I cant say "i love you MIcheal "


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i hope i dont get bash for this but i cant really say that I Love my I admire him as a fan but i cant say i love him the only person that i love like that and can say it form the bottom of my heart is my husband hes my world my everything to say to a person those words and mean it to me it has to be some one i really love

i really hope i dont get ban form this forum for saying this
i hope i dont get bash for this but i cant really say that I Love my I admire him as a fan but i cant say i love him the only person that i love like that and can say it form the bottom of my heart is my husband hes my world my everything to say to a person those words and mean it to me it has to be some one i really love

i really hope i dont get ban form this forum for saying this

I'm not trying to be mean but who asked you to say it?
People say I love you MIchael because they mean it, if you don't feel that way no one is condemning you if fact no one would even know......
i just felll gulty that every fan says how much they love him and that i cant even tell him that when i go to vist him and i wish i colud
Yeah when we say it we really mean it. I don't mind saying that I love Michael because I do in a unique sort of way, when we say it thats what we mean.

If you don't feel that way its ok..
its better not to say if you don't mean it.

i think for many of us when we say we love Michael, it is a pure undeniable genuine fact.

well... i can only speak for myself.

..... the love i feel for him encompasses his talents and his gifts to us.... i have always loved the deep emotional connection i feel with/for him since I was 10 years old. Michael is one of those people that have influenced me since I was a teenager.... i truly respect, admire, and love the Michael Jackson the person first and the entertainer second.
its ok not to say it esp if you dont mean it. mj still loves you either way lol.
its better not to say if you don't mean it.

i think for many of us when we say we love Michael, it is a pure undeniable genuine fact.

well... i can only speak for myself.

..... the love i feel for him encompasses his talents and his gifts to us.... i have always loved the deep emotional connection i feel with/for him since I was 10 years old. Michael is one of those people that have influenced me since I was a teenager.... i truly respect, admire, and love the Michael Jackson the person first and the entertainer second.

Wow I couldn't have said it better myself! :wub:
Understandable if you can't say it, even if a lot of fans do feel they love him. I always said I loved Michael, but wondered if I just said it because so many others did too. I don't think I really realised that I actually loved him until he was faced with problems like the first and second allegations and trial and his death. When these things happened it might as well have been my brother/father/loved going through them with the pain I felt inside.

I am a fan of lots of musicians and actors but Michael was the only I loved and still love.
But why do you want to share this with all of us?
Do you feel bad that you can,t say you love him?
Or do you think you should?
Admiring him is also a kind of love you know.
Michael has people who love him, hate him, admire him or couldn,t care less.
it,s all about love L O V E.
And admiring is one of the ways to show "love"

Love has no bounderies or is only supposed to be accepted in relationships.
i hope i dont get bash for this but i cant really say that I Love my I admire him as a fan but i cant say i love him the only person that i love like that and can say it form the bottom of my heart is my husband hes my world my everything to say to a person those words and mean it to me it has to be some one i really love

i really hope i dont get ban form this forum for saying this

that is wonderful.. about your husband.

you can be a fan of Michael without being forced to have to feel a certain way.:better:
No bashing for this from me. You can share :huggy: don't worry.
You shouldn't be getting "why did you say it" responses.

I do mean it when I say it, I do feel love for him.
It's just a different kind of love than the one I have for my boyfriend.
MUCH different.
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i hope i dont get bash for this but i cant really say that I Love my I admire him as a fan but i cant say i love him the only person that i love like that and can say it form the bottom of my heart is my husband hes my world my everything to say to a person those words and mean it to me it has to be some one i really love

i really hope i dont get ban form this forum for saying this

Understand, there are many different forms of love. Saying "I love you, Michael," doesn't mean that you want to marry him instead of your husband. But, if you don't feel comfortable saying it, you don't have to.
Personally I love him as much as I love my own family, and his death put a veil of sorrow upon this entire summer. I will never "get over it". I sometimes think I love him too much for my own good... But I can't help it! And like mjjfan4ever said, I love Michael the person first and Michael the entertainer second.
Love comes in many different forms. There are many different types of love. I can say I love Michael because I truly do, and it breaks my heart everyday that he is gone and his influence in my life is unquestionable.

