I cant say "i love you MIcheal "

There's different kinds of love! The love you have with your husband is very different to that of your feelings or emotions for Michael! I love all my friends deeply. I care deeply for them. I protect them. Stand up for them. Speak highly of them. Admire them. Love them. The same as I do for Michael! I could go on but you get my point! There's not enough love in this world! You can never give too much love! :) Just feel what you feel! Don't force feelings
:clapping: agreed!

I can easily, honestly and proudly say that I love Michael, because it's the truth. I do. And it is a special type of love too. Not just a celebrity crush, or just loving his music etc. as a fan, but real love. I didn't fall in love with Michael's music. I didn't fall in love with Michael the performer/entertainer. I fell in love with Michael Joseph Jackson the person. I'm not afraid to say to ANYONE out there, that I truly love Michael Joseph Jackson. I'd shout it from the mountaintops.

I'm with you on that one!!!! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

I admire the artist and all - but I'm in love with Michael cause of MICHAEL.
I do! I do! Love him. L.O.V.E

I think the effect that MJ has on all of us (his fans) is like no other! He has us all in some kind of trance! lol. The whole world knows that MJ fans must be the most loyal and dedicated out of everybody and this just reflects MJ's amazing-ness :) Part of it is that HE genuinally loved US and connected with us on a deep and personal level, he told us all the time how he felt about the fans and i do believe he loved every single one of us individually. Ive never known another artist have this kind of relationship with their fans and so it makes it even easier for us to love him!
Done :)
I truly love him with all my existence, he is and always will be a part of who I am - my spiritual father. It's OK not to feel that you love him, don't feel sorry for that.
I love Michael :wub:

Michael taught me what love is and he showed me how to love. He brought me to everything.
I love him so much, beyond any words. There is no way to describe it. I love him so much. :heart: I love him. I love my boyfriend too but it's different and he understands and knows how much I love Michael. And there is nothing wrong with the love I feel for Michael :)
Michael is...Michael shaped who I am. Michael inspires me beyond belief, Michael makes me smile, laugh, play, dance, create, write, dream, live. I love Michael THE PERSON. Michael is my angel, my best friend...Michael is everything. And I will never stop loving him. I will only grow in love every day. It's a deep, emotional love and it's beautiful.

You don't need to feel bad about not saying you love Michael. You must feel how you feel and be honest and true to yourself. That's what Michael would want :) He wouldn't want you to feel bad, just enjoy his art and look up to him and admire him. There is nothing wrong with how you feel so don't force yourself to feel any other way. :)
i hope i dont get bash for this but i cant really say that I Love my I admire him as a fan but i cant say i love him the only person that i love like that and can say it form the bottom of my heart is my husband hes my world my everything to say to a person those words and mean it to me it has to be some one i really love

i really hope i dont get ban form this forum for saying this
Well Can you say "I love you"
to your chldren
your sisters brothers
Mom , Dad

Then Why cant you say it to Michael
I dont understand what you are trying to tell us
except that you dont love Michael Jackson
and you dont have to love him or say you love him
so all is well
Yeah, I do love him. He brought and gave us so many things, ever since I was just a little kid always hehe, he's been there for me, helped me, brought me through so many times, he's like family.

I feel like we are all in this sort of extended spiritual family of Michael's :)
I tell him I love him each night before I go to sleep.
Makes me feel closer to him.
I use to do that every night as a teenager.
Then I had my own family and life got crazy. I still loved him, I just didn't tell him any more.
Now I make sure I do. Every day. Even if it's just in my heart and not out loud.
Well Can you say "I love you"
to your chldren
your sisters brothers
Mom , Dad

Then Why cant you say it to Michael
I dont understand what you are trying to tell us
except that you dont love Michael Jackson
and you dont have to love him or say you love him
so all is well

i do Love MJ but as a freind as a fan but i cant tell him " i love you " becuse to me it has meaing to it the only person i tell it to is my husband and fammily i dnt know MJ well to tell him I love you u know what i mean I know his music but i never meet him in person