How's your vision?

How's your vision?

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I wear glasses for like 7-8 years now and the one I have now I got since december last year and I have the feeling my eyes have gotten worse. Sometimes I still see a bit blurry but I can't figure out wether that's because me or my eyes are tired or that I need new glasses. With my eyes it went pretty fast.. during high school some teacher said to have my eyes tested because I was always to close to the books. The uhm 'eye doctor' at the hospital did a test and said I didn't need glasses yet because my eyes where 99% and 100% which was not so bad you really needed any. And then a few years later in one year I moved from at the back to front row in class and still asking the one next to me what was written on the board.

Some people say I should try contacts coz they are easier but I don't mind glasses and I'm scared that something goes wrong when I use contacts, heard to much horror stories.