How many singles do u think the new album will have


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
previous reports suggest a few will come before the album, i think 2 -3 before the album and 3 after the album. then maybe another new album in works for following year
oh ok. i think that he should do 3 b4 the ablum so it can sell nice. i think the 1st single should be a club dance single something he never done b4. the second a slow ballad with keyshia cole omg that willl be hot . what yahll think.trellmj
Michael doesn't like pissing around...I guarantee this new album will have 5+ singles, maybe as many as 10. Thats why it's taking so long, he wants every song to be single worth...then when everyone hears all these amazing songs they will ask "what album is this from" and it will all be from the same one...thus causing people to run out and buy it since it really will have so many great hits. So it makes more sense for a large number of singles. My magic number is 7...but I have a feeling it might be higher.
Michael doesn't like pissing around...I guarantee this new album will have 5+ singles, maybe as many as 10. Thats why it's taking so long, he wants every song to be single worth...then when everyone hears all these amazing songs they will ask "what album is this from" and it will all be from the same one...thus causing people to run out and buy it since it really will have so many great hits. So it makes more sense for a large number of singles. My magic number is 7...but I have a feeling it might be higher.
Ooooo... I like the way you think. :lol:
I hoping for around 7.. 1 a few months prior to albums release.. 1 one month prior.. then release a single on it's release date.. That way by the first week that 3rd single will get enough play to get more buyers, but not over played where ppl are over it.. Then once the album is released.. I think he should release a single (1 every 3 months).. Keep the album alive for another STRONG year, keeping singles rolled out, and more ppl falling in love with each single released.. THEN a year goes by, Mike releases a new single (not on the album) but it's released as a BONUS track on a SPECIAL EDITION version of the album.. bringing in more sales, and re- opening the album to a whole new direction..
It would be 5 or 6. You know, this is a part of his style. =)

And I agree with smooth_criminal05. But 7 or more than... Mmm maybee. =P
I am being cautiously optimistic and saying anywhere from 4-6. I think he wants to blow our minds away but won't want to over do it.
Also I am really hoping for a duet between Kanye and Michael. His remix of Billie Jean on Thriller 25 underwhelmed me and had no vocals, so I want to see what they can produce from scratch. Whether it is on Michael's or Kanye's album; I could care less…
As many as it can hold!!!!!

Optimistic, I know! But hey!

I'm at least hoping for 5+ singles. That, to me, and to the music industry, would be a success.
I'm thinking 5+ singles. Michael's albums are typically huge promotional projects that last years accompanied by many, many singles, music videos, concert performances and the traditional world tour to support every album. Now besides the world tour, I think we can expect that Mike's next album will be packed with as much promotional material as Thriller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory. I think he'll try to keep his album in the charts for a good while by releasing a new single every few months. i think he was releasing them in intervals of 3-4 months for the Thiller, Bad, Dangerous and HIStory albums. If he releases the album in 2009. Expect it to be around until 2011.
oh ok. i think that he should do 3 b4 the ablum so it can sell nice. i think the 1st single should be a club dance single something he never done b4. the second a slow ballad with keyshia cole omg that willl be hot . what yahll think.trellmj
record companies only release multiple singles before an album release when one of the singles doesn't catch on. MJ only needs one single before his album drops.
maybe 7.......?

im putttin my money on a feb 09 release first single..... ( in two formats )
march 09 - drops the album

I hoping for around 7.. 1 a few months prior to albums release.. 1 one month prior.. then release a single on it's release date.. That way by the first week that 3rd single will get enough play to get more buyers, but not over played where ppl are over it.. Then once the album is released.. I think he should release a single (1 every 3 months).. Keep the album alive for another STRONG year, keeping singles rolled out, and more ppl falling in love with each single released.. THEN a year goes by, Mike releases a new single (not on the album) but it's released as a BONUS track on a SPECIAL EDITION version of the album.. bringing in more sales, and re- opening the album to a whole new direction..

Yeah like he did with BAD, that's a great idea!!

7 singles wouldn't be one too many IMO!! :lol:
none, since there won't be a new album :p

We all know 4 sure there will be an album!

So stop saying there wont! Mike himself has confirmed he is working on a new album! Akon and many others has co-confirmed! Stop being negative please!!
We all know 4 sure there will be an album!

So stop saying there wont! Mike himself has confirmed he is working on a new album! Akon and many others has co-confirmed! Stop being negative please!!
Akon also said "Hold My Hand" would be on his album.....
Akon also said "Hold My Hand" would be on his album.....

We all know they recorded the song for an album, if it was for Mike's or Akon's or the song was gonna be on both albums we didn't know, but then again, with Mike you never know before you see it!

But all the same, Akon released an album. HMH wasn't on the album, but that doesn't indicate that Mike wont release an album. As long as he still makes songs, but because it's Mike he is very selective, which means he will only release songs in his name if the songs are up to his standard!

He takes a very long time before releasing the album because he will only want single material songs on the album, like Thriller! - He is a perfectionist, if the song is not good enough it wont be released. Simple as that!

BUT - we don't really know anything about HMH, maybe it will be added as a bonus track later on on Akon's album, that sure would boost sales! HMH could even be released on MJ's album 4 all we know!!
here is how i see things in my mind for the singles and promos

1st single - feb 09 #1 around the world - music video also- hard dance r&b track

2nd single - april 09 #1 around the world - music video - duet with whitney or kanye west

3rd single - june 09 #1 around the world - mtv performance video as promo

album release - july 09 #1 around the world (13 New Songs)

02 Tour in uk and ireland - plus other large venues around the world begins

4th single (LIVE) - October 09 #1 around the world - live video from tour as promo

5th single incl unreleased track (for the fans so guess what it's #1) - December 09 - music video

6th single alternative lyrics to album version (fan item here so guess what it's #1) - March 10 - music video

7th single new track from special edition version of album below - May 10 - music video #1 as its new and not on an album yet

Special edition version of album incl bonus tracks/live tracks and mixes - june 10 #1
here is how i see things in my mind for the singles and promos

1st single - feb 09 #1 around the world - music video also- hard dance r&b track

2nd single - april 09 #1 around the world - music video - duet with whitney or kanye west

3rd single - june 09 #1 around the world - mtv performance video as promo

album release - july 09 #1 around the world (13 New Songs)

02 Tour in uk and ireland - plus other large venues around the world begins

4th single (LIVE) - October 09 #1 around the world - live video from tour as promo

5th single incl unreleased track (for the fans so guess what it's #1) - December 09 - music video

6th single alternative lyrics to album version (fan item here so guess what it's #1) - March 10 - music video

7th single new track from special edition version of album below - May 10 - music video #1 as its new and not on an album yet

Special edition version of album incl bonus tracks/live tracks and mixes - june 10 #1

Sounds ok.

The campaign has to go on for more than a year so the sales will stay up.

Live concerts are very important!