I cant deal with ths anymore

but how can we move on it is just really tough

Just do TODAY. Keep talking to us here and receiving support. Cry as much as you need to. Try to find small moments where the grief is not so intense. Get outside, take a walk, stay away from tv, and so on. Then do TOMORROW. Just that. Do tomorrow. Then the next day. And the next. You will find small moments of joy.

For me, the moments of joy come from. . . my animals. The cats that depend on me. And there is the raccoon I feed on my back porch. She has only three legs and needed some help. So I feel a touch of joy when I see her and can give food and water. Do the small things. Get through today. And then tomorrow, and beyond.

As many in this thread have said, to make meaning out of this terrible loss, we can "use his gifts to find our own gifts and do our own important things." It's important to remember what he LIVED for, and perhaps to make meaning out of tragedy we can emulate his character, fulfill our talents, and make a difference in the world?

Right now, the pain of the loss feels like a severe illness. It literally feels like being SICK, at heart. I have to believe that the pain WILL lift as we refocus our lives on the positive, and on the love that Michael shared with us. We need to keep his dream alive, and that task really does fall on US.

So get through today, and then get through tomorrow, and then go on.

Also please remember that Michael did not CHOOSE to end his life. This was no suicide, but some sort of terrible accident.
Powerful words, thank you! :)

You guys we're going through a difficult time here and it's something that won't fade away in a matter of days. It takes time to heal and you should allow yourself to take that time. Like victoria said:

- If you are having a heard time coping, please feel free to come to the support section of MJJC. We will be there to listen to your thoughts and feelings and support you during these difficult times. http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=163

- If you really feel you cannot deal with this on your own, please contact a professional in your neighbourhood. They can give you tools that will help you to cope with these strong feelings of grief.

- If you feel that want to take your life, don't hesitate to call the hotline in your country. Numbers can be found in this section of MJJC:

Take care everyone! Although it may seem hard, we will all pull through in time, for Michaels sake and our own! We are a strong community and we are there for eachother.
it's like holding on to hope when there is no hope to speak of,i've been through alot of bad times, but this has really broken me down,i rlly am finding it hard to deal with this,it just rains on and on and on,why wont this rain just let me be
Just give it time. I know that it sounds clichéd, and probably impossible right now. It's been over a week, and I'm only now sort of kind of maybe starting to slowly accept this.

This past week, I felt a whole range of emotions, from shock, devastation, grief, denial, anger (Why him???) and sadness. I am slowly starting to pull out of it, though I know I will probably feel sad for some time.

Victoria made a good point here. Try to engage in other activities. Go outside, spend time with your family or friends, do something else that you enjoy, find tasks to work on. It really can be a big help. :yes:
these days I got a chance to see who are my real friends and who are not
I feel so broken right now only other people's support can hold me up...true friends what I need, that's what michael always longed for too
Please everyone, stay with us, talk to us. We understand your pain 'cause we're feeling that pain, too. We need each other. It's easier to go through this TOGETHER.

Please, take care of your health, think about your loved ones, your pets, spend time with them, try to feel their presence, you're important to them, you need each other.

When you need someone to talk to, please come here and feel free to contact us because we understand you. We're here to stay.
I'm sorry that so many of us are still having a hard time dealing with this. :( I thought it would maybe get a bit easier with time but everyday just seems to get harder and I sink more and more into a deep depression. I miss him so much and just want to go back in time before any of this ever happened. I haven't been able to listen to his music yet without crying. I hope that in time I will be able to listen to his music and watch his videos again and feel the joy I used to feel and not this unbearable sadness. There is no way I am going to live the rest of my life and never listen to or watch my MJ videos again.

As painful and heartbroken as I am right now and as hard as this is, I am still happy that I am an MJ fan and wouldn't change that for anything. Please try and stay strong everyone and rally around each other for support. Hugs to all.