I am so VERY VERY angry!!!


Proud Member
Feb 28, 2009
Now that we have seen this footage that Barry gibb was so kind to share with us...Micheal in 2002 singing "All in your name"...I have the worst anger and hatred inside me right now for Dr. Murray ..I have never felt this type of hatred for another human being in my entire life. I am almost overwhelmed with the feeling...anyone else feeling the same?
I´m angry too.
It´s not fair what happened to Michael and people think his murderer is a nice man.
I didn´t expect Michael to do more albums,concerts,whatever.....I just wanted him to have a nice life after TII..and that life was stolen from him.
I really don't think this thread should be left open, people are going to argue and debate back and forth like always...
I really don't think this thread should be left open, people are going to argue and debate back and forth like always...
debate about what? Their feelings about anger...about how upset they are right now at this time at Murray? It is natural to be angry during the grieving process...it is a step in healing and getting through the loss. It is ok to vent and get out the aggression....like I said..I never in my life hated anyone as much as I hate Murray. THAT is ME getting out my aggression for that man.
Who could blame you? I'm angry too. We all are. My anger/sadness/disbelief comes and goes but it does come back, especially after seeing this new clip of him with Barry Gibb. He did not have to die and it's all so senseless.
Thunder i feel the same. I cant belive murray is able to walk free in this world when michael is in a tomb.......all of it just doesnt make sense :(
If I Get A Chance To See That Murray!!!!!! I Would To Something Horrible!
Your post made me start crying over Michael again. Yes I do get extremely angry with that murdering bastard. So angry to a point that I have to watch the revenge scene in the Bollywood movie Anjaam. When I watch that scene I pretend that I am Shivani in that movie getting my revenge on Michael's killer. What Shivani did to that female cop and her evil brother in law in that movie. Is what I would so L.O.V.E. to do to Dr. Death. I have never hated someone as much as I hate the monster that put me in a state of depression that I can not get out from. That monster has now cause me to spend the rest of my life living in misery and sadness. Because of what murderer did he forever took away the happiness that I once had when we still had Michael. And what hurts even more is that I can no longer handle listening to him like I used to. And it has been an year now since I last watch something that was MJ related. And when I think of all the MJ related video type stuff that I had either recorded, downloaded, or bought over the years. Now only brings pain to me now. And I miss watching and listening to him so extremely much now. Especially watching him. I am crying so much now thinking just how much I used to enjoy watching him. Now I can't even handle watching single video of him.:sad: :boohoo:
*Hugs, Thunder*...

It would be better, though, to try and block that man out of your consciousness... Or even stop visiting the Case thread..? I did, and it feels so much better. I don't want to think of that man ever again, and I also don't want to hate nor care about what happens to him, nor about that case anymore... Am just letting him completely in God's righteous hands and He'll do with him as he pleases. He and others like him think they'll pull their shams off indefinitely when that won't happen, and that's written in the stone that it won't, in the Law that surmounts all of the laws of man that were and will get created. Michael must be in much much better place right now... Look at this ungrateful world (the great part that it's always becoming).. Look at the people and situations that he was surrounded and suffocated by. .... The only regrets I'll have is that his children are now orphaned, but Michael will be with them and cannot ever be separated from them in spirit. It dawned on me like that. .. Will try not to give these terrible (not to mention evanescent foes) the time of day the way I used to. .. It's liberating this way and keeps you focused more on the positive that his kids right now so much need and could benefit from in plenty. ..
well guys I am sorry for all of your pain as well. If this thread serves any purpose at all it helps people get their feeling of aggression out. I usually pretty much have a handle on my own emotions from day to day on this...its when I see things like the released footage that brings that anger back again.
I made the mistake of looking for M***** (can't even bear to type the name) news on Google, and saw pictures of him cavorting at Disneyland today...Before, I was sad. NOW I'm angry. You would think he didn't have a trouble in the world. I don't want my memories of pictures of MJ 'Disney' days overshadowed by M***** pictures. Wish I hadn't seen them. Wish I'd never seen or heard of him.
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^I saw that picture too. That also spurred my anger. Murray is STILL walking around free and living his life while Michael is dead and we all know he was responsible. Will there ever be justice?
Im so sorry for all the pain and anger you feel my heart is also broken. (Hugs)
hopefully our venting and letting out our frustration will help. Once you do that please try and overcome and be strong
It may take more time but We must NOT let that man have any power over us or our ability to enjoy all the beautifu
music art and memories Michael left for us to enjoy. I know its difficult to overcome the anger but try not let it turn
into hatred becuase that is what holds power over us will keep us from being able to enjoy our beautiful Michael.

