How's your vision?

How's your vision?

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Proud Member
Jan 25, 2009
How is your vision?
I can say honestly, I use glasses.
I don't use glasses and my vision is quite good, so I voted for the last one
I use glasses. I did use contact lenses on occasions.
Bad, bad vision...I wear contacts and occasionally glasses :mello:
shortsighted, mine is is extremely bad usually use lenses outside and glasses at home
My vision is very bad so I wear glasses. I just recently bought contacts but I don't even know how to wear them. LOL :)
What a cute poll. Well, I have worn glasses since I was in the third grade and I'm almost 48 now. My eyesight is pretty bad. I have tried countless types of contact lenses and none of them ever work out for me. For some reason my eyes always reject them. Maybe it's the astigmatism, I don't know. And I'm too wimpy to try surgery so I guess I will go to my grave with glasses on. PS Glasses were partly to blame for the misery I experienced as a kid from bullying! So I highly resent them heh.
I'm 37 and don't need glasses or contacts so I guess my sight is fine, for now. :mello:
I'm 37 and don't need glasses or contacts so I guess my sight is fine, for now. :mello:

Well, then you can be happy :D

I'm A LOT younger than you and I have glasses. I think it's in my family, cause my mother and father has them. My father has VERY bad vision.
My vision started to get worse even before I had computer.
Yeah, my eye-sight sucks, but instead of that I have very good teeth. I still haven't got any holes, even though I love to eat sweats :D
I got "nightvision" LOL
The doc was really :swoon: about it...
TRUE... I can even see BETTER in the dark or with a little 'light'... I HATE 'bright lights' then I can't see a bloody thing anymore and HELLO headache :ciao:
I'm :tease: I know...
I wear glasses, which are tinted because I'm photosensitive. I know someone who wears both contacts and glasses. He looks absolutely dashing with glasses, but he doesn't believe so. Shame. Ah, well, he looks beautiful nonetheless, but I've always liked men with glasses, lol. ;)
I have been wearing glasses since I was in 4th grade. Because of my near sightedness. So I had voted that. I tried to wearing contacts at time but my eyes couldn't handle it. My glasses that I wear now have transition lens in it. So they darken to what kind of light that I am in.
My vision's quite good. It's my hearing that I worry about since I have my earphones on to and from work (a 3+ hour drive in total).
my vision working to 100% .. with 29 years old.
i hope don't change hehehe in the new era (30) hahaha
I have been wearing glasses since I was in 4th grade. Because of my near sightedness. So I had voted that. I tried to wearing contacts at time but my eyes couldn't handle it. My glasses that I wear now have transition lens in it. So they darken to what kind of light that I am in.

I used to wear contacts as well, both regular contact lenses and blue contact lenses, as pictured here:


However, my eyes just couldn't handle it. Within a few minutes, they'd start to sting and be incredibly dry, even the drops they give you did little to alleviate the pain. Moreover, my photo-sensitivity bothered my eyes too, so I switched back to glasses and had them tinted, so I could have protection from bright lights (think fluorescent white lights) all day, as opposed to transition lenses, which only protect from sunlight.
I wear contact lenses but my vision is not that bad, I have -1.5 on both eyes. I've been wearing contacts since I was 16 and I'm 21 now, never had any problems with them and never had glasses (they look terrible on me, lol).
I wear glasses but without them my eyes are bad.
I am myopic so i wear glasses. I see double too (whether i'm wearing glasses or not sometimes). I think it's called diplopia. I tried wearing contact lenses years ago but i could not keep my eye open when putting my finger in it because of a reflex. I might try again one day because i think i'm good-looking without glasses and not that much when i'm wearing 'em. What worries me is if one my contact lenses falls i know i won't pick it up to clean it and put it back on my eye because i'll think "don't do that man, it's dirty, you're gonna get an eye disease doing that".
^ I'm shortsighted too. I can read a book very well (cuz I see well in about meter (100cm) from me), but can't watch TV or sit to computer without glasses.
I am myopic so i wear glasses. I see double too (whether i'm wearing glasses or not sometimes). I think it's called diplopia. I tried wearing contact lenses years ago but i could not keep my eye open when putting my finger in it because of a reflex. I might try again one day because i think i'm good-looking without glasses and not that much when i'm wearing 'em. What worries me is if one my contact lenses falls i know i won't pick it up to clean it and put it back on my eye because i'll think "don't do that man, it's dirty, you're gonna get an eye disease doing that".

Haha, you don't need to worry about that. Contact lenses are very easy to clean, it takes me about 30 seconds. If they are not fully clean, you will notice it immediately because they either start to hurt when you put them in or your vision remains blurry. When that happens, you just take them out, clean them again and put them back in, no problem :) I do advise you to use a cleanser that is specifically meant to clean your contact lenses (instead of an "all-in-one" substance) as it is much more effective. You don't need an "all-in-one" substance, you can save your contact lenses in water when you're not wearing them. At least that's the case with hard lenses (which I wear), I'm not sure about soft lenses but I assume it's the same. I know a lot of people are afraid of their contact lenses shifting and it does look quite scary when that happens (they can shift so far back into your eyeball that you can barely see them) but it's not dangerous at all, you can just shift them back again with your fingers. Also, most contact lenses nowadays are very light blue instead of transparent (doesn't show when you're wearing them, don't worry) so if you lose one, it's easier to find it back. I am very fortunate that my eyes are not sensitive so I can wear hard contact lenses without any problems (hard contact lenses are much cheaper and last way longer than soft contact lenses) but if your eyes are sensitive, I would definitely go for the soft lenses ;) Anyway, it might take some getting used to in the beginning but contact lenses are really not that uncomfortable, I would never want to trade them for glasses. I don't even notice that I'm wearing them most of the time. I only feel them when the air is dry (moist air is very nice when you have contact lenses, that's why I don't mind the rain too much :D), for example during the summer or when the air conditioning is blowing. You definitely want to avoid that. Also, it seriously hurts to get something in your eye (like a grain of sand or a little fly), you need to take your contact lense(s) out immediately when that happens. Other than that, you'll be fine :)
I am one of the lucky ones and my vision is very good. I don't need glasses or contacts. I do however have to wear a hearing aid (although I often don't wear it as I hate it) so I guess you can't win them all lol.
^^^ Hi how are you ? I meant i can't see an object well if it's far. Some people call it being shortsighted or nearsighted.

Hey! im good thanks, & u? Yeh im like that too if its too far its very blurry for me.