I am having some conflicting feelings...

I think grief causes a magnitude of feelings and emotions. I myself feel the 'why? why? why?' feeling very strongly, as well as deep, deep loss. It's very hard.

If Michael was on drugs for pain and for sleep then I just feel bad for him that he could only get relief this way. I think that the disgusting accusations by those evil families played a big part in his pain. I wish he could ahve had the life that he wanted - just simple, bringing joy through singing and dancing, and loving his family and children everywhere. I feel the world made out that he was a monster because they could not comprehend his goodness. It's sickening truely.

I try to remember that it is OUR loss not his but nothing makes me feel any better.

i absolutely agree with you. the world did not see goodness when it was staring them in the face...and all kinds of pain dealt out to him killed him.
What about the recent clip where the Paps asked him If he could moonwalk? And he said "Why wouldn't I be able to?" Haven't seen the clip but many of you were using the word "doped up" to describe how he spoke. Apperantly his speech was slurred like with the Depositions.

I know what you mean. I saw it and I thought he did sound a little slurred. He had just come from the Drs though so maybe he had to have something dealt with? I really think he was pushing himself too hard. :(
What about the recent clip where the Paps asked him If he could moonwalk? And he said "Why wouldn't I be able to?" Haven't seen the clip but many of you were using the word "doped up" to describe how he spoke. Apperantly his speech was slurred like with the Depositions.

I just re-watched that clip, and I see what you're talking about. It did take him a while to respond, but then again, it was a stupid question. Asking Michael Jackson if he can still dance is like asking Michael Jordan if he can still shoot hoops. Michael must've been taken back by the question. I dunno... we'll know the truth when the toxicology reports come back. Right now everyone is just speculating and going around in circles.
I have noticed several times in the past when MJ was not right. Just not right. Like where he is giving testimony or whatever and he does some of The Girl Is Mine... he is clearly not himself. Compare that to the videos on MTV.com right now, the interview from 1999 and how absolute clear and alert he is, the difference is night and day. It's ridiculous.

I was wondering when it started? Ive also been watching old interviews and its like night in day from more rencent interviews....like 2 diff people. When did he begin to lose himself?

Ive defintely felt like Michael broke a lot of hearts by passing away when he didnt have to. That being said, I still love him and dont for a second, think less of him, in any way. I know his friends have said, Michael would just cut them out of his life when they confronted him. But I wonder why his family didnt attempt to get power of attorney? Who really knows what happned...
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Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson, the end could have been far worse than what it was. We have all had highs but imagine x the highs by a thousand and then again we have all had lows and x by a thousand. His highs and lows would have been far more intense than any of us could imagine - so balancing that up probs would take some kind of medication, to sleep, to calm down, to get back to happy, and of course physical pain he experienced.

I have had lows, and to be honest reached for a bottle of wine, but then again to get to the level of lows Michael Jackson was experiencing through being ripped apart and his whole moral being put into question is a low I could never imagine.

Basically people get through things and do whatever they can to continue to function. However you and I dont have professional highly paid docs tending to our needs on a daily basis, therefore he should have been receiving the best treatments and help given instead of fuelling and encouraging a dependance.

If I had been in Mikes position I really dont know if I would have lasted the 50 years. Therefore I think which should celebrate his ability (for a gentle soul) to continue, to be there for his children and to have the strength to endure what he did. I do believe his death was not of his choice or making and hold the medicine men accountable for his death. Michael Jackson was just trying to get by, and in trusting the doctors he probs believed it was the way to survive.