I hope you dont take this as preaching.
I only want to encourage and strenthen you. We can comfort and lean on each other

I love you, Qbee
^ I agree with most of that. Don't let hate blind you, think of the greater things in life and remember Michael's message. I don't think he'd want us to be angry and hurt for the rest of our lives as fans. I think it's far more beneficial to remember him as we loved him, and to be happy in our lives. :)
^I saw that picture too. That also spurred my anger. Murray is STILL walking around free and living his life while Michael is dead and we all know he was responsible. Will there ever be justice?

I had saw that picture on TMZ. And I was angry too when I saw it. It just really makes me angry that when an average murderer is caught they stay in prison until their trial start to see if they are really guilty or not. I know this because I watch the Investigation Discovery Channel all of the time. Thanks to that monster it is one of my most favorite channels to watch now. And it just makes me so damn sick and angry that is not like this for Michael's killer. It just really angers me to no end that it isn't like this for Michael's killer. It is like no one really cares at all about what had happen to him. That monster is out doing things and going to places that Michael and his children should be doing and going to. I swear if I was in the same place with that killer right now. There is no way in Hell am I going to allow that monster leave that place alive. I will become the real life Shivani Chopra from the movie Anjaam.

and to be happy in our lives. :)

Thanks to that monster I don't even know what happy is anymore. I haven't felt a single ounce of happiness since before 6:30 pm on June 25th 2009. That was the time when I had gotten the worst news ever. Misery, sadness, and anger has been my happiness ever since that horrible June day. :sad: :boohoo:
^ Because Murray ISN'T a murderer. It's a homicide/manslaughter case. If there was any evidence that Murray had intended to kill MJ, he would be behind bars right now. But there isn't. Yes Murray needs to go to jail and have his license revoked for his disgusting behaviour, but please get your legal terms right.

Girl, I need to say that maybe you should distance yourself from this mess for a while, at least until the trial is over. It seems to be affecting your happiness and your mental health, which is not a good thing. Just take a breather, seperate yourself from Michael for a while and try to find your own happiness. I say this with the best intentions, I really do.
[...] I need to say that maybe you should distance yourself from this mess for a while, at least until the trial is over. It seems to be affecting your happiness and your mental health, which is not a good thing. Just take a breather, seperate yourself from Michael for a while and try to find your own happiness. I say this with the best intentions, I really do.

I so concur with the above....

How can one not feel an ounce joy even post-June 25...? Michael would be so crushed to know that, and it's crushing others as well... This is not life, this horrifying sadness taking over one's life like that is condemning you, guys, to a painful slow death...

