I believe 'Breaking News' is 100% authentic and I want to talk about it here

In my opinion it wouldn´t make sense if Sony/estate used a fake singer.
Sony is a big company with many artists and they don´t want a bad reputation.
A journalist in a swedish newspaper wrote BN is the best MJsong in 20 years but I´m not sure about what MJ songs he had listened to.

I love the song and I wonder why there is no discussionthread about who Michael was in love with..
MIST;3071713 said:
In my opinion it wouldn´t make sense if Sony/estate used a fake singer.
Sony is a big company with many artists and they don´t want a bad reputation.
A journalist in a swedish newspaper wrote BN is the best MJsong in 20 years but I´m not sure about what MJ songs he had listened to.

I love the song and I wonder why there is no discussionthread about who Michael was in love with..

The more I think of it, maybe it was all planned. Apparently, controversy sells.

If you google about BN you'll see that thousands of news reports have posted on the "fake/real" controversy. Also top trending on Twitter.

And that's all free publicity.

Bet ya Sony's laughing right about now. :cheeky:
the only thing that makes me sad it that I've lost trust in 3T now. I liked them a lot and listened to what they had to say, but after this mess I'll always think twice before trusting them again.

Same, I used to trust them so much, they were the Jackson family members I relied on the most. Now I don't know what to think.

I feel the way they went about this was disingenuous. They should be contacting their own legal and forensic teams, or getting back in touch with the one John McClain used for them.

I love the positivity in this thread .... but I still see some Michaelonians here with their mood pics on SAD. :(

Lets all change to HAPPy or EXCITED and start celebrating the arrival of the new single and Michael's gift to us ... his new album.

We can do it ... let's swing the mood ..... :lol:

I'm excited...


I miss his voice so much.
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I love BN...The Chorus is extremely catchy and for me lyrically it reminds me of "Is It Scary"
LOL Riviera at that clip of Blanket ... it looks planned .... :lol:

:lol: ... Love your clip too la_cienega .. BTW where's your excited mood pic under your name?
LOL how do I change my mood??

Up in the right hand corner under where it says .... Welcome la_cienega ... there should be a box with - My Mood - infront of it. Click on it and choose a mood by clicking on it :lol:
Otherwise a mod better help you who knows better how to explain.
Hope it works !!!
Up in the right hand corner under where it says .... Welcome la_cienega ... there should be a box with - My Mood - infront of it. Click on it and choose a mood by clicking on it :lol:
Otherwise a mod better help you who knows better how to explain.
Hope it works !!!

Thank you!
Can someone send me the new version? Thank you so much.

Mostly i am just reading in this board, but in my german fanboard there are more and more people thinking that it is MJ. I always thought that it is him ..

So excited about radio airplay of "Hold my hand" and the One more chance videoclip :)
The more I think of it, maybe it was all planned. Apparently, controversy sells.

If you google about BN you'll see that thousands of news reports have posted on the "fake/real" controversy. Also top trending on Twitter.

And that's all free publicity.

Bet ya Sony's laughing right about now. :cheeky:

You know those were my feelings too. You know Michael loved controversy especially around his new releases. It works because it gets ppl talking about it. Free publicity.
Also, to add to this, the second version which is now on his official site is a much clearer, crisper sound, and it def. without a doubt sounds like MJ.

So, why didn't Sony just release the crisper version? There wouldn't have been any controversy at all would there? Ha it is funny and genius if it was designed that way. I think Michael and Sony are laughing about this too. :D
I'm telling you man, If all the BS about the song being "fake" haden't arose this song would have been better recieved by the General Public. I have hardely read a "review" of this song where the reviewer is actually panning it. Most people like the song itself but can't give it an all around positive review because of the controversy surrounding it.

Btw, I love this thread
I'm telling you man, If all the BS about the song being "fake" haden't arose this song would have been better recieved by the General Public. I have hardely read a "review" of this song where the reviewer is actually panning it. Most people like the song itself but can't give it an all around positive review because of the controversy surrounding it.

Btw, I love this thread

Thank youuuu!!!!
i am not one to get into arguments about michael unless someone is insulting him, but i think this song is AWESOME!
i am just so happy to be getting new michael music.. imagine if we never heard any new material? i think fans should appreciate the new music coming out and stop all the bickering!
Thank God for this thread, otherwise I think I might go crazy.
Could anyone please send me the new version, too? Thank you.

I can't stop listening to BN, I love it so much! I played it today to my (non-MJ fans) friends and they thought the song is hot. I feel sorry for Teddy Riley, he has to deal with all this negativity and is being accused of being a liar. I hope he knows that there are fans out there who appreciate his hard work.
I want to join :) I like 'Breaking News'! I was confused at first but now i'm convinced it's Michael singing in the song.
How about a Keep Your Head Up is Michael Jackson thread? :lol:

This is madness...

I'm not too crazy about that song but it def sounds like Mike to me...
How about a Keep Your Head Up is Michael Jackson thread? :lol:

This is madness...

I'm not too crazy about that song but it def sounds like Mike to me...

I am staying away from the leaks. Gonna listen to the album the old fashioned way :)
Kinda weird to think that a few days ago I was really unsure if it was MJ or not. When it's so obvious now that it is.
It's a little disturbing how easily we can be influenced by rumours. :mello:
Yes it is.

And that's what bothered me. I believed it was MJ all along, and if it comes to surface IT ISN'T, I'll accept it.

But I did my best not to get ruined by rumors spread by certain people.

I wish more people would've done that :(
Kinda weird to think that a few days ago I was really unsure if it was MJ or not. When it's so obvious now that it is.
It's a little disturbing how easily we can be influenced by rumours. :mello:

it's even more disturbing that those rumours were started by basically the only Jacksons everyone trusted.... :(
Hello everyone, what does everyone think of my new Avatar? :wild:
I don't see why people can't keep an open mind until, at some point, perhaps there may be evidence to back up either claim. At the end of the day, the album should be able to be downloaded as individual tracks, so people can choose to download the tracks they see fit.
I have to say that I was undecided at first and as recommended, I put my headphones on and listened to the song at least a half a dozen times. I agree with in that it's good to hear Michael sing in his lower register. About his singing style, we have to remember when he worked with Teddy Riley previously, the sound was different from what we normally are used to with Michael and it appears to be similar now. So it makes sense that the vocals are as they are and yes there is quite a bit of layering, but again, that is the style of song. Michael's "hee hee hee" and "oowww" are very recognizable. Listen to his word phrasing very closely, I feel it's distinctively Michael. Michael had a unique way of phrasing his words, i.e. L.O.V.E. So I believe it's him with some other background singers as well. This is just my opinion of course. I almost cancelled my order. I'm glad I did not. I will continue to listen, but I am going to support the album release. Just as someone else stated here (my apologies for not remembering who it was), if it comes out that these are not his vocals, I'll accept it. Sending a MAJOR L.O.V.E. :wub:and (((((((HUG))))))) :better:to you all.