I am and never was a fan of his music, but


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Groningen - the Netherlands
I'm am saddened and deeply moved since the passing of M.J. King of Pop! Because I do see him in that way eventhough I was never a devoted fan of his music. I never went to see any of his concerts. I never bought a record of his music, never had posters of him beside my bed... etc. I did like a couple of his songs and I enjoyed watching his musicvideo's on MTV during my teenage years in the '80 and '90.

I come to this messageboards because I’m a little surprised and sad to discover that his passing leaves me with a hole in my heart…
I've always and I mean always appreciated Michael Jackson for his kindred spirit! It made me sad to see or read some trash about his private life these past years. In a way I feel/ felt connected to him.. eventhough I am not famous and had a normal childhood. I do recognize the feeling that it's fun and easier to connect with children. In my neighborhoord I'm known for the lady who has alway's the neighborkids around. I enjoy having them around because I just like to talk to children and play with them. For some reason a lot of people like to lable that as odd or even something sexually.
But probably you have to look in that person's mind that he can think so twisted!!

And for the part that MJ. admit to have had sleepovers with children, I think the same way. I don't believe there is something odd about that. Why oh why do so many people make something sexual about that.
During summer I alway's have a kid, who is not family, staying with me for 2 weeks. He's the son of a close friend of mine. And yes, he slept in my bed, because on some days he is just sad, missing his mom and dad in the middle of the night when he comes knocking on my door. So yes I take him in and let him sleep next to me. Nothing sexual about that. So when I saw the Martin Bashir documentary a few years ago, I could only see the good in Michael Jackson ... I saw a great documentary with a bad voice-over!!

I'm not the kinda girl to be a fan of someone, but Michael Jackson comes most closest and not for his music to me, but as a great, kind, sweet, gentle human-being he was in my eyes. I never came to a messageboard before but now I realy like to express the way I feel the last three weeks... I'm so sad and broken since his passing and hurt because al the crab, storymaking in the tabloids continue.

To me M.J. was a very soft man with a great innerchild... to make it spiritual: indigo, new-age, high-sensitive. All words that come to mind.

I hope that people who aren't fan of his music but in a way fan of him for his kindred spirit are welcome here 2.
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very kind of you Rubina... nice to know that non-fans don't have to be haters... who knows,maybe in time you get to like his music as well. till then , enjoy the community - it's a magical place ;)
That's a nice post.

Thanks and welcome. :flowers:

P.s. Anyone is welcome here as long as they respect Michael and keep an open-mind. Don't need to be a die hard MJ lover. LOL.
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Thank you for the welcome, that's good to hear :D
To add.. I do like a lot of his songs! My favourite is 'Smooth Criminal' - just because in my younger years I song 'Annie are you wonky, are you wonky Annie'. When I got older I laughed at my mistake :D
I'm just not a devoted fan's of his music like the most around here.
Thank you for the welcome, that's good to hear :D
To add.. I do like a lot of his songs! My favourite is 'Smooth Criminal' - just because in my younger years I song 'Annie are you wonky, are you wonky Annie'. When I got older I laughed at my mistake :D
I'm just not a devoted fan's of his music like the most around here.

I used to do this too. LOL.
Thank you for the welcome, that's good to hear :D
To add.. I do like a lot of his songs! My favourite is 'Smooth Criminal' - just because in my younger years I song 'Annie are you wonky, are you wonky Annie'. When I got older I laughed at my mistake :D
I'm just not a devoted fan's of his music like the most around here.
Welcome to the forum!
Have you listened to any of MJs music from the jacksons days?
There's some goodies there. I'm so happy to read you post of how you understood MJ's connection with children. Hope you have fun on this forum. I've never been to a concert myself, but I always wanted to go.
This is what I loved about Michael, he touched so many people without people realising it.
My two children who are 7 and 11 were not around for the Thriller era or the Bad era or the Dangerous era or the HIStory era come to that.They don't have pictures of him on their wall.
But they loved his music which they listened to in the car repeatedly and this is how they knew Michael.
My youngest even saved up his pocket money so that he could have his OWN copy of the Moonwalker film as he loved it so much.
I took them to see the Thriller show in March on my youngest Birthday and he said it was his best Birthday ever!
Having to tell them on the Friday morning what had happened broke my heart.They have never experienced death before.They didn't stop crying all morning it was like a family member had gone that is how much he ment to my two boys and of course me.
What artist could have that affect on people other than Michael?

I really enjoyed reading your post.I don't know why people have this weird view that if you show interest in children there is something more sinister behind it.I guess it is the warped world we live in today.
I know a few men that are aupairs but to some people this seems to be wrong WHY?
I am just glad that Michael has gone to a better place where he will not be judged anymore.
I also enjoyed reading your post. Its lovely to hear that Michael touches people this way. I agreed with everything you said Rubina
Welcome Rubina!!! You've found a really nice place for fans and those who just like to be around of cuz also!
Great post Rubina!!! I know you say you are not a fan, but in a way you truly are at heart... Michael reached you in some way, and you found your way here. :)
Personally for me i concluded that it is one thing to listen to his songs while you are a kid or a teen and a whole another story to understand him as a person, to share his beliefs, to try to be like him not only in terms of moonwalking.

That is why i was so happy to discover that people here not only hang his posters but are truly devoted to his philosophy. Look how many threads are here advising us to be good to others, to help those in need, to love unconditionally. And this was all about Michael, right?
Thank you all so much for the kind welcomes, I've been searching for a place like this for a few day's. A place where you can just express your feelings without defending or going in discussions with people. It's unbelievable what people write.

