I am so VERY VERY angry!!!

I like Barry Gibb a lot. I've been a fan since Saturday Night Fever.

What video did you see about Gibb? Can you post the link? I watched snippets of a video with MJ when they recorded All In Your Name.
:hug: To everyone.

Let me just start by saying that I am so very sorry for the lost of your grandmother and aunt.

I wish you were able to get the help that you need. I find it very sad that nothing/no one has brought any joy in your life for almost two years.

It's great that Michael brought so much joy into your life, as he did for all of us, but you need to be able to find happiness in other things too.

Alma is right about Michael's children. They are the ones who have experienced the most amount of pain. If they can manage to live their lives

(smile, laugh, have fun, etc.) despite the fact that they have lost their beloved father, surely fans should be able too as well.

Of course the pain won't go away over night. In fact, it may never go away, but you can love and miss Michael without it completely taking over

your life.

I understand everyone's anger with Murray. It disgusts me that he is able to live his life even though he is the reason Michael was robbed of his.

I can't wait until he's thrown behind bars.

Thank you about my aunt and grandmother. I really do wish I could get some help. But like I said no one wants to take me seriously when I mention my depression. And I have tried many times to try and find some kind of joy in to my life. And no matter what I do or get nothing had work for me. I even had gotten a Nintendo Wii as an early Christmas present this past Christmas. And I thought that would do it for me. And it really was helping me get better. Until late January came and Dr. Death had decided to plead not guilty. And that had put me right back in to my depression. Now even my Nintendo Wii is not helping me like it was suppose to. I still play it of course but it is just not helping. Now I want to get a Nintendo DS Lite and I am thinking now if I get one and get the puzzle games as well as some other games for it might help me. Well that is what I am hoping it would do for me. Which I don't think it would. The only thing that had help me since that day was sleep cause when I am a sleep I am not feeling the pain of missing Michael. Like I am when I am awake. All through that horrible 2009 summer my bed was the only place I had wanted to be. Because sleep was the only thing I had wanted to do. Just to help me forget of what had happen to Michael. I even had my laptop in my bed with me just so I can still be in my MJ sites. But also the problem I had about wanting to sleep all of the time that horrible summer. I was constantly plague by such horrific nightmares about Michael that lasted in to the Fall. 2 of them had cause me to wake up in the middle of the crying and shaking uncontrollably. They were that bad. When we still had Michael I very rarely would have a nightmare about him. All of my MJ dreams that I had when we still had him were all very good ones. Mostly because most of the ones I had were on the xxx rated side. In a couple of those dreams that I had he even gotten me pregnant. Now I hardly would have a dream about Michael. :sad: And if I do have one it would be a sad one no longer the fun good ones I once had when we still had him. And ever since what had happen to him I still have yet to experience the same amount of sleep that I used to always get when we still had him. I just wish I could go to sleep and not ever wake up. That way I won't feel that horrible pain of missing him every single day. I do try not to think about him all of the time. But when I do there is always some kind of MJ reminder that I might see, hear, or read either in real life or on tv. Like this morning on my morning news show Good Morning America. They were showing this scene where their weatherman Sam Champion was going on a roller coaster. I just start crying over Michael all over again. Cause I automatically started thinking about this video footage I have of Michael being on one when he was on his HIStory Tour. I just can't seem to handle anyone on tv having fun in some way. Because it just reminds me of Michael too much. Then again mostly anything would remind me of Michael in some way. :boohoo:

I have been a MJ fan since the early 80s and I just truly wish someone 25 years or so ago had told me what was going to happen to Michael in 25 years or so. I would have never became a fan of his in the first place. I knew losing him was going to be painful but I didn't think it was going to be this painful. I think maybe the reason why I am still hurting so much over what had happen to Michael. Is that my most biggest dream ever was to meet him. Especially meeting him at my dream place which was Neverland. And for years I had spent believing that dream of mine was going to come true for me. And it just really hurts that is never going to happen to me. And it hurts me even more is when I see or hear about stories about other people getting to meet Michael and I never did. :sad: :boohoo: And when I think about what my one high school yearbook had said I think it was my senior yearbook. This friend of mine at the time wrote in it Good luck in marrying Michael Jackson. It was something like that. Because everyone in my high school back during the HIStory Era knew how much I L.O.V.E. Michael at the time. Not just L.O.V.E. I was practically so obsessed with him back then. He is all that I could think about then. I am still amazed now at how I even graduated high school. When my mind could only be on thing back then. I still am now of course obsessed with him he is one of my 3 major passions. Bollywood and astronomy are my other 2 major passions.
I think we all do, but this goes beyond Dr. Murray. Yes, he is immediately to blame for Michael's death, but the media and all those idiots who conspired against him had been slowly trying to kill him for decades now. It's their collective fault, and Murray should not escape justice--but the way the courts often tend to go... on the other hand, we witnessed a fair trial in 2005, so we shouldn't despair yet. Despite everything the media said in an attempt to brainwash the general public, Michael still emerged victorious, due to his own innocence. So, perhaps we are to witness a similar scenario with Murray, except in the converse--despite all the media is trying to say about Michael now, hopefully people will gain some sense and figure out that Murray deserves to be in prison.
I have anger everyday. michael didn't deserve this. he should be here but that bastard took him from us. I will never heal from this. everyday I play this is it and there he is so alive but my god why did murray have to do this? I also have so much hatred for him. even if he could be convicted for life (which will never happen)it won't bring our michael back. I hate murray and I mean that strongly.
murray feels no remorse. I hate him:( I miss you everyday michael
I have anger everyday. michael didn't deserve this. he should be here but that bastard took him from us. I will never heal from this. everyday I play this is it and there he is so alive but my god why did murray have to do this? I also have so much hatred for him. even if he could be convicted for life (which will never happen)it won't bring our michael back. I hate murray and I mean that strongly.
murray feels no remorse. I hate him:( I miss you everyday michael

I feel the same.............and I also hate all those people that wanted hurt and destroy Michael!!!
I have anger everyday. michael didn't deserve this. he should be here but that bastard took him from us. I will never heal from this. everyday I play this is it and there he is so alive but my god why did murray have to do this? I also have so much hatred for him. even if he could be convicted for life (which will never happen)it won't bring our michael back. I hate murray and I mean that strongly.
murray feels no remorse. I hate him:( I miss you everyday michael

I so totally agree with you. But I don't understand how any fan could say that murdering bastard's name. I see him for what he really is a pure cold blooded murdering monster. That needs to be in prison now. Hopefully getting beat up by the other inmates. Or better yet be on death row. But instead he is still out there walking free. Michael should be doing that with his children right now. But that monster took that away from them. Ever since what had happen to Michael I had hated my country's justice system. Cause it is so obvious that my country's justice system is broken. Because thanks to that evil monster he has cause this depression of mine. A depression that I can not get out of. And also thanks to him I still haven't had a single good night's worth of sleep since June 24th 2009. So I am constantly tired all of the time now. And it is all thanks to him. Every single time I see or hear either that monster's first or last name I just get so damn angry all over again. I just so totally wish I could be the real life Shivani Chopra from the movie Anjaam.
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