I believe in ANGELS, I believe they walk the earth as man.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South East London
I am not a christian, but I do quote the bible to back up an argument from time to time.
Jesus believed in angels too. He adviced his followers to be welcoming to strangers cause they may be welcoming angels at their houses.

I actually believe that there are 2 types of angels, the evil type and the good type.
There are some people that are so cold-bloodied ad evil that there could only be one explanation for it. I usually say that they are possessed with the devil.

These people I have encounterd on numerous occasions, but I have also encountered people who I could describe as angelic, in so far as they will always find the good in people, even when it seems like there is none to find. I have such a friend. I bought her the Lionel Richie album because it had a song entitled Angel, on it. I truly believe that she is an angel.
Which leads me back to my argument that angels do walk the earth as human beings. If you are entuned to the higher power, you will find them.
Please do not come to this thread to assault me.
oh datsy that was so lovely.

i believe in angels too.

there was an angel gone too soon... he was a Macedonian singer called Toshe Proeski and he was unique A singer. A humanitarian. And on top of that, so modest...Such a wonderful being. Unfortunately , he died in a car accident last year at the age of only 26 :( Listen to this angel and I hope I am not bashing your thread...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKRaXPYSzKY&feature=related - one of the biggest Macedonian songs, most people say that no one has ever sung it better...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjFqAcJ_1OY&feature=related - his first hit...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD4lna70GFc - his biggest hit... the title means "who has you?"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yytjYh-v4PE - from Eurovision contest 2004...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_zK6mfGReY - from his English album he was to release... :(

God embrace you Toshe , miss you forever... You are where you belong now :( :( :(

p.s. they called him the Michael Jackson of Balkan... :(
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Oh, my gosh. That brought tears to my eyes. Yes, angels die young too, it s almost like they do what they were supposed to do and then they just go home. May god rest his soul. Thanks for your contribution.
thank you for making such a wonderful thread and for respecting the genius that Toshe was :(
Ah , his like "farewell song" is called Endless Game.


And some parts say something like:

"If only I could wake up in the world of love,without all the demons who have always followed me. If only I could kiss you without the bad memories of the cold springs and the pictures of accidents that stick in front of our eyes...

Because my life is an endless game, a tired story. Going through the pages that are blank. My life is an eternal fall. When I count the defeats, nothing remains. I just carry the habits, and that's all.

If only I could wake you, make you a coffee and bring it to you in your bed, and kiss you. But that's impossible and that doesn't exist. If only I could fall in love with a little girl somewhere on a hill up in the space, so that I can't see what's down there..."

It's really creepy. Like he predicted it.

I am so so sorry for bashing your thread. It's just that Toshe is really missed. Hope you like the song... God bless you!
i believe in angels more than angels believe in themselves ;) --- JK

i think angels do exist and that they are so so beautiful. not all of them have wings and some live on earth and were born here, not literally were sent from heavens.:angel:

i believe :heart:Michael is one of them.

I actually believe that there are 2 types of angels, the evil type and the good type
evil one r no longer angel!!! i mean evil is evil ... angel is angel.

only in islam it is mentioed that satan was once an angel which udner some circumstances it turned into evil. but the story does seem to be at all since facts contradicts one another
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I also believe in angels, or at least people that are "angelic".
You don't have to be a Christian to believe in angels nor God.
I happen to be a Christian, but my belief and love for God is greater than the religion itself.
I don't believe in the bible since it's written by a human, I'm just, like you said maybe is using it for "quotations".

An obvious example of a person who is angelic is Michael Jackson.
As the greatest entertainer of all time, a humble and tolerant being like Michael is, you've got to be angelic.

Angelic is like a "persona", so another one that I kind of felt was an angel was Aaliyah.
Just search around youtube for interviews and stuff with her, even when she laughed or just was being herself she have this "sadness" in her eyes. Maybe sadness is the wrong word, but I don't know how to describe it. Like awareness? She was a very special girl.
I also believe in angels. They're among the things/beings I love most in this world :wub:

I see them as bodiless beings, as God's soldiers, I don't know if them walking the Earth wouldn't be too much to say. Guess I'm not that much of a Christian, lol. But I agree, there are angelic people in this world, people who deserve a lot better than what they receive.

My best friend is such a person, I don't know anyone who doesn't love her or have a good opinion about her. She really has an angel's heart. And I agree that Michael fits in this category too :heart:

Also, I love drawings or writings illustrating angels. I collect them everywhere I can :D I even have a pair of angel wings under my bed :lol:
My best friend is such a person, I don't know anyone who doesn't love her or have a good opinion about her. She really has an angel's heart. And I agree that Michael fits in this category too :heart:

I believe that friends like that are worth more than their weight in gold they're the most precious thing someone could ever hope for. :)

That's about the biggest thing I could wish on anyone is that special a friend.
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I believe that friends like that are worth more than their weight in gold they're the most precious thing someone could ever hope for. :)

That's about the biggest thing I could wish on anyone is that special a friend.

