see if we can all rent one of their Pacific surfliner trains for Mj fans only to ride with food include and Mj music blasting throw out the train to take us all the way to santa barbara to visit never land but i dont know if that possible ill call this week to find out and if we can how much and we will all plan that event
i think that would be a grate idea and also i was thinking of calling Amtrak to see if we can all rent one of their Pacific surfliner trains for Mj fans only to ride with food include and Mj music blasting throw out the train to take us all the way to santa barbara to visit never land but i dont know if that possible ill call this week to find out and if we can how much and we will all plan that event

That sounds awesome yet expensive. I am planning on coming down to LA next summer to pay my dues to the king, so keep in touch we can go together to forest lawn and ofcourse neverland.
well i dont thiink im going this week to vist Mj it just too soon pland for me andi dont want to rush things wiht out plaing my retun trip back maby next week but for sure b4 chirmas ill bethere i dont want to get straned like it happen the day that i whent to MJ funiral it was really scarry speding the night out in LA