How New York Times web traffic looked the day Michael Jackson died

I was sat at home on the laptop.. then told my dad to turn on Sky News when the thread emerged.. :(
:cry: :cry:

I wonder how big the difference was compared to the normal traffic..
Yeah, I think it would be even more interesting to see traffic to places like Had I been at work or something, that's the first place I would've gone. As it was, we saw the headline on Drudge Report at first late that night (right after the news broke worldwide) and then we immediately turned on the TV and went offline. I couldn't even get online for at least the first day or so. Just couldn't bear it. Couldn't come here to the forum or anywhere. :cry: So nobody got web traffic from us that first day ...
that made me feel REALLY sad. I mean WOW so many people. I still Miss him like it was that day.
My mom called me to watch CNN saying "they just took Michael Jackson to the Hospital"...and i wasnt really interested cuz the media was always doing that to Mike. Neverthe less, I sat there and watched whild *Wolf Blitzer* talked to reporters out at UCLA hospital. After he was pronounced *gone*, :cry: thats when i went to my computer...I wanted to search for news any news that said otherwise...But everywhere was like *according to TMZ...* I never liked TMZ so I wanted to find another source but all site were sayin *TMZ this...TMZ that...* and at one point my computer froze for like 10 min....

even Twitter was crashing...FB was not even was Craziii!!! And I tried to come on here (MJJC)...I got as far as a warning page...that said there are too many users on this site...:(

Thankyou for sharing this...

This is only for NY Times, but generally, Michaels death caused the Internet crash, simply I remember the mega huge breaking NEWS, it was everywhere, TVs were interrupting their programs informing about Michael....

It was something I personally have never experienced!

The media world was shocked and stunned.

In Europe also it was madness..., Asia... the whole planet...

a bunch of sites were crashing that day...I remember cause I was going from site to site
the title of this thread makes me feel sick. i dont know when i ll ever comprehend this or really be able to except it.
It's weird watching those videos and remembering seeing it myself on Sky/CNN...still doesn't seem real/make sense. It's almost like this was yesterday with time having passed.

I'll never forget when my dad said have you heard the news, you just don't believe it there's always some crap or another about Michael. I didn't even get to turning the internet on that day, but can understand why the response was as it was the world over.
:( not a day goes by where I don't feel the loss. It's still hard.
I woke up in the morning on June 26, and switched on the radio, and that second I switched the radio on, the moderator said - ... he is now on better place somewhere out there..., and in that second I thought about Michael. and a few seconds later he said that its the breaking news that Michael died.

I was speechless, dumbfounded...
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I will never forget that day for as long as I live. Its still so hard and during the summer I had days where I didn't think it was going to get any easier as I was hurting so bad. I was working all the hours there were as if I stopped I just kept thinking of Michael and it was just too painful.
I was on Kop message board , we were waiting for him to go to Dr.Klien you know the routine , we were laughing and joking that he should bring Blanket with him , and suddenly a new thread "an ambulance entered MJ's house" . it was like that for ten minutes then the site crashed , and then all the other MJ sites . I went to see what TMZ posted and whether they knew who was in trouble at the house , then they put this banner R.I.P Michael Jackson . I did not believe it, I counld not believe it , I switched to CNN , there was backstory , nothing about MJ , and then 15 minutes later the news started to come, LAtimes, CBS , abc confirmred still CNN and BBC were the last . God i hate that day so much , I was up for three days in row I could not believe what was hapening .
The news broke out at like 10:30pm our time and I had gone to bed early on June 25th so I missed the chaos and i'll never forget when my father told me the next day. This is now I found out:

* Me - "Where's my phone?"
* Dad - "Sit down"
* Me - "Just give me my phone"
* Dad - "Sit down"
* Me - "What is it?"
* Dad - "We can't go to the concerts"
* Me - "What do you mean? We have tickets"
* Dad - "He cancelled"
* Me - *confused*
* Dad - "Honey, Michael died last night"
* Me - (bursts out laughing) "Oh yeah...the media always make up crap like that..."
* Dad - "It's real, put on the news"

*I put on the news, see his body being pulled out the helicopter and Jermaine confirming the death...*

*Me - "Give me my phone*

Leaves room. Phones friend. Plays "You are not alone". Cries.
that made me feel REALLY sad. I mean WOW so many people. I still Miss him like it was that day.

yeah so do I I can hardly believe it's almost 6 months it's all been such a blur to me

My mom called me to watch CNN saying "they just took Michael Jackson to the Hospital"...and i wasnt really interested cuz the media was always doing that to Mike. Neverthe less, I sat there and watched whild *Wolf Blitzer* talked to reporters out at UCLA hospital. After he was pronounced *gone*, :cry: thats when i went to my computer...I wanted to search for news any news that said otherwise...But everywhere was like *according to TMZ...* I never liked TMZ so I wanted to find another source but all site were sayin *TMZ this...TMZ that...* and at one point my computer froze for like 10 min....

even Twitter was crashing...FB was not even was Craziii!!! And I tried to come on here (MJJC)...I got as far as a warning page...that said there are too many users on this site...:(

Thankyou for sharing this...


yeah I remember how I experienced everything that day I have trouble sleeping so I'd the night before gotten to sleep at a mental hour so only woke up early afternoon on the 25th, it seemed quite like a normal day for me but then at 9pm I put on my tea, watched friends on the e4 plus one channel & waited for tea after the 1st friends episode was over tea was nearly ready, I went down got tea, came back up with my tea to watch the 2nd friends episode then after it was finished went downstairs with my plate to wash it up.

