I love Michael :wub:
Michael taught me what love is and he showed me how to love. He brought me to everything.
I love him so much, beyond any words. There is no way to describe it. I love him so much. :heart: I love him. I love my boyfriend too but it's different and he understands and knows how much I love Michael. And there is nothing wrong with the love I feel for Michael
Michael is...Michael shaped who I am. Michael inspires me beyond belief, Michael makes me smile, laugh, play, dance, create, write, dream,
live. I love Michael THE PERSON. Michael is my angel, my best friend...Michael is everything. And I will never stop loving him. I will only grow in love every day. It's a deep, emotional love and it's beautiful.
You don't need to feel bad about not saying you love Michael. You must feel how you feel and be honest and true to yourself. That's what Michael would want
He wouldn't want you to feel bad, just enjoy his art and look up to him and admire him. There is nothing wrong with how you feel so don't force yourself to feel any other way.