please everyone dont be nervous or scared about travelling to London. Even though I live in London, Im actually from Irealnd and have only lived here for just over 2 years. London is an amazing place, with soo many different nationaliites and coultures exsisting in one city.
Just walk down the main shopping street, Oxford Street, and you will be amazed at how many different nationalities, languages, ethnic dressed people you will see. White people from all over the world, speaking English with an accent or speaking French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russion etc, Black people, with a British accent, or a Carribean accent or African accent or speaking a European language. Asian people, speaking with a british accent and dressed in Western clothes, or dressed in saris and turbans speaking punjab, Chinese people speaking manderin etc. London is a very multicultural city.
Also about the safety aspect. Im going to be very honest with you all, London, like an other major city, does have a high crime rate. Generally all the stories you hear about stabbings, shootings etc in London are not in the major tourist areas. Londons crime problem is very localised and the more serious and high profile crimes tend to be gang related and do not affect the ordinary person going about their daily buisness in central London. Other than the usual pick pockets operating in the tourist areas, the majority of the crime will not affect tourists.
I have been living in London for over 2 years, in an area which has a reputation as a high crime neighborhood, and I can honestly say that I have never had any problems nor have I had any crime in the area personally affect me.