Please, MJ'sBollywoodGirl, try to seek some professional counseling, not saying that to demean you, but as a sufferer from severe atypical depression myself from which I'm undergoing a both medical and spiritual treatment. And it works for me a good deal.. It's also about Wanting to get out of this counterproductive toxic state and not letting it contaminate your heart and mind and sentence you to death - because that is exactly what it's doing, it's that perverse. I'm saying it from personal experience which I don't wish to anyone on this planet, no matter how vicious... Please, try to wish to live, try to also follow Michael's children's example and how they are moving on with their lives while living with their Daddy's very much alive spirit attached to them. Look at how they're moving forward, try to learn from that. They're the ones most directly affected by Michael's death, because they lost their world on June 25, and yet they are resilient and go to school, have fun, listen to Daddy's music, talk about him and follow in his footsteps to help other less fortunate lives. ....Honestly so. ...
I know I need counseling but how am I suppose to get it when no one in my life wants to take my depression serious enough. Even my doctor thinks my depression is nothing but a joke. I can't go get it myself because I can't drive and I don't live near public transportation. I guess the main reason why I am so like this now about Dr. Death is because this is the 2nd time that I had lost a loved one to a doctor's so called mistake. My grandmother who I was quite close to had died 2 days after my 21st on January 6th 2001. The only thing I had really wanted for my 21st birthday was for my grandmother to get better. Any way the nurses and her so called doctor that was suppose to have been taking care of her didn't do that. I remember going to go see her at Christmas time and she was doing really well. So well that she was sitting up on the right side of her hospital bed eating. And that made me happy that she was doing that well. And I thought she will be coming home in a few days because she was doing so well. Then 12 days later she had died. And I knew it was the fault of her doctor and the nurses. Because no one can go from doing really well to really bad to where you will end up dead in 12 days. It doesn't make no sense to me. We never went to court to sue because her husband didn't want to go through with that. And with her being 80 years old our case would never really hold. I only ever had 2 family members that really understood me and they are both dead now. My aunt who I had lost at the age of 50 in December of 2001 to ovarian cancer was my only other close relative that I had.

And what makes me even more angrier with Dr. Death which is the perfect name for him. Is because of what my doctor had found in my blood work. And this was the first time I went to the doctor after what had happen to my beloved Michael. My bad cholesterol is quite high and my good cholesterol is quite low. And I squarely put the blame on Dr. Death for that. Because when we still had Michael my cholesterol levels was always normal and fine. Even my mother had said that. But because of what Dr. Death did he had cause me to have a high level of bad cholesterol. All because of the bad foods that I resorted to eating to help bring some comfort to my depression. Foods that I would never had thought about eating when we still had Michael. Now because of what that murderer did. I am now at a risk of a heart attack and I am only 31 years old. I am trying to eat more healthier foods but when my depression gets to be really bad on some days. I will tend to automatically go back and eat the bad types of food. For some kind of depression relief.
Im so sorry for all the pain and anger you feel my heart is also broken. (Hugs)
hopefully our venting and letting out our frustration will help. Once you do that please try and overcome and be strong
It may take more time but We must NOT let that man have any power over us or our ability to enjoy all the beautifu
music art and memories Michael left for us to enjoy. I know its difficult to overcome the anger but try not let it turn
into hatred becuase that is what holds power over us will keep us from being able to enjoy our beautiful Michael.

I hope you dont take this as preaching.
I only want to encourage and strenthen you. We can comfort and lean on each other

I love you, Qbee
I know that you have only the best intentions Qbee..:hug:.....Most days I am strong...I just have my moments...then it passes and then I am ok. For the all the rest in this thread that have anger....we will prevail..we will be ok...I know it takes time ..and :hug: to you all to.
I understand the feelings of anger. I watched the Barry Gibb clip and it made me smile and then after the 30 seconds or so was over reality sets in that Michael is gone. Then you see the man who was suppose take care of him walk around without a care in the world with his kids and you ask why this happened. I think the fact that no justice has been done plays a part in this. I think in the mean time we have to live our lives and be happy. Michael would not us to not enjoy life anymore because he isn't here. Michael loved life and all it's great things. I know this might sound crazy but I have these Michael moments. Sometimes the day isn't going so well for whatever reason and I turn the radio on and one of Michael's songs comes on just like that. Then I feel better and smile and think it was just what I needed. He is still with us in our hearts.
I made the mistake of looking for M***** (can't even bear to type the name) news on Google, and saw pictures of him cavorting at Disneyland today...Before, I was sad. NOW I'm angry. You would think he didn't have a trouble in the world. I don't want my memories of pictures MJ 'Disney' days overshadowed by M***** pictures. Wish I hadn't seen them. Wish I'd never seen or heard of him.

