I did it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to MJ crypt !!!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
sorry for not posting this yesterday i came home late and was so tired yesterday i went to LA and spontaneously with out thinking i desisted to go to chatsworth so i got on the Amtrak got a Pepsi and sat down on the way i saw the holly trance and i got off at Glendale something that i never Thoth i would do again and since i dint have any money ( not even get get back home ) at the train station i "got" some flowers ( sorry but i wanted to give MJ something ) and walked to FL and again my fears where there so the whole time trying to walk up there i was like ok little by little dont try to go fast finely a security grad form Forest lawn ask me if i knew where i was going i told hi m yes to visit Michael Jackson he tole me that is a long walk get in and ill take u there he asked me where are u form i was like riverside he told me wow your a long ways from home i laugh and told him yeah a 3 hour ride on metrolink and Amtrak on the way there was like OMG this is high ( I'm also scared of heights and in my mind I'm like sorry Mike but this will be the last time I'm here ( i dont think ) i go t there and it so pretty it just fit for him i was like wow it so peaceful you can see out to the LA area there were 2 army guys there so i asked one of them to put my flower there ( i dint want to go near the door ) and i sat there for a few minutes it was three most peaceful place in the world i could defently fell MJ there was kind of that wind again and i head once in a while like a knock at the door like MJ wanted me to know that he knew that i was there after a good 20 mints their had to leave back home( i dint want to!!!!) i asked one of the army guys if he would take a pictures of my flowers at the door with his IPhone he did and send it to my email so i would have something to remember and i left with the security guy on my way down i asked him if the Jackson would ever allowed fans to visit MJ crypt and he said its a possibility that in the future they might he said he would like for that to happen because every day fans visit MJ and asked where he is at the end of the gate i told him thank you for for taking me up there and i left i ended up getting home at 8PM but it was so worth it !!!!!!

here the pic that the army guy took my flowers are the small one in the green paper

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Maria - how wonderful you got this opportunity - I am so pleased you were treated with kindness too. Look forward to your photo x
Please note every one im not ok with stelling anything not even a flower but since i was going up to see Micheal i dint want to go empty handed any way those flowers are going to die in a week or 2 if some one dint pick them i do fell bad about it but there were so pretty they were a mix of yellow pupple and pink flowers
aww thanks for sharing
It's high? Man I'm deeply afraid of heights! For MJ though, I'd go anywhere.
Maybe someday I'll go, I'm in Nevada so it wouldn't take me that long to get there but I would need to have some money and a car of my own to go:)
its High but DEFENTLY worth going its very peceful!!!!!!!!! i want to move there lol
Thats amazing! If you wanted too, could you have actually made your way into the Holly Terrace, or is that strickly out of bounds?

I would love to visit MJ's crypt just to tell him how much his art means to me. Thats great that you got to go there, when you say you felt his presence, what do you mean? I was interested in reading that. :)
Thanks for sharing :) I'm so pleaswed for you :D I would love to go BUT I live in the UK :( I'm hoping I can go soon though. BTW I didn't know you could go so thanks for this :D







Maria - I remember reading your first post at how scared you were when you went there the first time. I know your fear.

And the fact that this time you got a personal escort & even had that "knock" was definitely MJ saying "THANK YOU" -

I'm crying tears of joy for you.

And BTW, if you look through that door of Holly Terrace, MJ's sarcophagus is directly on the other side of the hall under the 3 beautiful windows. You can see him through the entrance.

God bless you & I also hope to visit FL Glendale if I ever get to go to Los Angeles.
Aww thanks for sharing your sweet experience :huggy:
I'd like to go there too someday.







Maria - I remember reading your first post at how scared you were when you went there the first time. I know your fear.

And the fact that this time you got a personal escort & even had that "knock" was definitely MJ saying "THANK YOU" -

I'm crying tears of joy for you.

And BTW, if you look through that door of Holly Terrace, MJ's sarcophagus is directly on the other side of the hall under the 3 beautiful windows. You can see him through the entrance.

God bless you & I also hope to visit FL Glendale if I ever get to go to Los Angeles.

I too remember your first post, and remember how hard you were on yourself. I'm delighted that you gave yourself another chance. I for one and proud of you and i'm certain Michael would be too.
ohhhhhhhhhhh...........thats really sweet of u...........thank u for sharing...............i also want to go there but right now i am in ny..................i want to go there with all of u.......
Maybe when you go back next time you should give the guy selling flowers a huge tip??
Lucky u Maria :thumbs_up:, thanks for sharing your experience; hope to do the same one day!

I wonder if we can leave Teddy Bears or letters, in my case as I use a walker I can't carry flowers. No matter if I have to walk too much, I'll do it for YOU MICHAEL, MY ONLY :heart:
thanks for sharing, maybe i'll get the nerve to visit him one day...
You are so lucky I went there on the 7th September having flown over from the UK but they wouldn't allow me anywhere near then. Maybe there attitude has become more relaxed as that was only a few days after he was buried there and they may of thought they were gonna get swamped with fans turning up. So pleased you got to see it though I had to make do with a few trips to his house and a trip to Forest Lawn Hollywood and the Hall Of Liberty.
On a seperate note just to give you guys an idea of how the papparazi hounded him one of the days I visited the house they were removing one of his limos from the garage and towing it into the back of a truck ( apparently it had no power) not a big deal I wouldn't have thought yet there were 3 tv crews and 10-12 paparazzzi tryin to get photos inside the car inside the garage etc it really makes u realise what he had to go through in his day to day life if thats what happens just for removing his car.
Did get some pictures but can't for the life of me work out how to upload them on here as the posting rules say I may not post attachments for somereason. Anyone know why?
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Maybe when you go back next time you should give the guy selling flowers a huge tip??

no one was selling flowers that day i got the flowers at the train station out side the wating area im glad no one that wrokeds there saw me