How was your day?

My day was.... fun. I woke up, had Lucky Charms with Steph, then we went swimming and played our stupid noodle game... And then we got out and had a Super Soaker fight....I won......go figure LOL..... Then we watched some movies and had pizza and talked about things.... Andddd...........had a fake girl fight.... Haha which included our infamous booby fight.... But we won't go there LOL.... It was SO much fun!
just done some tech cw..goin to read through my english review see if i can add anything.
well did some work..2morrow might start my maths revsion..

i keep havin mood minute feelin fine..then next feel like cryin..i guess everyday is stressful for me..and i dont really understand it all.
today was cool, went out with my mom to tha library got some movies, went to get ice creme, and came back home and now im all depressed.. its like when im at home i get all upset, but outside and doing things, im just fine.. :-/
well..i dont have much planned 2day..lets just hope it goes "okay" that would be good.