I cant deal with ths anymore

MJJ Lover xOX

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Neverland. ♥
this is a NIGHTMARE
when are we going to wake up!!!!!!!????????/ i feel like im going insane!!!! i cant eat or sleep or think properly and im getting really sick but i cant help it!!!!!!!! i just want him back...it wasnt his time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i deal with this!!!????????????????????????????/ AHGHHHHHHHGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it hurts so much :( :( :( people keep telling me it will get better with time but every day it just gets worse!!! it hurts more and it becomes realer :( :( :( i wish i was dead because then id be with MJ...i wish i could just kill myself but i know i wont because michael would hate that and im not going to but I DONT KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH THIS ANYMORE
It's hard but try to be strong. Michael would have wanted you to persevere. Live and spread his message and live life to the fullest.
I'm feeling the way you are lately. I feel like I'm waiting for this to be over, but it never will be...he's not coming back and it's so hard to deal with :( I'm glad we can all be together and have a way of expressing ourselves here. It really comforts me coming here.
I feel the same. It seems every day gets harder for me. I think its because I miss him more everyday. The pain gets harder. Like im falling deeper and deeper into this dark hole of depression and pain. *sigh* I never felt anything like this before, my love for this man is greater than the moon, stars, and the sun.
I feel the same, you are not alone. Every day I wake up and hope it will all have been one big, long, horrible nightmare. I simply can't make peace with the fact that he is gone. :( I don't think I ever will.
I hope that you all feel better soon! Remember, we're all here for you, and if you ever need to talk don't hesitate to ask.

We all know how you feel. We're all missing him terribly (not a day goes by where I cant help but feel that he's not really gone)! So don't feel alone!
:( that's it exactly. I just feel so broken inside - like there is nothing left :( I don't know how to go on...I'll just be living a half life forever now
I just want to wake up....
hey, I understand you...really
but we cant down like that.
Michale live for make us happy¡¡¡¡¡ he make me happy since my chilhood
and I don think him wanna see sad and unhappy, and made something else wrong¡¡¡
dont see TV right now, try to sleep... this pain is deep I know, I dont go to work since the moonday
cause I cant, Im so sad...but please...dont try to hurt yourself, he dont want something like that¡
I be whit you¡¡¡ if you want talk, I send you my msn yovisna69@msn.com
we all together are trying to be strong...
I guess its hard to try and say anything that is helpfull as everything still so raw at the moment. Try and take comfort in knowing that you are not alone-but that there are thousands and thousands of fans around the world that are going through the same emotions..but that you have HERE to help you through it.

It will get better but it might take a while.Maybe one day soon you will wake up and feel a little better.
Take tha time to mourn..he was taken too soon and its dreadfully unfair and horrible but Michael wouldn't was us to be sad..

i know what you mean about it feeling like a dream, and surreal. it will get easier. i promise. it takes time. and you still have the music.

for me, one thing thats made it easier is avoiding the media reports - i dont want a lot of TV so its kinda easy. obviously theres stuff online but i take what "perez hilton" says with a grain of salt... wait whast smaller than a grain of salt?

again, we're all here for you! and remember that michael would never want any of us to do anything to ourselves over him. that would make him much MUCH more sad.
i can deal with it, because i have to, because i love life, because i have a family. but the pain is getting harder. the pain is getting harder. the idea is sinking in.
I hope one day we'll wake up and find that it was a terrible nightmare...

I hope one day we'll wake up and find that it was a terrible nightmare...


I know sweety. :better: And I reckon we will, in another way. Some day we'll find ourselves awake with the feeling of appreciation and joy and be living our lives fully in a way that celebrates Michael's life and gifts he left for us. He gifted us with sooo much inspiration, my goal is to use that in the special way/s I can in my life - and I know we can all do this in our own ways.

