I can't believe this


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i saw this i can't believe this is true or not true or it's real :thinking:

i believe that MJ his smart mind in him :yes: do you remeber after the trail that MJ just disapport no where :yes: i believe that he did the someway again :yes:

p.s. sorry about my spelling :)

the picture looks something and likes real to me :yes: :thinking: :smilerolleyes::scratch:

here is link:http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=99617523569&h=FuGMN&u=-o_1S&ref=nf
please let it be true. Not for me or the fans, but for his children. They need their daddy :(
i agree for his childrens and his family and his fans too :yes:

Please guys, don't do this to youselves. Let not turn this into another Tupac thing. Michael is gone. Please just accept it.
I wanna believe but......I can't.. SORRY
This man can be an imitator,we don't see his face,we see only his back ..
MJ would never do that to anybody. And what is the point of doing this anyway if this was a very sick joke?
I don't know who's behind that website, but it makes me sick. It's excistence makes people hope for something that is not true. The story is ridiculous, the picture grainy, and on top of all... if Michael would have gone into hiding, would he dress up like his much portraid self, complete with umbrella? And be lounging at a pool. Don't think so.

I think that site is made to generate income through ads. If they have pictures with proof... why wait with publishing them? Right... because they want you to come back to check, as many times as possible. That generates income for them.
It would be such a dreadful 'joke' (for want of a better word) if he was still alive. There are people on this very forum who have been really ill since hearing of Michael's death, and even suicides have been reported. He just wouldn't do that.
f this is true, who did they autopsy?? The LA Coroner saw the body and pronounced him dead...so whose body did they autopsy?? Who was this other person? Who cut him open? I can't believe this. I'd love to, but I just cant. Even his own family conducted their own autopsy....so who were they autopsying?? Whose body did they cut open????
People, Michael is dead. I know we would all like to hold on to hope that this was a ruse, but the realiyt is that he is GONE. We've seen pctures of him being worked on by the paramedics, we saw pics of his children crying. There have been fans that have killeed themselves. Would Michael be such a heartless asshole to do this to his fans and family? No. That's so not like him. Also he would realy have some pull to get the LAPD in on it.

I know we are all still grieving this loss, but you mist accept that Michael died. He's in a better place. I miss him very much and I want him back too, but I'm not goin g to fool myself into thinking he's alive. that's mental torture.
Hah, this is Elvis all over again. Doesn't surprise me really. Believe whatever makes you happy. Although the truth is obvious to anyone who doesn't have delusion-goggles on. Peace

Edit: that picture, however, is ridiculous. Because that's exactly what Michael would be doing after faking his death, strutting around town in front of cameras sporting his trademark umbrella in the sunshine. Riiiiight. PS the guy in the picture looks fat.
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hey, I know. Jesus, what is the name of that thing when people are in danger and then the government help them to change their names, look, houses, basically to help them "disappear"? Maybe Michael had to do what he did to disappear, because perhaps he or his children were in danger? Just a theory...
or maybe simply he just died.

it happens, he was only human just like me and just like you.

we now need to be strong and enjoy his legacy!!!!!!!!!
I tend to seriously doubt Michael Jackson could have paid off the LA Coroner to autopsy the wrong person...and the LAPD to go along with it.
Wake up, michael is not here anymore.
He died last week. The source isnt that reliable don,t you think?
i want him back, i really do........if the say to me that i have to crawl all around the world to get him back i would start right away....
But our dear mike is not here anymore.
Ye,s he,s here, but in our hearts and his spirit is around you me and everyone else who is having a hard time in these dark days.
We have to stick together and help eachtohter, not making it worse by claiming he is alvive.
It really hurts when pepople say that.
a little time ago i argued about michael looking frail......at that time i was scared for his health allready....
But noooooooo..many fans looked through their pink glasses.....
But see the man enjoying the rehearsels, 2 days before his death.....i can,t believe his body was finished yep.
The damn medicine killed him.......in one way or another......
I can't get the link to open. Can anyone post here what it is? There is a picture? Is there? Can someone post that? Thanks.

What is going ON here? Someone is saying he faked his death? People, fans have killed themselves. I can't imagine that Michael would cause that with a hoax. Surely he knew that would happen if he died. He LOVED his fans. . . . .
As much as I'd love Michael to still be alive, he is not. This is obviously fake rubbish. That photo is just of a man in a wig with a cheap umbrella.. if Michael was committing this mass practical 'joke' or whatever he is intelligent enough not to walk around like that, and lounging about around pools(?!) he would be in hiding.

I will admit the thought that he is still alive has crossed my mind - but that is just denial - a natural part of the grieving process. I've seen the emotion on Jermaine and Janets face, the pain in their voices - guys, this is real.

Conspiricy theories are not unusual in high profile cases - Elvis, Tupac, now Michael??

I don't see how Michael would do this to his fans, he would know how this would affect us.

Michael Jackson is gone, it is devastating but we have to come to terms with it.
People please. This is THE SUN. Michael has gone, don't let his legacy be ruined by some sick joke (that Michael would never play) or let us as fans appear "crazy" to other people because we deny his death. They laugh at people who say, "Elvis lives!" I really don't want that to be the way we remember Michael.