I asked God for a sign

I really think he is all around us and I have to confess I haven't always believed in such stuff but... with Michael I just feel strongly he is about. Did you see my thread about the 'Cloud heart' I saw http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72646&highlight=cloud+heart
Then there were the doves that flew in a circle above the O2 vigil and the rainbow that appeared in Canada at their vigil. He's all around :) And we love him more :)

Throughout our time here on Earth we are often given "signs" Most people ignore them others are maybe on a higher spiritual level and see them truely as signs.
I love all these posts and really believe they are Michaels way of telling us he is ok and showing us how much he appreciates us.
I truely believe he can now communicate with us on a much higher level than he ever could before.
We will never know for sure until we get there of course, but Michael believed in magic and this is just some of the magic gifts he can now give us :)
Throughout our time here on Earth we are often given "signs" Most people ignore them others are maybe on a higher spiritual level and see them truely as signs.
I love all these posts and really believe they are Michaels way of telling us he is ok and showing us how much he appreciates us.
I truely believe he can now communicate with us on a much higher level than he ever could before.
We will never know for sure until we get there of course, but Michael believed in magic and this is just some of the magic gifts he can now give us :)

I agree with you :) I think these are signs and I believe when he was here he was what some people call an 'earth angel'
MJ Star ur original post ''I asked God for a sign'' Oh my thanks so much for putting that idea into my head to ask for a sign for myself that MJ is ok and still with me! :)
I have loads of things/ experiences that support my belief that MJ is still very much with me/us!
Want to say them all...............but just know that MJ is still with us.......how can anyone BE and then NOT BE? surely they ALWAYS BE???
Want to share............maybe will but for now just quietly grateful.............Grateful for MJ.............thank you God for sharing this most beautiful person with us. :)