How New York Times web traffic looked the day Michael Jackson died


I rmember these breaking news like it wa an hour ago.
I saw it everything live.
From the first message of michael in the ambulanca till cnn confirmed.....
The purest horror.
I can,t remember it clear, cause my brain is saving me to not remember all the feelings of that night.
I only remember clear that i called my mother and said....MOM, MICHAEL IS DEAD ....and i hang up....
many hours later ( i don,t know what i did all the hours short after his death) i went to my husband and also told michael is dead.
The next day i realised he was gone.........i heard i,ll be there on the radio and i collapsed...........
This is only for NY Times, but generally, Michaels death caused the Internet crash, simply I remember the mega huge breaking NEWS, it was everywhere, TVs were interrupting their programs informing about Michael....

It was something I personally have never experienced!

The media world was shocked and stunned.

In Europe also it was madness..., Asia... the whole planet...


I'm not trying to be in bad taste here, but the only time I remember a story getting this much coverage and I mean on every single channel was 9/11.

Besides 9/11, i've never seen such a big story in my lifetime. Perhaps Princess Diana's death maybe? But when MJ died, all the channels stopped their programming to talk about MJ being taken to the hospital. First they said he went into cardiac arrest and was in a coma. Then the news reports started running the story that he had died per the LA Times, but would not confirm it until later :-(. I just kept hoping it was a coma because I thought maybe there would still be hope even if it was slim, at least there was some hope :(.

Mike's death was a huge deal and just goes to show the kind of impact he died. I remember reading on the internet that someone said they were in "Walmart", frickin' "Walmart" and they announced MJ had died over the speakers! A department store announcing over the speakers that you had died? I mean who else would get that type of reaction or coverage?

The only person alive toay who would get that kind of worldwide attention and coverage if they passed is President Obama.

But yeah I just remember what a terrible terrible day that was. The internet kept crashing. I couldn't get on any of the MJ sites except "Maximum Jackson" and even that was moving slow, but MJJC? Forget about it. Couldn't get in here at all. I just remember crying and be shocked the whole day though. The whole thing was surreal. I wish it was all one big nightmare to be honest and that MJ was still here.

I miss him so much.
The news broke out at like 10:30pm our time and I had gone to bed early on June 25th so I missed the chaos and i'll never forget when my father told me the next day.

Me too, I was still in bed half awake/half asleep the morning of the 26th. I hear my mum and dad talking in panicy voices.. then my dad knocks and walks into my room..

dad: *in a really concerned voice* francesca.. michael jackson has died
me: *turn over to face the other way* no he hasn't it'll be a fake story
dad: no, its on the news come and have a look
me: *confused..just thinking OH MY GOD PLEASE NO*

get up follow him downstairs

dad: come on love, hold on (to the rail on the stairs - he thought i'd collapse or something!)
me: no im fine.

i saw the words on Sky News and just sat there with my hands over my nose and mouth in shock.

me: oh... my... God.. oh... my... God..

they showed him on the stretcher :doh:..

i still didn't believe it in until Jermaine made the statement.

then i see fans outside UCLA and the hollywood walk of fame (i think), dancing and singing and i really did not, and still don't understand how they could do that so soon after he died.

sat there in shock for about 2 hours and then the tears came flowing.

i couldn't get on, then i came here.

remembering about this now just makes me feel sick, still can't believe its true.
Ok, I couldn't see the vids from the day, but I did see the vid from the NYT. It hits me. In a way, it feels like a thousand years ago, but then the pain is still as fresh, and way deeper than that horrible day. Then I thought, I "knew" it had to be a rumor, it had to be a lie, it had to be just another stupid tabloid junky, the only one missing. But it turned out to be the only one to be true.

What a horrible day. I don't want to know about it, I don't want to remember, I just can't do that, for the pain gets worst :(
Whoa...seeing those rounds getting bigger and bigger is so surreal, so...gah, if only we could've stopped time at that point.
That night was so surreal, I watched it on CNN from beginning to end....crying in my was night here. Going from website to website, texting other, it feels like yesterday just litterally.

I remember I was in such denial and just went to sleep, still don't know how I actually managed to do that. Guess my mind was just totally blank at that point. Until the next morning I saw the paper...big picture on the front. I just stood there was too surreal.
And look where we are now, just unbelieveable if anyone would've said to me on June 24th what would happen after.
Pffft. :boohoo:
I'm not trying to be in bad taste here, but the only time I remember a story getting this much coverage and I mean on every single channel was 9/11.

Besides 9/11, i've never seen such a big story in my lifetime.

