HTV: Former Michael Jackson Lawyer: 'It's Tragic What Happened to Michael'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi all i hope this news is o.k to post it :)

here is link:

Thomas Mesereau, an attorney who successfully defended Michael Jackson in his molestation trial, spoke out to last night.
In this all new HTV video, when asked about his thoughts on allegations that doctors may have improperly given Michael prescription medications, he said, "I think the evidence has to be examined. I have not examined the evidence. If any doctor illegally prescribed him drugs, tried to manipulate him, tried to keep him under their control, they should be investigated and prosecuted. But you've got to look at the evidence. I don't know what the evidence is."
For more, watch our video.
:yes: we should thank Thomas for what he did for MJ

i think we should do a specail thank you preject what you think of that :D :) is my idea :)
Thomas is a good guy. I hope the evidence will be out soon by not letting others get away by with MJ's death. If they had played a part to do so.
He really is a great guy, and he has never tried to cash in by appearing on shows as a 'pundit', he could have made a fortune out of TV appearances on the back of the trial and he didn't, I think that is one of the reasons he has so much credibility.

I am sure having saved Michael he is devastated that only four years later Michael died unecessarily.
Thomas Mesereau: the best professional relationship Michael Jackson ever had. Period.:clapping:

I agree. Mr Mesereau was the only professional that never did Michael wrong. He has always acted and spoken with such dignity and grace. I have so much respect for him.
Finally, somebody who speaks with some sense. :clapping:

Thanks for posting this. What a great man.
I agree. Mr Mesereau was the only professional that never did Michael wrong. He has always acted and spoken with such dignity and grace. I have so much respect for him.

Me too. Thank you Mr. Mesereau. What a great man and friend to Michael.
This guy is a hero in every sense of the word and the best part is he doesn't toot his own horn. He has an amount of integrity so rare these days in most people (especially lawyers and pundits). It just sucks so badly that now it feels like he only gave Michael borrowed time.
i need to meet this man!

Me too!

I have also noticed, that when certain media stops him while he's walking on the streets, he almost always answer their questions. He know what to say, when to say it at all times.

He ALWAYS talks so good about Michael too. Always.
He's a great man. I have a lot of respect for him. :yes:
Tom Mesereau is a guy with his priorities right. His job is so important to him and that is what he know's has to be done 100% correct. The reason why he has defended some of the most famous people is because he does his job and leaves the scene.

He has never said anything bad about Michael, cashed in on his name or used him for fame. After Michael was acquitted he always used to stay out of the camera's. This man has dignity and grace why a lot of the time we waste our time on tabloid rubbish is beyond me when there's guys like Tom Mesereau who show's you, keeping your head down and getting on with it gives you more credit.

If I ever meet him I'll be in complete and utter awe!!
Mesereau was never distracted by the lights, cameras and fame during the trial - and Michael needed someone who was completely there for him.
Mez has all my respect. :)