HTV: Former Michael Jackson Lawyer: 'It's Tragic What Happened to Michael'

It would be great if MJJC could write him a thank you note or something letting him know that we greatly appreciate the fact that he gives honest answers and was MJ's only true professional friend.
T Mez is amazing. So professional and honest. God bless him. He gave Michael 4 additional years of life. he cleared his name forever. i'm so in awe before this man
thanku - that was good to watch. I am feeling particularly bad today with MJ's birthday being so close and the official statement re death apparently coming soon. I am starting to feel almost as bad as I did when the news broke about him dying :(
Thank you for the link. I simply admire Tomas Mesereau! He was so brave defending Michael while media was bashing him. He is a real professional and truly a friend of Michael.
It would be great if MJJC could write him a thank you note or something letting him know that we greatly appreciate the fact that he gives honest answers and was MJ's only true professional friend.
I was also wondering, has the fan community (as a whole) thanked Mez for what he did?
I like Tom Mez, I wish he were on board investigating as he has real integrity, and I would trust him.
I simply adore this guy... Did you notice how he smiled when he mentioned that Michael was such a wonderful person, with such fondness... Brought tears to my eyes.
I kinda feel sorry for him, though, he looked really pissed at the end of that vid, can't even eat in peace without being hassled by stupid journos.
Love ya, Mezzy, keep up the good work!
I simply adore this guy... Did you notice how he smiled when he mentioned that Michael was such a wonderful person, with such fondness... Brought tears to my eyes.
I kinda feel sorry for him, though, he looked really pissed at the end of that vid, can't even eat in peace without being hassled by stupid journos.
Love ya, Mezzy, keep up the good work!

That got me too. :(