And some day in the far away future we will wake up and find ourselves where he is now, and know that it truly WAS a terrible nightmare, but that within the nightmare each of us also found a dream within us and we made it real on Earth. And then we can celebrate with him how we all created and gived an did awesome things while on Earth, and he will be proud of how we got thru the pain and used his gifts to find our own gifts & do our own important things. It might be writing a song, or dancing, or being generous, or kind to the needy, or planting a garden or a forest or protecting animals. Only you know.

Of course it's fine to just cry when we need to. But later on I feel that doing stuff in the world, positive things in our own unique ways, is how we're truly going to get through. xx
I don't know how to cope with it either I mean I eat I sleep but mentally and emotionally I feel....detached from my body
nurture yourself. grief and mourning is intense and draining. take care of yourself and realise it takes time, and is a different journey for each of us.

keep away from the negative news - most of it is crap anyway and will only upset you more.

focus on the best things in michael and allow those feelings to envelop you and fill you. if you get any urges to be creative, (even if it's just colouring in lol), do it. spend some time in nature - this REALLY HELPS to recharge and get some clarity and peace.

and chat here when you need to get stuff off your chest. but get some fresh air too to help clear the emotions. :better:
I feel the same. I dunno what to do anymore. I can't breathe properly.

If it was all just a hoax, I wouldn't even be angry. Just come back, Michael. Please, come back :(
Michael forever, we are all here for you :hug:
Thanks for the soothe... i just can't reach the step...
I'm still despaired, the hurt is never sooo deep that i feel breathe with pain...

i can't go anywhere, can't say any words... there is no coodinate in the whole world for me to find my alive Michael. He is gone, he left the earth... that's a devastating thought!!

Yes, i have to cry but it can't help any resuscitation of inside... the world without Michael is NOTHING for me, i hate the depressed state but don't know how to survive..:no::no:
For those of you who are just watining to get over it, dont do it. Try other things, be strong. Its hard to just wait and get over it.
And some day in the far away future we will wake up and find ourselves where he is now, and know that it truly WAS a terrible nightmare, but that within the nightmare each of us also found a dream within us and we made it real on Earth. And then we can celebrate with him how we all created and gived an did awesome things while on Earth, and he will be proud of how we got thru the pain and used his gifts to find our own gifts & do our own important things. It might be writing a song, or dancing, or being generous, or kind to the needy, or planting a garden or a forest or protecting animals. Only you know.

and no security guards :) a little comic relief as Michael said

thank you for writing that. we all need to carry on day after day and pass on Michael's message. this is our test time. our childhood has ended, now we need to carry on as adults and do whatever Michael always did for us - giving love and support to people around us.
thankyou for the support everyone!!! this board is really loving...i only joined up today

i want to get through this somehow but i dont know how!!!!!!!!! how do you sleep at night?? how can i eat?? :( my heart is broken...i just dont know how to go on...
i will..i want to carry on Michael's legacy and i want to make an difference and continue my dreams but i dont know hoe to :( michael was (IS) my biggest inspiration...the reason i believed, the reason I had hope...he saved me when i was 13...
and now!!!??? now hes gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what am i meant to do??? :( :(
i just want him back....
I know your pain it's excatly the same for me.. I just wish
I could go to sleep and never ever wake up again. Have nothing to live for anymore.. Half of me & my live, childhood died with Michael last Thursday :boohoo: I'll never ever be the same again...I'm just asking God why he had to take Michael. It wasn't his time yet.. I'm asking him to take me too :cry:
:boohoo: I'll never ever be the same again...I'm just asking God why he had to take Michael. It wasn't his time yet.. I'm asking him to take me too :cry:

Dear, me too, i wish to go with Michael however i can't committ suicide for that's not the way Michael like to see...:cry::no:
Yea i know i don't feel the same anymore since he died when they said he was dead apart of me died and i know it may sound crazy but literally i do not feel the same. I feel uneasy and it's like a weight on my shoulders. The part of me that Michael made feel alive is dead it's like he did have apart of my heart and it's empty. I love and miss him so much and even though it's only been a week i am starting to miss him badly just the fact of him being gone makes me miss him. I try so hard to believe he's with me because i want him to be i want to keep him in my heart forever. Last night while laying in my bed i talked to him i told him that i love and miss him so much and that i would never forget him. I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye because i won't i will just say see you later. :(
i feel the same sweety, and it,s only getting worse..