But I do know there are many people more out there, who are like me. Not so much a fan of his music but who like Michael Jackson because his message and his spirit.
Hi, welcome to the board :)

I used to hear "Annie are you jealous? But you're okay!" :lol:

I actually find your post very interesting, as a lot of people I know actually like his MUSIC but don't at all like the man himself. Very interesting indeed :)
Thanks, but I honest to God don't know ANYONE who isn't a fan of at least a few of his songs, haha.
I actually find your post very interesting, as a lot of people I know actually like his MUSIC but don't at all like the man himself. Very interesting indeed

I find that interesting as well. Hopefully, Rubina you are not a rare case and in the future people who have not been great fans of the artist will come to appreciate the man. That would be truly wonderful.

Thank you for opening your heart and your mind to Michael's message and his loving nature :clapping:
LOL, for some of you, I DID like a couple of his songs, but just never classified me as a devoted fan. To me, at that time and now also... I like so many different songs of different singers and bands.
But I have to admit, the lyrics of M.J. are beautiful, a message to the world, very insprirational. But I do not alway's like the sound/ beat to it in his songs. Just my humble experience of his music. I like him more for the man he is and the inspirational messages he brought through his music into the world.
welcome to MJJC :)
how can you not be a fan of his music though? I dont understand :(
thank you for coming and Welcome to our little corner of the Internet :flowers:

Many people see the term 'fan' in a less than positive light. More than likely because of it's etymology. Coming from the term 'fanatic' which carries much more of an excessive enthusiasm.

Many of us consider ourselves something far greater than 'fans' ... often times, we refer to ourselves as fans, friends and supporters of Michael Jackson. The fact is, he is not just a musical icon to most of us. We have shared in his brightest heights and been there for the darkest moments ... it has been an incredible journey.

Anyone that has been moved by his gifts ... even if all he did was make you smile one time. Or tap your feet to the pounding bass line ... whatever it was that made you take notice of him, in a positive light ... we welcome you :D
Thank you for sharing your story Rubina.

See this is just it. Amazing, only Michael could have such influence on people.

Thank you for the welcome, that's good to hear :D
To add.. I do like a lot of his songs! My favourite is 'Smooth Criminal' - just because in my younger years I song 'Annie are you wonky, are you wonky Annie'. When I got older I laughed at my mistake :D
I'm just not a devoted fan's of his music like the most around here.
I think Michael even said that he gets most feedback on the song Smooth criminal.
I find that interesting as well. Hopefully, Rubina you are not a rare case and in the future people who have not been great fans of the artist will come to appreciate the man. That would be truly wonderful.

Thank you for opening your heart and your mind to Michael's message and his loving nature :clapping:

Oh there are so much more person's who are not fan so much of his music but think very fond of him as a human!! You won't see or hear from them as much because these people wouldn't go and search for messageboards that are fan-related.

Isn't this the same. One of my best friends play's in a local band: rap music. I realy can't listen to that, totally not my taste, I think it's pretty much awfull. But anyway.. she is one of my dearest friends for just being a good friend to me. She realy dislikes horses. And that's my passion. Love to ride horses :D. You don't need to like horses to become my friend...

I'm a teacher, in adult-education and talked in my class ofcourse about the passing of Michael Jackson, just before summerbreak. There was none of them who actually believed all the lies that were spread during the years about M.J.
But most are kind of silent about it, just because they are afraid what others will think of them to have that opinion.

In my defence on M.J. in other messageboards, they will twist everything you say. In the topic about M.J. showing of his kid over the balcony. I got a response like this:
"So you think it's okay he attempt to murder his kid"

At a sudden point you just keep silent about it all because everything you say in defense, will get twisted...

But please know there are many more who just think M.J. was okay, may'be a bit excentric. That's what I hear a lot.
Thank you for the welcome, that's good to hear :D
To add.. I do like a lot of his songs! My favourite is 'Smooth Criminal' - just because in my younger years I song 'Annie are you wonky, are you wonky Annie'. When I got older I laughed at my mistake :D
I'm just not a devoted fan's of his music like the most around here.

Welcome, I very much enjoyed reading your post.

I must admit when I was younger I used to sing 'Annie are you walking, Annie are you walking are you walking Annie' lol. It was only when I got older and read the lyrics in the Bad album booklet that I realised all these years i'd been singing it wrong.

I always thought it was odd that Michael was so deeply concerned about Annie's walk lol :)
I did not realise how much Michael ment to me until he was gone, 'don't know what you've got till it's gone' really applied to me, I loved his music always and I never believed he did any of the things he was accused of, knew he was a kind soul. I never really read into him though, after he died I found myself crying and pulling up every video I could find of him and I just fell in love with him more and felt a need to find out more and more about him, away from all the BS the press spreads, so I came here :)
His music reminds me of my childhood alot too, my aunt is a huge fan and I grew up listening to it, brings back memorys
I did not realise how much Michael ment to me until he was gone, 'don't know what you've got till it's gone' really applied to me, I loved his music always and I never believed he did any of the things he was accused of, knew he was a kind soul. I never really read into him though, after he died I found myself crying and pulling up every video I could find of him and I just fell in love with him more and felt a need to find out more and more about him, away from all the BS the press spreads, so I came here :)
His music reminds me of my childhood alot too, my aunt is a huge fan and I grew up listening to it, brings back memorys

There are a lot of youngsters who rediscover his music. As I said in my opening post, i'm surrounded with kids. Today I had 5 neighborhoodkid over in my house in the age of 12 years... And they can't stop talking about M.J.
I did buy the movie 'Moonwalker' a couple of day's ago and watched it with them.
They never realy realised that Michael Jackson was such a huge performer. That's very sad but the other side of this tragic loss is that the children of this generation are hearing his songs and messages now.