I believe in ANGELS, I believe they walk the earth as man.

I believe in angels among us. I don't think they are superior to God or anything, but I believe God sends down his wonderful angels when we need them... to protect and love us when we need it the most.

I also believe in the goodness of people. I could give a few examples right here on this board of people who have been "angels" to me these past few days... and They don't even know me! However, They took the time to remind me that I was special and That God above loves me no matter what happens. I am very grateful for them and for the grace of God and his loving angels that I am still living.
Yes, I do believe in angels. I don't have nothing to add. Lol. I'm too lazy to write something more :ninja:

Just wanted to say that Jesus didn't believe in angels, He knew they exist and live in heaven. It's off-topic, but I couldn't resist.
I am not a christian, but I do quote the bible to back up an argument from time to time.
Jesus believed in angels too. He adviced his followers to be welcoming to strangers cause they may be welcoming angels at their houses.

I actually believe that there are 2 types of angels, the evil type and the good type.
There are some people that are so cold-bloodied ad evil that there could only be one explanation for it. I usually say that they are possessed with the devil.

These people I have encounterd on numerous occasions, but I have also encountered people who I could describe as angelic, in so far as they will always find the good in people, even when it seems like there is none to find. I have such a friend. I bought her the Lionel Richie album because it had a song entitled Angel, on it. I truly believe that she is an angel.
Which leads me back to my argument that angels do walk the earth as human beings. If you are entuned to the higher power, you will find them.
Please do not come to this thread to assault me.

you know me dats... i believe in them too. one walked the earth and advised me when i had a job at opryland hotel in nashville tenessee. i saw him and he looked like an old man very clean and wearing a white suit.

this is a true story..and no joke.
what u mean, he knew they exist and live in heaven but didn't believe in them?

how do u know?

When you believe you don't have a certainty, you don't see many things but believe they exist.

I'm a Christian and I read the Bible. There are many quotes how Jesus tells about angels.

I believe Jesus was a Messiah and he knew [knows] everything.

Maybe you don't believe in it and it's okay, but I do and I won't change it.

Datsymay said
Datsymay said:
I am not a christian, but I do quote the bible[...]Jesus believed in angels too.

In Bible Jesus talked about them, where they are etc. For me it's obvious he didn't believe in them, he had the certainty.

No offence. I just couldn't resist.
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I do believe in angels, actually, as real people. Like the ones that stop what they are doing to help you out in a bad situation. We were stranded on a country road, and our alternator blew in the car. We were all scared - my daughter was only 6 or 7 at the time....I looked around and saw how desolate it was..and I was very very scared. All of a sudden, out of the blue, a GODLY couple drove up to our car and asked us if we wanted a ride to the nearest town. I swear, THOSE PEOPLE were ANGELS to us that day. There are so many other stories I have like that...