I asked God for a sign


I asked God to show a sign that you are ok
What came out of it made my day
A yellow bird was sent from the heavens above to show some love
Flew through the door right into my store
I believe this was the sign I asked for
I looked at the bird, so peaceful and calm
and wondered where did it come from?
A spirit so free that came to say hello
He sure was a cute little fellow
The bird chirped then spread its wings to soar
the yellow bird flew back out the store door.
It made me smile, I love you more.

Oh MJ Star how wonderful. :)

Already spoken to you about this experience you had, but how sweetly you have made it into a poem. :)

God Bless you sweetheart. :)

Michael ISNT gone I feel it in my viens....................he is the same as he ever was.............. just now without the riens............ of the human body to restrict him. :)

Now he can soar like never before, just like that lil bird who flew in your store!

See? We all on a flow tonight, and thats for a reason............

Michael is about............

His total genius touching our hearts and minds...............

we move on cos we have to...............but always with MJ on our minds! :):agree:
That is true! MJ is flowing through us just like our blood, because he is a little piece of all of us! He inspires our minds, influences our actions, and helps form our decisions. He can never go away as long as we continue to love, and love MJ. =]
Beautiful :) I truely believe Michael is with us.His magic is everywhere!
Thank you for sharing xx
I took a picture of my cellphone picture to show you guys.. sorry its a little blurry. This bird wasnt like other birds, this one was special :)


Aw that's so beautiful! Love it!
This really happened right? That's so amazing.
Mami mami, Its Michael Jackson.
No that aint him, that aint MICHAEL JACKSON.
it is Michael Jackson.

It just flow thrugh my head lol dont know why, privacy by Michael Jackson
This is so beautiful and wonderfully written.
The bird is gorgeous by the way.
It came about 5 minutes after I asked..
It was not scared of me either.. It was very calm, it was chirping a little tune and then flew back out the door, very cute.
Well you can't say for 100 % that this bird indeed was Michael Jackson.

Yesterday I was in a zoo, I asked god for a sign. What happend was totally unexpected.



I really think he is all around us and I have to confess I haven't always believed in such stuff but... with Michael I just feel strongly he is about. Did you see my thread about the 'Cloud heart' I saw http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72646&highlight=cloud+heart
Then there were the doves that flew in a circle above the O2 vigil and the rainbow that appeared in Canada at their vigil. He's all around :) And we love him more :)
yellow bird, a sign from the god, really so cute^^
that's beautiful, really touching me.
and "I love you more" ~~Let me think something...