but at the end of the tunnel there will be light, i know....
And we have to spread michaels, message, we ow that to him......
We have our own way of dealing with these things. But I listen to Michaels music all the time and it brings me joy. It helps me cope with everything that is going on right now. We all have a big job now to keep Michaels legacy alive. Thats a very important job lets try our best to do this.
this is a NIGHTMARE
when are we going to wake up!!!!!!!????????/ i feel like im going insane!!!! i cant eat or sleep or think properly and im getting really sick but i cant help it!!!!!!!! i just want him back...it wasnt his time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how do i deal with this!!!????????????????????????????/ AHGHHHHHHHGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it hurts so much :( :( :( people keep telling me it will get better with time but every day it just gets worse!!! it hurts more and it becomes realer :( :( :( i wish i was dead because then id be with MJ...i wish i could just kill myself but i know i wont because michael would hate that and im not going to but I DONT KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH THIS ANYMORE
You have no idea how glad I am that you wrote that! Michael definitely would not have wanted us to take our lives.

I don't know whether you believe in God or not, but the one and only thought that takes my pain and sadness away (mostly) is the thought of Michael being now in a far better place than this Earth. He is finally in peace now and it's everlasting, so that's the thing keeping me peaceful.

Just try to stay strong, I know it's hard and everybody says you will feel better in time but I really think that you will.
*Hugs* :better:
"Michael Forever" and everyone, I know exactly the pain you're feeling. Please keep talking to us. I'll give the suicide hotline link here, and be sure and visit the Support Forum because that is where people go now to receive the most concentrated support and help. As far as the hotline is concerned, at least you'd be talking to a real voice on the phone, and it would be someone who could offer resources close to where you are?


One thing you can be sure of is that this is a community where we KNOW the pain you are going through. This loss is still very recent and raw, and the suffering is intense. I KNOW. Others outside the community might not understand that it feels as though we have lost a cherished family member. That's why it's important to keep talking to us here. There might come a time when some of you would want to seek professional counseling. The counselor may or may not understand the degree of your sorrow, but might be able to offer medications to blank out the pain for just long enough to be able to refocus, just a little?

One thing I'm sure of is that Michael would not want any lives lost because of him, and would not want people to suffer too much because of him. Individual pain may be so terrible to bear, but grief DOES get easier. I have lost both my parents, and I know that eventually the pain recedes and joy can be found again. First in small things, but it will grow. It's just going to take some time. So please don't make any irrevocable decisions at the height of grief! That will only spread the suffering around to family and friends. And maybe even to Michael? No one knows for SURE what happens after death, but I, personally, have the strong sense that his soul/spirit is aware of the love being beamed toward him, and the grief that so many people feel. Maybe he didn't realize how MUCH he was loved? And maybe he does, now? I hope so. He would want people to LIVE, and carry on his legacy.

As many in this thread have said, to make meaning out of this terrible loss, we can "use his gifts to find our own gifts and do our own important things." It's important to remember what he LIVED for, and perhaps to make meaning out of tragedy we can emulate his character, fulfill our talents, and make a difference in the world?

Right now, the pain of the loss feels like a severe illness. It literally feels like being SICK, at heart. I have to believe that the pain WILL lift as we refocus our lives on the positive, and on the love that Michael shared with us. We need to keep his dream alive, and that task really does fall on US.

So get through today, and then get through tomorrow, and then go on.

Also please remember that Michael did not CHOOSE to end his life. This was no suicide, but some sort of terrible accident.

Please everyone, keep on taking care of each other. . . . . . .

all my love,