This. It really bothers me a lot, especially since I like to visit Disneyland often. It makes me so angry seeing him enjoying himself, while Michael's kids are left without a father. :(
I feel like Murrays PR team is trying to taunt us showing him in various places that are tied to MJ
This certainly can not be garnishing any sympathy for him from the media or public so why do they
try and use these things for his publicity. Its so disrepectful to Michael and those who love him.
It doesnt make sense
I don't know why they are doing that but it eats me up inside. They have to know that it is gonna bother people...then again I dont think they really care'
But if they his PR are trying to show him in a good light. They are certainly not acheiving thier goal.
This makes him appear manipulative and uncaring. Seem his own PR is working against him but I
say its more they are stupid and dont know how to do PR someone charged with killing MJ.

all this is working against him in the publics eye.
I don't know why they are doing that but it eats me up inside. They have to know that it is gonna bother people...then again I dont think they really care'

No they don't care and that is one of the reasons why I get so damn angry with this murdering monster. They really don't care about the fact that there are 3 children now who is now without a father in their lives. And they most certainly don't even care about Michael's hurting fans. I just hate my country's justice system so damn much. Jane Velez Mitchell refers to the American justice system as junk justice. And I so totally agree with her with that. I haven't seen that Barry Gibb video clip yet but I'm sure if I did I will be crying all over again the second I see it. :sad: :boohoo:
:hug: To everyone.

I know I need counseling but how am I suppose to get it when no one in my life wants to take my depression serious enough. Even my doctor thinks my depression is nothing but a joke. I can't go get it myself because I can't drive and I don't live near public transportation. I guess the main reason why I am so like this now about Dr. Death is because this is the 2nd time that I had lost a loved one to a doctor's so called mistake. My grandmother who I was quite close to had died 2 days after my 21st on January 6th 2001. The only thing I had really wanted for my 21st birthday was for my grandmother to get better. Any way the nurses and her so called doctor that was suppose to have been taking care of her didn't do that. I remember going to go see her at Christmas time and she was doing really well. So well that she was sitting up on the right side of her hospital bed eating. And that made me happy that she was doing that well. And I thought she will be coming home in a few days because she was doing so well. Then 12 days later she had died. And I knew it was the fault of her doctor and the nurses. Because no one can go from doing really well to really bad to where you will end up dead in 12 days. It doesn't make no sense to me. We never went to court to sue because her husband didn't want to go through with that. And with her being 80 years old our case would never really hold. I only ever had 2 family members that really understood me and they are both dead now. My aunt who I had lost at the age of 50 in December of 2001 to ovarian cancer was my only other close relative that I had.

And what makes me even more angrier with Dr. Death which is the perfect name for him. Is because of what my doctor had found in my blood work. And this was the first time I went to the doctor after what had happen to my beloved Michael. My bad cholesterol is quite high and my good cholesterol is quite low. And I squarely put the blame on Dr. Death for that. Because when we still had Michael my cholesterol levels was always normal and fine. Even my mother had said that. But because of what Dr. Death did he had cause me to have a high level of bad cholesterol. All because of the bad foods that I resorted to eating to help bring some comfort to my depression. Foods that I would never had thought about eating when we still had Michael. Now because of what that murderer did. I am now at a risk of a heart attack and I am only 31 years old. I am trying to eat more healthier foods but when my depression gets to be really bad on some days. I will tend to automatically go back and eat the bad types of food. For some kind of depression relief.

Let me just start by saying that I am so very sorry for the lost of your grandmother and aunt.

I wish you were able to get the help that you need. I find it very sad that nothing/no one has brought any joy in your life for almost two years. It's great that Michael brought so much joy into your life, as he did for all of us, but you need to be able to find happiness in other things too. Alma is right about Michael's children. They are the ones who have experienced the most amount of pain. If they can manage to live their lives (smile, laugh, have fun, etc.) despite the fact that they have lost their beloved father, surely fans should be able too as well.

Of course the pain won't go away over night. In fact, it may never go away, but you can love and miss Michael without it completely taking over your life.

I understand everyone's anger with Murray. It disgusts me that he is able to live his life even though he is the reason Michael was robbed of his. I can't wait until he's thrown behind bars.
But if they his PR are trying to show him in a good light. They are certainly not acheiving thier goal.
This makes him appear manipulative and uncaring. Seem his own PR is working against him but I
say its more they are stupid and dont know how to do PR someone charged with killing MJ.

all this is working against him in the publics eye.

Of course his pr team dont care, as they only thing they do care bout is getting murray off these charges.