I agree. It's as if all other news ceased to exist once the information leaked that the ambulance was at his house. Every news source was convering this AROUND THE CLOCK FOR DAYS. I remember getting on the internet when I got home that day, and my home page's (MSN) entire heading had a huge banner with links and pictures, stating "Michael Jackson dead at 50." The only other times I had seen something like that was when Obama was declared the next president, recent natural disasters and 9/11. CNN was the same with exclusive pages devoted to him. Just like everyone else getting on numerous websites was impossible. No other famous figure (other than Obama like you had stated) could ever garner that much attention. The world in so many ways was turned upside down on June 25. Everyone was just absolutely shocked, finding it hard to comprehend and needing more information. I think people had a hard time believing that Michael was dead because he seemed somewhat invincible to something mortal like death. Like the King of Pop and the possibility of dying was someting no one thought could happen.
Ok... I want to read this threath and I feel I want to share my "where was I" but I can't .
I just can't do it. This is so painful and they day has started so sadly. We are amost half a year without Michael Jackson... just before leaving home, I heard the "summary" of the year and yes, there he was, and people talking about how he impacted our lives and how important this was... the news... important... wwoow... for me it's heartbreaking :cry:
I remember that day like it was just yesterday. I can't even bring my self to watch the videos. I remember watching the news after my mum heard that Michael had a cardiac arrest on the radio. :cry:
then i see fans outside UCLA and the hollywood walk of fame (i think), dancing and singing and i really did not, and still don't understand how they could do that so soon after he died.
I couldn't comprehend that either, unless they were just the fans in the looser sense... like the ones who 'like that Thriller song' or something. I think the rest of us were too devastated to get off the floor, let alone dance :cry:

Here we didn't get the news until late at night. I had virtually no sleep the night before because of a super early doctor's appointment. I tried to take a nap when I got home, but couldn't sleep. Stayed up all day the 25th in a horrible tired daze, researching DVD recorders (so that I could finally begin the work of getting my years of MJ videotapes digitized... a project I'd planned for this summer). The whole afternoon into evening I read online while listening to nothing but Michael on my headphones. I just let every album, J5, Jacksons, everything just play on random, over and over, all day long.

At 21:21 (I know, because I looked at the clock) I had just heard Smile (God, the irony) and got up to make us dinner. Little did I know that the 911 call had just been made at that very moment. We then ate while watching some show about the history of airports on BBC. I jumped online for an ebay auction at 22:30 and won my DVD recorder. I felt quite happy about this, not having seen a news site or the forum, totally clueless. At some point near midnight (2:30-3pm Los Angeles time) we were getting ready to head to bed and my husband wanted to check his email one last time. He re-opened the browser and Drudge Report loaded with this headline: "Michael Jackson Dies".

He: What?!!! What is this???!!!
Me: (thinking something's wrong with the computer)... What?
He: No! No, it can't be! Let me check something..... oh God...
Me: (thinking of Michael then, my heart beating wildly with fear) What?
He: It's Michael. His heart stopped.

I'll never forget those words. I began shaking immediately and flipped to CNN. At that point it wasn't confirmed. I just collapsed back onto the couch, my hand over my heart, GOD NOOOO, NOOOO, please don't take Michael, please don't take Michael. Then they said reports that he'd died, reports about a "coma", which gave a hint of hope and I was begging in my mind, "Michael, hold on, oh Michael, wake up, please don't leave, hang on..." But then Wolf Blitzer said the words and that terrible headline appeared on the screen.... confirmed. I screamed, "Turn it off!!!!!!!" I couldn't take it. Just couldn't hear those words, see those words. Noooooooo. My worst nightmare since I was a child. God, no. I cried, just wailed. It's the worst day of my life. We both cried and sat in the total silent dark for like 3 hours, rocking back and forth, crying, dying, before we got up the guts to turn the TV back on in time to see the helicopter and Jermaine's statement. Not Michael. :no:

For 3 days I barely slept a wink, couldn't eat, had to hold ice packs on my eyes just to get them open, had chest pains that made me think I was about to die myself. If God had wanted to take me right then he'd have gotten no argument, I must say. I was too devastated to care. This year was my "25th fan anniversary"... we had 7th row to the O2... it all just... collapsed into oblivion. Like my heart.

Jesus. I'm sorry for continuing this depressing thread. Come here, you guys.... :angel::better::angel:
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God I remember that day I was on another message board when the news broke I tried to log onto to here but the forum went down so I screamed from across the room to my mom
Me: Mom Michael had a heart attack!(that was the original report)
Mom: what is it serious?(at this point we still didn't know much)
Me: Mom you don't think he'll die I mean both Michael and Farrah the same day?
Mom: I mean he's the King of Pop if he dies that going to be BIG
then I saw the ambulance photo on ET. After that we turned on tv and flipped back and forth from bbc and cnn while I was on the computer running thro as much info as I could per minute. I'll never forget when it was confirmed I was in SUCH denial for the longest time till I saw Jermaine. I called all my friends and relatives I was up watching tv and online till atleast 3am that day and from 9am the next day. I remember when they did the autopsy I was at the doctors and I was running round the place trying to find a tv.
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Cant bring myself to watch any of those videos....just to see the images brings a flood of complete sadness and loss. I will never ever forget that day. Only hours before my friend and I were texting about the shows. It is one of the most surreal moments I've ever experienced. It was like the world stopped and everyone was stunned and taken aback, hoping and praying that someone would come out say it was all false.
sigh....i remember me nad my buddy had jus got off of work at the same time and i had just arrived at the house...and suddenly my phone started blowing with up with everyone calling,asking did i hear about mike..or am i okay....i was like wtf..then my friend trell (who is on here) called me in tears..then i turned on the tv to the news and.....i cant type hurts too out