Having said that, I don't love MJ the way I would love a wife. Thats totally different. I wouldnt feel at all guilty if I was married saying I love MJ simply because it is not the same as the love that would make me want to spend the rest of my life with a person. I think your husband is lucky to have someone who loves him very much.

I want to conclude by saying BillieJean84's post saying MJ would love you either way is my favourite post of the week! :D
its better not to say if you don't mean it.

i think for many of us when we say we love Michael, it is a pure undeniable genuine fact.

well... i can only speak for myself.

..... the love i feel for him encompasses his talents and his gifts to us.... i have always loved the deep emotional connection i feel with/for him since I was 10 years old. Michael is one of those people that have influenced me since I was a teenager.... i truly respect, admire, and love the Michael Jackson the person first and the entertainer second.

Nice, i feel the same way. my love for michael was just as intense when i was a kid as it is now. I love him with all my heart.
That's ok, I understand that. There are different forms of love. The love I feel for Michael is entirely different than the love I feel for my family. It's like a deep admiration, respect and empathy thing. I don't even think I can express it.
theres a difference than saying u love someone and being in love with someone
mj still loves you either way lol.

^lol love it! and so true! :wub:

and don't feel bad because you can't say you "love" MJ. I'm a fan of a lot of other artists and I don't say I love them, that's because I don't lol.
But with Mike it's totally different... he's like family to me, he's been such a big part of my life... I really DO love him! :wub:
Yes, as already mentioned several times, there's different kinds/types of love. I love Michael very much. I also love my husband very much. I do love both of them for the beings they are. My husband for his many qualities. Michael for his kindness, compassion, caring, just a beautiful person, and also for showing us his talent, and his love for mankind and the planet. (and his cute booty-butt, Oh, did I say that?) Who knows, if in earlier years, before I met my husband, if I had met Michael we would have "fallen in love"? Anyway, it's OK to love other men other than your husband, for different reasons.
I love Michael with all of my heart and soul. Always have ever since I became a fan of his nearly 30 years ago. And I will always love Michael for all eternity and beyond. But I really do understand why you can't say it. With me I really do mean it when I say how much I love Michael Jackson.
I love Michael from the bottom of my heart :wub:

and I mean it!!! I can truely say that and I have said it for years
I love you Michael Joseph Jackson you have my heart
I had a few loves in my life, but Michael was allways the first ( when it comes to men ).
Even he was so far away, even I never met him...all these years..he was the one. I stopped loving my husband few years ago because he didn"t aprecciate my love.We are still together but there is no love any more....just some kind of a habbit.
I am in love with MJ for 27 years now and he was allways my sancuary of love.I deeply fell in love with him when I was 13 and I will love him untill I die.
Wow, why would you express that?lol But yeah I really love him, he's a big inspiration!!
Personally I love him as much as I love my own family, and his death put a veil of sorrow upon this entire summer. I will never "get over it". I sometimes think I love him too much for my own good... But I can't help it! And like mjjfan4ever said, I love Michael the person first and Michael the entertainer second.

Don't say it if you don't mean it but -

I can stand on top of the world and scream "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL" but he's my baby and I love him like crazy.
Personally I love him as much as I love my own family, and his death put a veil of sorrow upon this entire summer. I will never "get over it". I sometimes think I love him too much for my own good... But I can't help it! And like mjjfan4ever said, I love Michael the person first and Michael the entertainer second.

:clapping: agreed!

I can easily, honestly and proudly say that I love Michael, because it's the truth. I do. And it is a special type of love too. Not just a celebrity crush, or just loving his music etc. as a fan, but real love. I didn't fall in love with Michael's music. I didn't fall in love with Michael the performer/entertainer. I fell in love with Michael Joseph Jackson the person. I'm not afraid to say to ANYONE out there, that I truly love Michael Joseph Jackson. I'd shout it from the mountaintops.
oh yea? if you don't mean it then yes you're right not to say it.
my concept of love is very different from yours though.

EDIT: [because i sound really cheesey lol]

but i LOVE him. I do. :)

he never stole my heart, he gave me a heart.
never used the phrase "I love you" before i knew Mike so he's just very special to me LYK DAT
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