Indeed, they are :) Funny you should mention gold - this girl is filthy rich, anyone in the country would know her name. Yet, seeing her, talking her, hanging out with her, you'd never suspect it. And she donates money as often as she can.

I wish everyone could have someone like that, like a ray of light in the darkness.
but if all else fails you can always hope to have a crazy friend like me :ermm:


I dunno if I believe in angels:unsure: but I do believe that some people become good honest and caring people so much so that they appear to have an aura of innocence and goodness about them when compared to many other people. Just like there are people who become wicked and mean spirited. I don't think it's a divine gift but rather a result of circumstance, personality and life experiences. :)
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I believe in Angels very much.

In fact,not only i think THEY are between us all the time,as i am almost sure i know a few.
How can we recognize an angel in human form?
--Bruce D.

Sometimes we can recognize an angel who appears in human form because they tell us, 'I am an angel." Other times, like Abraham’s visitors in Genesis 18, it becomes clear by the things they say and do. But many times we do not know. We are left wondering, "Could he have been an angel?"

Apparently angels appear in human form even though we do not recognize them despite the Bible's reminder, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). I have had many people tell me they did not know an angel had helped them until after they had disappeared. Here are some clues for figuring out if you've just met an angel:

The angel in human form suddenly appears to help. The angel did not seem to have been around before and seemingly appears out of nowhere.

An angel helps/assists us in our trials, tribulations, and despair without ever wanting/asking for anything in return. Angels watch from a distance. They only appear when they are sent, and disappear into the light before they can be thanked.

Angels do not appear to us because they are summoned, but because God sends them. Very few people, including most spiritual leaders, ever see an angel. But the angels are real and present in our life. Trust God who promised that angels are with you (Psalm 91:11).

William D. Webber

I have absolutly no doubt that Angels/Guardian Angels exist, unless one has personally been blessed with the presence/assistance of an Angel...people tend to lack faith in all of Gods beauty that angels truly possess..!

Always Keep The Faith~~~
Heal the World~~~

"Education Is The Key"
I believe in Angels too. They came to me in the form of my grandmothers, grandfathers....as well as special relatives and uncles.
I just bought Billy Grahams book on Angels the other day. I really don't know much about them. I do believe in them though. I wonder if somehow they can speak through a regular person.
but if all else fails you can always hope to have a crazy friend like me :ermm:


I dunno if I believe in angels:unsure: but I do believe that some people become good honest and caring people so much so that they appear to have an aura of innocence and goodness about them when compared to many other people. Just like there are people who become wicked and mean spirited. I don't think it's a divine gift but rather a result of circumstance, personality and life experiences. :)

I agree, :D
I believe in angels, too.
Though I don't think that they walk here as human beings, in my mind they are just some kind of invisible creaturs send from God to protect people.
I'm a Christian.

My mom told me she prayed to God that she could have someone to keep her company when she was going somewhere. When she got there, she said bye to the person who had been with her and she turned around. after a quick second she turned back because the person had left something with my mom. She looked for the person and searched for them, but they were gone.

She thought it was an angel.
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I'm a Christian.

My mom told me she prayed to God that she could have someone to keep her company when she was going somewhere. When she got there, she said bye to the person who had been with her and she turned around. after a quick second she turned back because the person had left something with my mom. She looked for the person and searched for them, but they were gone.

She thought it was an angel.
:D A cute story. I once said howdy to a stranger as I walked past, but she didn't answer, so I looked back to see who she was and she vanished into open space. I knew that was no human being.:doh::D
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:D A cute story. I once said howdy to a stranger as I walked past, but she didn't answer, so I looked back to see who she was and she vanished into open space. I knew that was no human being.:doh::D

Wow. I'd be scared, lol.
Yes, I believe in angels. I will try to tell you something curious has happened.
A few years ago when I was 15 or 16 years old I was home of my aunt.At night was dangerous for me return to my home alone.But I had to go!
At the bus I met a woman who accompanied me during the all journey.We talked a lot of.When I came to my destiny.We said "bye" to one another and at the end she said:
"May God be with you, Adriana!"

I thanked and looked forward .When I turned my head to speak the same thing I realized that she was not more there! She has disappeared!
Tried and not found the woman! In the end I remembered something very important ... She said my name, right? How did that happen? I don't rememeber having spoken to my name for her.How she knew? Well..I don't explain...
I'm sure that this woman was my guardian angel!!

(*sorry my poore English!)

I believe in God, and I have a very strong belief in my faith.

I believe that God have put just wonderful people on earth. I believe that Michael has a Godly nature which catches everyone spirit.