As I'd nearly gotten down the stairs (which stop just outside the living room door (well where the door should be it fell off) mum say's Michaels been taken to hospital & I said "oh" she said I read it on teletext it doesn't say why he's in hospital all it says is MJ's been taken to hospital the ucla, what time it was & that he was planning for a comeback tour which had already been put back & that's it, it just said more details to follow.

I just washed my plate & cutlery & then headed upstairs I wasn't particularly worried at that point.

i went upstairs put on teletext nothing so I checked ceefax on the bbc (mum always calls ceefax teletext) so i thought maybe it was on there instead, I read it & nothing more was on there than what mum had told me.

I decided it can't be nothing serious then flipped through my freeview channels no interruptions to any tv shows or nothing!

I flipped through the digital radio channels on my freeview heard a bit of one of MJ's songs it was part way through but nothing was said afterwards (i presume they'd said something before they had played the song)

Then I though ohh yeah on freeview there's the bbc news 24 channel so i had a think & thought ahh i think it was channel 80 it's on (but i knew they had recently changed some freview channel numbers so wasn't sure if it still was channel 80) I went to channel 80 bbc news 24 was still on there & there was nothing about MJ & then all of a sudden i got this thought pop into my head out of the blue...

and this was it... "MJ has either just died or is about to die" i tried to shake it off and flipped through a few more channels on my freeview then I came across the sky news channel which i had forgotten we get on freeview & it was displaying the tmz site page saying Michael had died, I dropped to the floor (off of my bed) and sat there on my knees trying to read what it said on the screen, then I flung my hands to my face shaking thinking oh my god NOOOOOOOOO

and then I got up opened my bedroom door & mum was coming out of the bathroom & i said Michael's died she said she wasn't surprised (she'd always thought he'd die young she just hoped she'd be wrong)

I said at the moment it's still unconfirmed but that's what they're saying on tmz's website according to sky news

then I went back to my bedroom & watched the news for ages, at some point I put on the dangerous album & listened to gone too soon but only a small tear came from my eyes I was in too much shock.

It wasn't 'til a few days later that I really really started to cry & i've hardly stopped since then!

It still feels like yesterday to me. :cry:
it does to me too it's still raw the pain & so fresh in my memory it doesn't even feel like yesterday it barley feels like an hour or two ago!

How sad watching those fans chanting for Michael outside the hospital. This time he won't come out to greet and wave at the fans. :(

oh I know :( it's ever so sad

I was on Kop message board , we were waiting for him to go to Dr.Klien you know the routine , we were laughing and joking that he should bring Blanket with him , and suddenly a new thread "an ambulance entered MJ's house" . it was like that for ten minutes then the site crashed , and then all the other MJ sites . I went to see what TMZ posted and whether they knew who was in trouble at the house , then they put this banner R.I.P Michael Jackson . I did not believe it, I counld not believe it , I switched to CNN , there was backstory , nothing about MJ , and then 15 minutes later the news started to come, LAtimes, CBS , abc confirmred still CNN and BBC were the last . God i hate that day so much , I was up for three days in row I could not believe what was hapening .

i could barely sleep for days afterwards either i know i have trouble sleeping at times but that really sent my sleeping pattern majorly awol
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the title of this thread makes me feel sick.
i dont know when i ll ever comprehend this or really be able to except it.
It's gonna be a long time before I can really except it.
When it seems I'm coming to terms with it, something triggers.
A picture, a song, one of his songs, TV ad, news, etc....
and I re-live that strange, sad and horrible day and every fear
I had of this being real. Replayed. It still doesnt seem real.

A bad dream that I've yet to wake up from.

Like now...I wouldnt click any of those YT vids posted. Can't.
Wow, so many people. So much love. This is so sad. I remember that day so clearly. I was watching TV and the red banner came across the screen announcing Michael being rushed to the hospital.
Since I was asleep for most of the 25th. I had to wake up to the news and It made me stunned. :( And considering that I was already sad from Farrah Fawcett dying. And To think that I was smiling in the very early morning of the 25th I was so happy until the deaths happened. June 25 was also the day where my mood so drastically changed so much. :cry:

And My dad told me when he found out the news he was at work and mom called him to tell him that MJ had died and It made him sad because he thought that MJ would live to be a an Old Man and it made him sad for quite a while. (I wish I can bring him on the boards to talk but he's not computer savy).
What a terrible, terrible day.. It's just so sad how you can trace the moments from when he went into a coma, when there were rumours he passed away, when the family started showing up, when people were confirming he passed away.. and then when Jermaine did that press release. And you can just see the differences between those times and the other parts of the day.

I miss him more and more each day. I cry for him, my heart is broken. He is always with me - in my mind, in my heart, in my dream. I will never forget him, never!!! :weeping:
Since I was asleep for most of the 25th. I had to wake up to the news and It made me stunned. :( And considering that I was already sad from Farrah Fawcett dying. And To think that I was smiling in the very early morning of the 25th I was so happy until the deaths happened. June 25 was also the day where my mood so drastically changed so much. :cry:

Yeah, I had already been saddened with the news of Farrah's death, although it was kind of expected. Little did I know the shock to come just a few hours later. When I got the breaking news text that Michael Jackson was in cardiac arrest I really thought he would pull through. I mean, Michael's been through everything and always pulled through. But shortly after came the text from my sister with the awful, awful news. I was sad yes, but the real depression and reality of this loss set in a few days later. I still can't believe he's really gone sometimes.