I can't live without him.

Michael has helped me through some tough times in life. I will continue to live because my life has just started and I won't kill myself because he has passed, I love living and learning everyday. I love watching his videos and listening to his fast music(it took a little while to listen to "gone too soon" and "will you be there"). Michael kept living even though many in the world dogged him out. He kept going because of his friends, family, and the fans supporting him. We should all keep living for Michael and not try to commit suicide. I don't think MJ would want people killing themselves, but rather celebrating his life and keeping him alive in this world through our memories and sharing them with the future generations.
Michael Jackson will always be present in my life.He may have passed away,but listening to his music and getting all his messages fills like he is alive.It will be very very hard to overcome this, but I suggest that we must become stronger.If we die we loose the chance to continue what MJ started.Threre will always be MJ,so really if somehow everthing about mj dissapears,then I die,true,but it's imposible to erase the mark MJ had left on this planet.I hope you all understand what I mean.
Michael has helped me through some tough times in life. I will continue to live because my life has just started and I won't kill myself because he has passed, I love living and learning everyday. I love watching his videos and listening to his fast music(it took a little while to listen to "gone too soon" and "will you be there"). Michael kept living even though many in the world dogged him out. He kept going because of his friends, family, and the fans supporting him. We should all keep living for Michael and not try to commit suicide. I don't think MJ would want people killing themselves, but rather celebrating his life and keeping him alive in this world through our memories and sharing them with the future generations.

So true. But right now I think what many of us need to do is grieve. Yes, I do believe that sometime in the future I will be able to just celebrate his life and keep him alive, without feeling pain (or at least not as much as now). But right now, I can't. I'm hurting too much.
I can listen to his music. I can love it, I can smile occasionally. But there's so much left until I can actually think about him without feeling like I'm being torn into pieces.
So true. But right now I think what many of us need to do is grieve. Yes, I do believe that sometime in the future I will be able to just celebrate his life and keep him alive, without feeling pain (or at least not as much as now). But right now, I can't. I'm hurting too much.
I can listen to his music. I can love it, I can smile occasionally. But there's so much left until I can actually think about him without feeling like I'm being torn into pieces.

I agree this pain is ripping me apart and my world never ever felt this sad God I want him back x
I know exactly how you feel. I have been a Michael Jackson fan for over 25 years now. I am 29 now so basically I have been a fan of his almost my entire life. I had never loved anyone the way I had loved Michael. He was my greatest love. I am still so deeply hurting for him. I just miss him so very much. But I have been listening to him alot like I am now. With his song Someone Put Your Hand Out. And I am now trying to remember him in more happier times. Watching my favorite performances of his has helped me to forget of where he is now. They make me happy because I was seeing my love in a more happier time. And that is the way I am trying to remember Michael now. Even though it is still quite hard for me to do that. I will always have nothing but great eternal love for Michael. Who I miss so very deeply.
I'm sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest. I don't expect anyone to read it all.

Somehow it made me think that the fact that he's no longer here physically makes it possible for him to always be present... spiritually. It's crazy, I know. But it made me smile. Suddenly I could feel a bit closer to him again.
We all have our ways of dealing with stuff, and this is mine. I might be out of my mind, but in that case I just have to keep on being so. Because as I said there's no way I'm living without him.

This doesn't mean that I'm saying that I'm over it all yet. On the contrary, it's all just getting worse by every day that passes. The pain's just growing and God knows how long it will be before I can stop hurting. But this is something good anyway.
Because in all my pain and grief I would really love to be able to listen to his music. I would really want to be able to get into that "Michael-world" and isolate myself when it's all getting so unbearable that I just can't take it.
I need it, especially now, when everything else is going to hell.

I know it all sounds crazy, but anything that's got something to do with Michael that brings me even the faintest glimpse of happiness right now, is something that I'm going to grasp and hold on to for dear life. Because I can't live without him, I really can't. And I don't want to either.

Now that's my way of dealing with things. I would very much like to hear about y'alls.
You took words out of my mouth! You told my story.
When IT happened, I thought I will die, then I understood that Michael is gone as human but we are here to continue Heal the World. I thought if I do what Michael would love me to do, I will feel better.
So i sponsored a child. I donated to charity. AND I FELT BETTER. Michael is with us stronger than ever! He's is closer than ever!
I want to get in touch with all fans who feel the same, I started a group "Extensions of Michael Jackson" on facebook encouraging people to sponsor a child in loving memory of Michael
I feel bad, yes, but I am holding on. To help people and nature it's the only way for me to survive.
Like you dear, I WANT TO CHANGE. My life could be the same, should change the way i think, feel, talk.
Michael is not here anymore as human and the world for me should change completely.
I want to change my work too. I want to do something GOOD. Participate in charity, help the world
they say music triggers the strongest emotion. i'm not sure how to put this into words. but i guess not only do we miss Michael as a person but when you mix it with "music" (you know, he's not an actor, sports figure, etc.) it multiplies everything by zillions.

why why whyyyyyyyy did this have to happen to such a beautiful person with so much happiness to give

i can't stand the details of his burial. Michael isn't being buried!!! he's going to sing for us again at the concert. wtf actually i don't even care if he gave another concert. just be alive :cry: :sad: :boohoo:
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they say music triggers the strongest emotion. i'm not sure how to put this into words. but i guess not only do we miss Michael as a person but when you mix it with "music" (you know, he's not an actor, sports figure, etc.) it multiplies everything by zillions.

why why whyyyyyyyy did this have to happen to such a beautiful person with so much happiness to give

i feel dead inside and can't stand the details of his burial. Michael isn't being buried!!! he's going to sing for us again at the concert. wtf actually i don't even care if he gave another concert. just be alive :cry: :sad: :boohoo:

I know, I KNOW! I just want him to live. This hurts so much, I can't bear it. It's like... whenever I think it's getting better suddenly it all comes back to me and the pain is even worse. I can't believe he's being buried. No. No way. Not Michael